
package matching

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait ArrayMatchingStatus extends Product with Serializable

  2. sealed trait GeneralMatcher extends AnyRef

  3. sealed trait MatchBodyOutcome extends AnyRef

  4. sealed trait MatchHeadersOutcome extends AnyRef

  5. sealed trait MatchMethodOutcome extends AnyRef

  6. sealed trait MatchPathOutcome extends AnyRef

  7. case class MatchRequestBody(expected: InteractionRequest, actual: InteractionRequest) extends MatchRequestStageA[MatchBodyOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  8. case class MatchRequestHeaders(expected: InteractionRequest, actual: InteractionRequest) extends MatchRequestStageA[MatchHeadersOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  9. case class MatchRequestMethod(expected: InteractionRequest, actual: InteractionRequest) extends MatchRequestStageA[MatchMethodOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  10. case class MatchRequestPath(expected: InteractionRequest, actual: InteractionRequest) extends MatchRequestStageA[MatchPathOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  11. sealed trait MatchRequestStageA[A] extends AnyRef

  12. case class MatchResponseBody(expected: InteractionResponse, actual: InteractionResponse) extends MatchResponseStageA[MatchBodyOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  13. case class MatchResponseHeaders(expected: InteractionResponse, actual: InteractionResponse) extends MatchResponseStageA[MatchHeadersOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  14. sealed trait MatchResponseStageA[A] extends AnyRef

  15. case class MatchResponseStatus(expected: InteractionResponse, actual: InteractionResponse) extends MatchResponseStageA[MatchStatusOutcome] with Product with Serializable

  16. sealed trait MatchStatusOutcome extends AnyRef

  17. case class MatchingRuleContext(path: String, rule: MatchingRule) extends Product with Serializable

  18. case class RequestMatchOutcome(method: MatchMethodOutcome, path: MatchPathOutcome, headers: MatchHeadersOutcome, body: MatchBodyOutcome) extends Product with Serializable

  19. case class ResponseMatchOutcome(status: MatchStatusOutcome, headers: MatchHeadersOutcome, body: MatchBodyOutcome) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ArrayMatchingStatus extends Serializable

  2. object BodyMatching extends GeneralMatcher

  3. object HeaderMatching extends GeneralMatcher

  4. object InteractionMatchers

  5. object InteractionMatchingPrograms

  6. object MatchBodyFailed extends MatchBodyOutcome with Product with Serializable

  7. object MatchBodySuccess extends MatchBodyOutcome with Product with Serializable

  8. object MatchHeadersFailed extends MatchHeadersOutcome with Product with Serializable

  9. object MatchHeadersSuccess extends MatchHeadersOutcome with Product with Serializable

  10. object MatchMethodFailed extends MatchMethodOutcome with Product with Serializable

  11. object MatchMethodSuccess extends MatchMethodOutcome with Product with Serializable

  12. object MatchPathFailed extends MatchPathOutcome with Product with Serializable

  13. object MatchPathSuccess extends MatchPathOutcome with Product with Serializable

  14. object MatchStatusFailed extends MatchStatusOutcome with Product with Serializable

  15. object MatchStatusSuccess extends MatchStatusOutcome with Product with Serializable

  16. object MatchingInterpreters

  17. object MethodMatching extends GeneralMatcher

  18. object NoRuleMatchRequired extends ArrayMatchingStatus with Product with Serializable

  19. object PathMatching extends GeneralMatcher

  20. object PermissiveJsonEqualityHelper

  21. object PermissiveXmlEqualityHelper

  22. object PlainTextEquality

  23. object RuleMatchFailure extends ArrayMatchingStatus with Product with Serializable

  24. object RuleMatchSuccess extends ArrayMatchingStatus with Product with Serializable

  25. object ScalaPactJsonEquality

  26. object ScalaPactXmlEquality

  27. object SharedJsonEqualityHelpers

  28. object SharedXmlEqualityHelpers

  29. object StatusMatching extends GeneralMatcher

  30. object StrictJsonEqualityHelper

  31. object StrictXmlEqualityHelper

  32. object WildCardRuleMatching
