Class SMB2ProcessResponsePacketHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SMB2ProcessResponsePacketHandler
    extends SMB2PacketHandler
    [MS-SMB2] Handling Incorrectly Formatted Responses AND Processing the Response

    If the client receives a response that does not conform to the structures specified in 2, the client MUST discard the response and fail the corresponding application request with an error indicating that an invalid network response was received. The client MAY<154> also disconnect the connection.

    The client MUST process the response based on the Command field of the SMB2 header of the response. When the processing is completed, the corresponding request MUST be removed from Connection.OutstandingRequests. The corresponding request MUST also be removed from Open.OutstandingRequests, if it exists.

    If the command that is received is not a valid command, or if the server returned a command that did not match the command of the request, the client SHOULD<155> fail the application request with an implementation-specific error that indicates an invalid network response was received.