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allParameterAnnotatedWith(Constructor, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if any of the class constructor's parameters are not annotated with the given class.
areParameterNamesAvailable(Constructor) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the constructor's parameters names are defined.


BeanUtils - Class in com.hotels.beans
Set of Bean utilities.
BeanUtils() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.BeanUtils


CacheManager - Class in com.hotels.beans.cache
Cache Utils class.
CacheManager() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManager
CacheManagerFactory - Class in com.hotels.beans.cache
Creates a CacheManager instance for the given class.
CacheManagerFactory() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManagerFactory
cacheObject(String, T) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManager
Caches the given object.
cacheObject(String, T, Object) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManager
Caches the given object.
ClassType - Enum in com.hotels.beans.constant
Class type definition.
ClassUtils - Class in com.hotels.beans.utils
Reflection utils for Class objects.
ClassUtils() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Default constructor.
com.hotels.beans - package com.hotels.beans
Main package.
com.hotels.beans.annotation - package com.hotels.beans.annotation
Annotations package.
com.hotels.beans.base - package com.hotels.beans.base
Base package.
com.hotels.beans.cache - package com.hotels.beans.cache
cache package.
com.hotels.beans.constant - package com.hotels.beans.constant
Constants package.
com.hotels.beans.error - package com.hotels.beans.error
Exceptions package.
com.hotels.beans.model - package com.hotels.beans.model
Pojo package.
com.hotels.beans.populator - package com.hotels.beans.populator
Populator objects package.
com.hotels.beans.transformer - package com.hotels.beans.transformer
Bean transformer package.
com.hotels.beans.utils - package com.hotels.beans.utils
utilities package.
com.hotels.beans.validator - package com.hotels.beans.validator
validator package.
COMMA - com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Comma symbol.
ConstructorArg - Annotation Type in com.hotels.beans.annotation
Annotation for the auto injection of immutable beans.
containsAnnotation(Constructor, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the class constructor's parameters are annotated with the given class.


Defaults - Class in com.hotels.beans.base
Default values for primitive types.
Defaults() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.base.Defaults
defaultValue(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.base.Defaults
Gets the default value of a primitive type.
DOT - com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Dot symbol.


EmptyValue - Interface in com.hotels.beans.model
Needed in order to put in cache an empty value.


FieldMapping - Class in com.hotels.beans.model
Specifies the field's name mapping between the source object and destination one.
FieldMapping() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.model.FieldMapping
FieldTransformer<T,​K> - Class in com.hotels.beans.model
Specifies the field mapping between the source object and destination one.
FieldTransformer(String, Function<T, K>) - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.model.FieldTransformer
Creates a field transformer with a lambda function to be applied on the field.
FieldTransformer(String, Supplier<K>) - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.model.FieldTransformer
Creates a field transformer with a field supplier function to be applied on the field.
Filters - Class in com.hotels.beans.constant
Filters conditions.
Filters() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.constant.Filters


GET - com.hotels.beans.constant.MethodPrefix
Getter method prefix.
getAllArgsConstructor(Class<K>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Retrieves the all args constructor.
getArgumentTypeClass(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Gets the class of a given object.
getArrayType(Field) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Gets the type of an array.
getCacheManager(String) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManagerFactory
Creates a new CacheManager instance.
getClassType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Returns the class type.
getConstraintViolations(K) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.validator.Validator
Checks if an object is valid and returns the list of the constraints not met.
getConstraintViolations(K) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.validator.ValidatorImpl
Checks if an object is valid and returns the list of the constraints not met.
getConstraintViolationsMessages(K) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.validator.Validator
Checks if an object is valid and returns the list of the constraints messages not met.
getConstraintViolationsMessages(K) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.validator.ValidatorImpl
Checks if an object is valid and returns the list of the constraints messages not met.
getConstructorParameters(Constructor) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Gets all the constructor parameters.
getDeclaredClasses(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Retrieves all classes defined into the given one.
getDeclaredField(String, Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Return the field of the given class.
getDeclaredFields(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Return the fields of a class.
getDeclaredFieldType(String, Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Return the class of the given field.
getDefaultTypeValue(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Gets the default value of a primitive type.
getFieldAnnotation(Field, Class<A>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Returns (if existing) the field's given type annotation.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Gets the value of a field through getter method.
getFromCache(String, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManager
Retrieves an object from cache.
getGenericFieldType(Field) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Gets the generic infer type of an object.
getInstance(Constructor, Object...) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Creates an instance of the given class invoking the given constructor.
getMapGenericType(Type, String, String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Gets the generic infer type of a map object.
getNoArgsConstructor(Class<K>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Retrieves the no args constructor.
getNotFinalFields(Class<?>, Boolean) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Returns all the not final fields.
getParameterAnnotation(Parameter, Class<A>, String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Returns (if existing) the constructor parameter's given type annotation.
getPopulatedObject(Class<K>, String, O) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.populator.Populator
Populates the array of the target object with the values into the source object.
getPopulatedObject(Field, O) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.populator.Populator
Populates the array of the target object with the values into the source object.
getPopulator(Class<O>, Class<T>, Transformer) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.populator.PopulatorFactory
Creates an instance of the populator object based on the given class.
getPrefix() - Method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.MethodPrefix
Gets the method prefix.
getPrivateFields(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Return the private fields of a class.
getPrivateFields(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Return the private fields of a class.
getPrivateFinalFields(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Return the private final fields of a class.
getSetterMethodForField(Class<?>, String, Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Gets the setter method for a specific field.
getSetterMethods(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Retrieves all the setters method for the given class.
getTotalFields(Class<?>, Predicate<? super Field>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Return the total fields matching with the given predicate.
getTransformedObject(T) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.model.FieldTransformer
Returns a transformed object by applying the defined transformed function or the supplier.
getTransformer() - Method in class com.hotels.beans.BeanUtils
Returns a Bean Transformer.
getTransformer(Transformer, Class<K>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.BeanUtils
Returns a function that transforms an object T in an object K.
getTransformer(Class<K>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.BeanUtils
Returns a function that transforms an object T in an object K.
getValidator() - Method in class com.hotels.beans.BeanUtils
Returns a Bean Validator.


hasAccessibleConstructors(Class<K>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the destination class has accessible constructor.
hasField(Object, String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks that the class has a specific field.
hasFinalFields(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if a class has any final field.
hasSetterMethods(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if a class has setter methods.


IMMUTABLE - com.hotels.beans.constant.ClassType
The class is immutable.
InstanceCreationException - Exception in com.hotels.beans.error
Instance creation exception class.
InstanceCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.InstanceCreationException
Constructs a new instance creation exception with the specified detail message.
InvalidBeanException - Exception in com.hotels.beans.error
Invalid Bean exception class.
InvalidBeanException(String) - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.InvalidBeanException
Constructs a new invalid bean exception with the specified detail message.
InvalidBeanException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.InvalidBeanException
Constructs a new invalid bean exception with the specified detail message.
InvalidBeanException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.InvalidBeanException
Constructs a new invalid bean exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
is(ClassType) - Method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.ClassType
Checks if a the class type instance is equal to the given one.
IS - com.hotels.beans.constant.MethodPrefix
Boolean method prefix.
IS_FINAL_AND_NOT_STATIC_FIELD - Static variable in class com.hotels.beans.constant.Filters
Returns only the final not static field.
IS_NOT_FINAL_AND_NOT_STATIC_FIELD - Static variable in class com.hotels.beans.constant.Filters
Returns only the not final not static field.
IS_NOT_FINAL_FIELD - Static variable in class com.hotels.beans.constant.Filters
Returns only the not final field.
isBoolean(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Boolean.
isByte(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Byte.
isChar(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Boolean.
isDouble(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Double.
isFloat(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Float.
isInt(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Integer.
isLong(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Long.
isPrimitiveOrSpecialType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if an object is a primitive or special type.
isPrimitiveType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if an object is a special type.
isPrimitiveTypeArray(Object) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if an object is a primitive type array.
isSetter(Method) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Checks if the given method is a setter.
isShort(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if the given type is a Short.
isSpecialType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ClassUtils
Checks if an object is a special type.
ItemType - Class in com.hotels.beans.model
Bean class for mapping the "Generic" object type and its nested generic (if any).
ItemType() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.model.ItemType


LPAREN - com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Left parenthesis symbol.


MapElemType - Interface in com.hotels.beans.model
Interface that identifies the contained object elem types.
MapType - Class in com.hotels.beans.model
Bean class for mapping the java.util.Map type.
MapType() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.model.MapType
MethodPrefix - Enum in com.hotels.beans.constant
Default method prefix.
MissingFieldException - Exception in com.hotels.beans.error
Exception thrown if not the field not exists in the source object and no mapping has been specified.
MissingFieldException(String) - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.MissingFieldException
Constructs a new missing field exception with the specified detail message.
MissingMethodException - Exception in com.hotels.beans.error
Exception thrown if not a method not exists in the source object and no mapping has been specified.
MissingMethodException() - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.MissingMethodException
Constructs a new missing method exception with null as its detail message.
MissingMethodException(String) - Constructor for exception com.hotels.beans.error.MissingMethodException
Constructs a new method method exception with the specified detail message.
MIXED - com.hotels.beans.constant.ClassType
The class contains both final and not final fields.
MUTABLE - com.hotels.beans.constant.ClassType
The class is mutable.


notNull(T) - Static method in interface com.hotels.beans.validator.Validator
Validate that the specified argument is not null; otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException with the specified message.
notNull(T, String) - Static method in interface com.hotels.beans.validator.Validator
Validate that the specified argument is not null; otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException with the specified message.


Populator<O> - Class in com.hotels.beans.populator
Populator for collection or map objects.
PopulatorFactory - Class in com.hotels.beans.populator
Creates a Populator instance for the given class.
PopulatorFactory() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.populator.PopulatorFactory
Punctuation - Enum in com.hotels.beans.constant
Punctuation constants.


ReflectionUtils - Class in com.hotels.beans.utils
Reflection class utils.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
removeFieldMapping(String) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Removes the field mapping for the given field.
removeFieldTransformer(String) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Removes the field transformer for the given field.
removeFromCache(String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.cache.CacheManager
Removes an object from cache.
resetFieldsMapping() - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Removes all the configured fields mapping.
resetFieldsTransformationSkip() - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Removes all the configured fields to skip.
resetFieldsTransformer() - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Removes all the configured fields transformer.
RPAREN - com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Right parenthesis symbol.


SEMICOLON - com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Semicolon symbol.
SET - com.hotels.beans.constant.MethodPrefix
Setter method prefix.
setDefaultValueForMissingField(boolean) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
It allows to configure the transformer in order to set a default value in case some field is missing in the source object.
setFieldValue(Object, Field, Object) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.utils.ReflectionUtils
Set the value of a field.
setFlatFieldNameTransformation(boolean) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
It allows to configure the transformer in order to apply a transformation function on all fields matching the given name without keeping in consideration their full path.
setValidationEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
It allows to enable the object validation.
skipTransformationForField(String...) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Allows to specify all the fields for which the transformation have to be skipped.


transform(T, Class<? extends K>) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Copies all properties from an object to a new one.
transform(T, Class<? extends K>, String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.transformer.TransformerImpl
Copies all properties from an object to a new one.
transform(T, K) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Copies all properties from an object to a new one.
transform(T, K, String) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.transformer.TransformerImpl
Copies all properties from an object to a new one.
Transformer - Interface in com.hotels.beans.transformer
Utility methods for populating Mutable, Immutable and Hybrid JavaBeans properties via reflection.
TransformerImpl - Class in com.hotels.beans.transformer
Utility methods for populating Mutable, Immutable and Hybrid JavaBeans properties via reflection.
TransformerImpl() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.transformer.TransformerImpl


validate(K) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.validator.Validator
Checks if an object is valid.
validate(K) - Method in class com.hotels.beans.validator.ValidatorImpl
Checks if an object is valid.
Validator - Interface in com.hotels.beans.validator
Java Bean validation class.
ValidatorImpl - Class in com.hotels.beans.validator
Java Bean validation class.
ValidatorImpl() - Constructor for class com.hotels.beans.validator.ValidatorImpl
Default constructor.
value() - Method in annotation type com.hotels.beans.annotation.ConstructorArg
The field name in the target object.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.ClassType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.MethodPrefix
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.ClassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.MethodPrefix
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hotels.beans.constant.Punctuation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withFieldMapping(FieldMapping...) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Initializes the mapping between fields in the source object and the destination one.
withFieldTransformer(FieldTransformer...) - Method in interface com.hotels.beans.transformer.Transformer
Initializes the field transformer functions.
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