

package testing

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait LocalSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll

    Manages a local sc SparkContext variable, correctly stopping it after each test.

  2. trait PerTestSparkContext extends LocalSparkContext with BeforeAndAfterEach

    Provides a local sc SparkContext variable, correctly stopping it after each test.

  3. trait SharedSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll

    Shares a local SparkContext between all tests in a suite and closes it at the end

  4. trait StreamingSuiteBase extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll with Logging with PerTestSparkContext

    This is the base trait for Spark Streaming testsuites.

  5. class TestOutputStream[T] extends Serializable

    This is a output stream just for testing.

Value Members

  1. object LocalSparkContext

  2. object Utils
