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accept(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
The Accept header to send (e.g.
accept(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
The Accept header to send (e.g.
accept(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
accept(String, String, Long, Long) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.ProgressMonitor
Accept stats about the current file upload chunk for a file.
ACCEPT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.1
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.2
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.3
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.4
ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.5
ACCEPTED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
accepts(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
Add a element to a JSONArray in a element.
add - kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
add(Boolean) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
add(Number) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
add(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
add(String, E) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
add(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
add(String, Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
add(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Add a header element
add(String, Supplier<String>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Add a header element with a supplier which will be evaluated on request
add(String, JsonEngine.Element) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
add(Map<String, String>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
add(JsonEngine.Element) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
addDefaultCookie(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Adds a default cookie to be added to all requests with this config
addDefaultCookie(Cookie) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Adds a default cookie to be added to all requests with this config
addDefaultHeader(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Add default header to appear on all requests
addProperty(String, Boolean) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
addProperty(String, Number) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
addProperty(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
addProperty(String, JsonEngine.Element) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
AGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.6
all() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Get all of the headers
all() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
ALLOW - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.1, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.7
ALREADY_REPORTED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
append(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer.Builder
append(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer.Builder
append(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
appends to an existing array
APPLICATION_ATOM_XML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_JSON_PATCH - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_SVG_XML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_XHTML_XML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
apply(HttpRequest, Boolean, Class<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache.KeyGenerator
A function to generate a cache key
asBytes() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and returns the response with the body mapped into a byte[]
asBytesAsync() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response with the body mapped into a byte[]
asBytesAsync(Callback<byte[]>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response with the body mapped into a byte[]
asEmpty() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and returns the response without parsing the body
asEmptyAsync() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response without parsing the body
asEmptyAsync(Callback<Empty>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns a empty response which is passed to a callback
asFile(String, CopyOption...) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and writes the contents into a file
asFileAsync(String, CopyOption...) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
asynchronously executes the request and writes the contents into a file
asFileAsync(String, Callback<File>, CopyOption...) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
asynchronously executes the request and writes the contents into a file
asJson() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and returns the response with the body mapped into a JsonNode
asJsonAsync() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response with the body mapped into a JsonNode
asJsonAsync(Callback<JsonNode>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response with the body mapped into a JsonNode
asObject(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and returns the response with the body mapped into T by a configured ObjectMapper
asObject(Function<RawResponse, T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Execute the request and pass the raw response to a function for mapping.
asObject(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and returns the response with the body mapped into T by a configured ObjectMapper
asObjectAsync(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns response with the body mapped into T by a configured ObjectMapper
asObjectAsync(Class<? extends T>, Callback<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously, mapping to a type via the configured object mapper and then passed to a callback handler.
asObjectAsync(Function<RawResponse, T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously, and pass the raw response to a function for mapping.
asObjectAsync(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously, and use a GenericType with the ObjectMapper
asObjectAsync(GenericType<T>, Callback<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously, and use a GenericType with the ObjectMapper
asPaged(Function<HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, Function<HttpResponse<T>, String>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Allows for following paging links common in many APIs.
asString() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request and returns the response with the body mapped into a String
asString() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestSummary
asStringAsync() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response with the body mapped into a String
asStringAsync(Callback<String>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Executes the request asynchronously and returns the response with the body mapped into a String
AU - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.2, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.8
automaticRetries(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Automaticly retry certain recoverable errors like socket timeouts.
AVI - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


backingCache(Cache) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cache.Builder
Sets a custom backing cache.
BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
bar - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.json.Foo
basicAuth(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Basic auth credentials
basicAuth(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Basic auth credentials
basicAuth(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
BasicResponse<T> - Class in kong.unirest.core
BasicResponse(RawResponse) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.BasicResponse
BasicResponse(RawResponse, String, RuntimeException) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.BasicResponse
BasicResponse(RawResponse, T) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.BasicResponse
begin(HttpRequestSummary) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.UniMetric
Factory method for a MetricContext
BMP - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
body(byte[]) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set a byte array as the body of the request
body(byte[]) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set a byte array as the body of the request
body(InputStream) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set a InputStream as the body
body(InputStream) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set a InputStream as the body
body(Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set a Object as the body of the request.
body(Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set a Object as the body of the request.
body(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set a String as the body of the request
body(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set a String as the body of the request
body(JSONElement) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set JSON on the body
body(JSONElement) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set JSON on the body
body(JsonNode) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set JSON on the body
body(JsonNode) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set JSON on the body
Body - Interface in kong.unirest.core
BodyPart<T> - Class in kong.unirest.core
BodyPart(T, String, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
BROWSER_COMPATIBLE - kong.unirest.core.MultipartMode
browser-compatible mode, i.e.
build() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.SSLContextBuilder
build() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer.Builder
builder() - Static method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache
a builder for cache options
builder() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer
Builder() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Cache.Builder
ByteArrayPart - Class in kong.unirest.core
ByteResponse - Class in kong.unirest.core
ByteResponse(RawResponse, ProgressMonitor) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.ByteResponse
BZ2 - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


Cache - Interface in kong.unirest.core
Cache interface for response caching
CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.9
Cache.Builder - Class in kong.unirest.core
Cache.Key - Interface in kong.unirest.core
Interface for the cache key which can be implemented by consumers The key should implement equals and hashCode It must must return the time the key was created.
Cache.KeyGenerator - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A functional interface to generate a cache key
cacheResponses(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Enable Response Caching with default options
cacheResponses(Cache.Builder) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Enable Response Caching with custom options
Callback<T> - Interface in kong.unirest.core
cancelled() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Callback
charset(Charset) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Set the Charset encoding for the Content-Type.
charset(Charset) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
Set the encoding of the request body
charset(Charset) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set the Charset encoding for the Content-Type.
ciphers(String...) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a custom array of ciphers
clear() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Clear the headers!
clearDefaultHeaders() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Clear default headers
Client - Interface in kong.unirest.core
clientCertificateStore(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a custom keystore via a file path.
clientCertificateStore(KeyStore, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a custom keystore
close() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Wraps shutdown and will automatically be called when UnirestInstance is used with try-with-resource.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
compareTo(GenericType<T>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.GenericType
compile(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer
complete(HttpResponseSummary, Exception) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MetricContext
Finishes a Http Request.
completed(HttpResponse<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Callback
config - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.RawResponseBase
config - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
config() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Access the default configuration for the primary Unirest instance.
config() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Access the default configuration for the primary Unirest instance.
Config - Class in kong.unirest.core
Config() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Config
CONFLICT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
connect(WebSocket.Listener) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
connect(WebSocket.Listener) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
CONNECTION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.10
connectionTTL(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Total time to live (TTL) defines maximum life span of persistent connections regardless of their expiration setting.
connectionTTL(Duration) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Sugar! Total time to live (TTL) defines maximum life span of persistent connections regardless of their expiration setting.
connectTimeout(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set the connection timeout
connectTimeout(int) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Set a connect timeout for this request
containsKey(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Check if a header is present
CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.3, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.11
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.12
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.4, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.13
CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.14
CONTENT_MD5 - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.15
CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.16
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.5, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.17
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
contentType(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
contentType(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
Set the mime-type of the request body
contentType(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
ContentType - Class in kong.unirest.core
cookie(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add a simple cookie header
cookie(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add a simple cookie header
cookie(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
cookie(Collection<Cookie>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
cookie(Collection<Cookie>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add a collection of cookie headers
cookie(Collection<Cookie>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add a collection of cookie headers
cookie(Collection<Cookie>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
cookie(Cookie) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
cookie(Cookie) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add a simple cookie header
cookie(Cookie) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add a simple cookie header
cookie(Cookie) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
Cookie - Class in kong.unirest.core
Represents a cookie parsed from the set-cookie header per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265 note that the RFC is awful.
Cookie(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
Construct a cookie from a set-cookie value
Cookie(String, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
Cookie.SameSite - Enum in kong.unirest.core
Cookies - Class in kong.unirest.core
Represents a collection of cookies with some helper methods for parsing and getting cookie
Cookies() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Cookies
cookieSpec(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Sets a cookie policy Acceptable values: 'default' (same as Netscape), 'netscape', 'ignoreCookies', 'standard' (RFC 6265 interoprability profile) , 'standard-strict' (RFC 6265 strict profile)
CookieSpecs - Class in kong.unirest.core
Standard cookie specifications supported by Unirest.
CookieSpecs() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.CookieSpecs
copy - kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
copy(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
copy(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
CoreFactory - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
CoreFactory() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.CoreFactory
create() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.java.SSLContextBuilder
create(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
create(String, Charset) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
CREATED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
CSS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


DATE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.6, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.18
DAV - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.1
DEFAULT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.CookieSpecs
The default policy.
DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.Config
DEFAULT_PATTERN - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.Util
defaultBaseUrl(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
set a default base url for all routes.
delete(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a DELETE HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
delete(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a DELETE HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
DELETE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
depth(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cache.Builder
defines the max depth of the cache in number of values.
DEPTH - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.2
DESTINATION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.3
DOC - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
DOCX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
DOTX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
doubleToString(double) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
convert a primitive number to a string if the double can be converted to a whole number the decimal will be dropped
downloadMonitor(ProgressMonitor) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
sets a download monitor for monitoring the response.
DTD - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


Empty - Class in kong.unirest.core
enableCookieManagement(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Allow the client to manage cookies.
EOT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
equals(Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache.Key
equals(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
equals(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.Foo
equals(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
equals(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
equals(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
ES - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
ETAG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.19
EXE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
executor(Executor) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Sets a custom executor for requests
EXPECT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.20
EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
EXPIRES - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.7, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.21


failed(UnirestException) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Callback
FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
FailedResponse<T> - Class in kong.unirest.core
A failed response you COULD return if you want to live in a house of lies.
FailedResponse(Exception) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
Build a elaborate lie from a failure.
field(String, byte[], String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, byte[], ContentType, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, File) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets a File on the body.
field(String, File) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, File, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets a File on the body with a specified content-type.
field(String, File, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, InputStream, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets a File on the body from a raw InputStream requires a file name.
field(String, InputStream, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, InputStream, ContentType) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, InputStream, ContentType, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets a File on the body from a raw InputStream requires a specified content-type and file name.
field(String, InputStream, ContentType, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets a field param on the body.
field(String, Object, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets a field param on the body with a specified content-type.
field(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
field(String, Collection<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets multiple field params on the body each with the same name.
field(String, Collection<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
add a simple field with a name and value
fields(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Sets multiple field params on the body from a map of key/value pairs.
FilePart - Class in kong.unirest.core
FilePart(File, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.FilePart
FilePart(File, String, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.FilePart
FileResponse - Class in kong.unirest.core
FileResponse(RawResponse, String, ProgressMonitor, CopyOption...) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.FileResponse
followRedirects(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Allow the client to follow redirects.
Foo - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
Foo() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.Foo
Foo(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.Foo
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
FOUND - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
FROM - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.8, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.22
fromBody(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.QueryParams
fromJson(JsonEngine.Element, Class<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
fromURI(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.QueryParams


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
GenericType<T> - Class in kong.unirest.core
Parts of this file were taken from Jackson/core TypeReference under the Apache License: Apache (Software) License, version 2.0 ("the License").
GenericType() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.GenericType
get(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get the element at the index
get(int) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
get(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Get all the values for a header name
get(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
get(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get and element by key as its native object
get(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a GET HttpRequest which does not support a body from the primary config
get(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a GET HttpRequest which does not support a body from the primary config
get(Cache.Key, Supplier<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache
Returns the cached HttpResponse for a key or uses the Supplier to fetch the response
GET - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
getArray() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonNode
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsBigInteger() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsBoolean() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsDouble() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsFloat() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsInt() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsJsonArray() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsJsonObject() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsJsonPrimitive() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsLong() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsPrimitive() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsString() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getAsync(Cache.Key, Supplier<CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>>>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache
Returns the cached HttpResponse for a key or uses the Supplier to fetch the response
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a BigDecimal at a specified index
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get an element property as a BigDecimal
getBigInteger(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a BigInteger at a specified index
getBigInteger(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get an element property as a BigInteger
getBodies() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.PagedList
getBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BasicResponse
getBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteResponse
getBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
getBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FileResponse
getBody() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
getBody() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
getBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonResponse
getBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.StringResponse
getBoolean(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a boolean at a specified index
getBoolean(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
gets a boolean value at a particular key
getBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteResponse
getCharset() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
getCharset() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
get the current default charset
getCharSet() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.RawResponseBase
getCiphers() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getClient() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Client
getClient() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Return the current Client.
getClient() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
getConfig() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getConfig() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.RawResponseBase
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getConnectTimeout() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
getContent() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getContentAsBytes() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getContentAsString() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getContentAsString(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getContentReader() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getContentType() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
getContentType() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getCookies() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
getCookies() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
return a cookie collection parse from the set-cookie header
getCookieSpec() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getCore() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.CoreFactory
getCreationTime() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
getCustomExecutor() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getDefaultBaseUrl() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getDefaultHeaders() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Return default headers that are added to every request
getDefaultResponseEncoding() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getDomain() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
getDouble(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Double at a specified index
getDouble(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a double
getElement() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
getEnabledCookieManagement() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getEncoding() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getEngineElement() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
getEnum(Class<T>, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a enum value based on name from a specific index
getEnum(Class<T>, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get element as a enum value
getExpiration() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
Per Wikipedia: The Expires attribute defines a specific date and time for when the browser should delete the cookie.
getField(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
getFileName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
getFileName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteArrayPart
getFileName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FilePart
getFileName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.InputStreamPart
getFirst(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Get the first header value for a name
getFloat(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Float at a specified index
getFloat(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a float
getFollowRedirects() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getHeaders() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
getHeaders() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
getHeaders() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
getHeaders() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getHeaders() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
getHeaders() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
getHost() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
getHttpMethod() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
getHttpMethod() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestSummary
getInt(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a int at a specified index
getInt(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get an element property as a int
getJSONArray(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a JSONArray at a specified index
getJSONArray(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the element as a JSONArray
getJSONObject(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a JSONObject at a specified index
getJSONObject(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the element as a JSONObject
getKeystore() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getKeyStorePassword() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getLong(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a long at a specified index
getLong(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a long
getMaxAge() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
Per Wikipedia: the Max-Age attribute can be used to set the cookie's expiration as an interval of seconds in the future, relative to the time the browser received the cookie.
getMetric() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getMimeType() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
getMode() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
getMonitor() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
getName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
getName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
getName() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Header
getName() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.QueryParams.NameValuePair
getNamed(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookies
Get cookie by name
getNames(Object) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get all of the keys of a JSONObject or a empty array if not an JSONObject
getNames(JSONObject) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get all of the keys of a JSONObject
getNumber(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Number at a specified index
getNumber(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get an element property as a Number
getObject() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonNode
getObjectMapper() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getObjectMapper() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
getOp() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
getOperations() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
getOperationtype() - Method in enum kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
getOriginalBody() - Method in exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestParsingException
getParsingError() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
getParsingError() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
If the transformation to the body failed by an exception it will be kept here
getPartType() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
getPassword() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
getPath() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
getPath() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
getPort() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
getProtocols() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getProxy() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getQueryParams() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.QueryParams
getRawBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BasicResponse
getRawBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteResponse
getRawBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FileResponse
getRawBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonResponse
getRawBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.StringResponse
getRawPath() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestSummary
GetRequest - Interface in kong.unirest.core
getRequestSummary() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
getRequestSummary() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
getRequestSummary() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getRequestSummary() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.RawResponseBase
getSameSite() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
returns the SameSite attribute
getSslContext() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getStatus() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
Returns a 542, which is nothing and a lie.
getStatus() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
getStatus() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponseSummary
getStatus() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getStatusText() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
a error message of the exception
getStatusText() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
getStatusText() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponseSummary
getStatusText() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
getString(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a String at a specified index
getString(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get a element property as a string
getTime() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache.Key
The time the key was created to be used by purging functions
getTTL() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getType() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.GenericType
getTypeClass() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.GenericType
getUniInterceptor() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
getUrl() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
getUrl() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestSummary
getUrl() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
getUrl() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
getUrlDecodedValue() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
getUsername() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
getValue() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
getValue() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
getValue() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Header
getValue() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
getValue() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.QueryParams.NameValuePair
getVersion() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
GIF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
GONE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
GZ - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


has(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
has(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
hasContent() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
hashCode() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Cache.Key
As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects.
hashCode() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
hashCode() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.Foo
hashCode() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
hashCode() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
hashCode() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
head(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a HEAD HttpRequest which does not support a body from the primary config
head(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a HEAD HttpRequest which does not support a body from the primary config
HEAD - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
header(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add a http header, HTTP supports multiple of the same header.
header(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add a http header, HTTP supports multiple of the same header.
header(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
Header - Interface in kong.unirest.core
HeaderNames - Class in kong.unirest.core
Constants enumerating the HTTP headers.
headerReplace(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Replace a header value or add it if it doesn't exist
headerReplace(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Replace a header value or add it if it doesn't exist
headerReplace(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
headers - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
headers(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add headers as a map
headers(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add headers as a map
headers(Map<String, String>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
Headers - Class in kong.unirest.core
Headers() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Headers(Collection<Headers.Entry>) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Headers
headersReplace(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Replace headers as a map
HOST - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.23
HQX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
HTML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
httpClient(Function<Config, Client>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Provide a builder for a client
httpClient(Client) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set the HttpClient implementation to use for every synchronous request
HttpMethod - Class in kong.unirest.core
HttpRequest<R extends HttpRequest> - Interface in kong.unirest.core
The primary request builder used to create a request.
HttpRequestSummary - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A summary of a request about to be performed
HttpRequestWithBody - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A request Builder for POST and PUT operations with a body.
HttpResponse<T> - Interface in kong.unirest.core
HttpResponseSummary - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A Summary of rhe response
HttpStatus - Class in kong.unirest.core
HttpStatus() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus


ICO - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
IF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.4
IF_MATCH - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.24
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.9, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.25
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.26
IF_RANGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.27
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.28
ifFailure(Class<? extends E>, Consumer<HttpResponse<E>>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
ifFailure(Class<? extends E>, Consumer<HttpResponse<E>>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
If the response was NOT a 200-series response or a mapping exception happened.
ifFailure(Consumer<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
ifFailure(Consumer<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
If the response was NOT a 200-series response or a mapping exception happened.
ifFailure(Consumer<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.PagedList
For each failed response if the response was NOT a 200-series response or a mapping exception happened.
ifSuccess(Consumer<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
ifSuccess(Consumer<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
If the response was a 200-series response.
ifSuccess(Consumer<HttpResponse<T>>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.PagedList
For each successful response If the response was a 200-series response.
IGNORE_COOKIES - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.CookieSpecs
The policy that ignores cookies.
IM_A_TEAPOT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
IM_USED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
IMAGE_BMP - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
IMAGE_GIF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
IMAGE_JPEG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
IMAGE_PNG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
IMAGE_SVG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
IMAGE_TIFF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
IMAGE_WEBP - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
increment(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
increments a numeric value by 1, or creates it with a value of 1 if it does not exist.
InputStreamPart - Class in kong.unirest.core
instrumentWith(UniMetric) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Add a metric object for instrumentation
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
interceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Add a Interceptor which will be called before and after the request;
Interceptor - Interface in kong.unirest.core
Each configuration of Unirest has an interceptor.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
isArray() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonNode
isAuthenticated() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
isAutomaticRetries() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
isAutomaticRetryAfter() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
isBoolean() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Primitive
isEmpty() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
returns if the array is empty
isEmpty() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
isEntityBody() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
isEntityBody() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.TestBody
isFile() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.BodyPart
isFile() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteArrayPart
isFile() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FilePart
isFile() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.InputStreamPart
isFile() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ParamPart
isGzipped(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteResponse
isHttpOnly() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
Per Wikipedia: The HttpOnly attribute directs browsers not to expose cookies through channels other than HTTP (and HTTPS) requests.
isJsonArray() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
isJsonNull() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
isJsonObject() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
isJsonPrimitive() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Element
isMultiPart() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
isMultiPart() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.TestBody
isNull(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
Indicates if the index does not exist or it's contents are null
isNull(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
indicate if the key does not exist or its value is null
isNumber() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Primitive
isRequestCompressionOn() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
isRunning() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Does the config have currently running clients? Find out here.
isSecure() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
Per Wikipedia: The Secure attribute is meant to keep cookie communication limited to encrypted transmission, directing browsers to use cookies only via secure/encrypted connections.
isSuccess() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
is this a success? Obvs no!
isSuccess() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
isVerifySsl() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Will unirest verify the SSL? You should only do this in non-prod environments.
iterator() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray


JAR - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
JavaClient - Class in kong.unirest.core.java
JavaClient(Config) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
JavaClient(Config, HttpClient) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
join(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
return the array as a string delimited by a specific token
join(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
JPG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
JS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
JSON - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
JSONArray - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
https://json.org/ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-4 Represents a JSON Array
JSONArray() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
construct a empty JSONArray
JSONArray(Object) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a typed array (int[]).
JSONArray(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
construct a JSONArray from a String
JSONArray(Collection<?>) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a collection.
JSONElement - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
JSONElement(JsonEngine.Element) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
JsonEngine - Interface in kong.unirest.core.json
JsonEngine.Array - Interface in kong.unirest.core.json
JsonEngine.Element - Interface in kong.unirest.core.json
JsonEngine.Object - Interface in kong.unirest.core.json
JsonEngine.Primitive - Interface in kong.unirest.core.json
JSONException - Exception in kong.unirest.core.json
JSONException(Exception) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.json.JSONException
JSONException(String) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.json.JSONException
JSONException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.json.JSONException
JsonNode - Class in kong.unirest.core
JsonNode(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonNode
JSONObject - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
https://json.org/ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-4 represents a JSON Object
JSONObject() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
an empty JSON object
JSONObject(Object) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
construct using an object.
JSONObject(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
JSONObject(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
construct using a map
jsonPatch(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a PATCH HttpRequest which supports a JSON Patch builder.
jsonPatch(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a PATCH HttpRequest which supports a JSON Patch builder.
JsonPatch - Class in kong.unirest.core
JsonPatch() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
JsonPatch(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
JsonPatchItem - Class in kong.unirest.core
JsonPatchItem(JSONObject) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
JsonPatchItem(JsonPatchOperation, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
JsonPatchItem(JsonPatchOperation, String, Object) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
JsonPatchOperation - Enum in kong.unirest.core
JsonPatchRequest - Interface in kong.unirest.core
JSONPointer - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
A Json Pointer query object following https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
JSONPointer(String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer
a JSONPointer constructor
JSONPointer.Builder - Class in kong.unirest.core.json
JSONPointerException - Exception in kong.unirest.core.json
JSONPointerException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointerException
JsonResponse - Class in kong.unirest.core
JsonResponse(RawResponse) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.JsonResponse


keys() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get a iterator for the keyset
keySet() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
keySet() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get all the keys as a set
kong.unirest.core - package kong.unirest.core
kong.unirest.core.java - package kong.unirest.core.java
kong.unirest.core.json - package kong.unirest.core.json


LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.10, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.29
Lax - kong.unirest.core.Cookie.SameSite
length() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
length() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
listener() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketResponse
loadKeyMaterial(KeyStore, char[]) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.SSLContextBuilder
LOCATION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.11, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.30
LOCK_TOKEN - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.5
LOCKED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
LOOP_DETECTED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus


map(Function<T, V>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
map(Function<T, V>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
Map the Response into another response with a different body
mapBody(Function<T, V>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
mapBody(Function<T, V>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
Map the body into another type
mapError(Class<? extends E>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
Map the body to an error object, however because the body in this case is always null this will always return null
mapError(Class<? extends E>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpResponse
Map the body into a error class if the response was NOT a 200-series response or a mapping exception happened.
MAPPER - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
MAX_FORWARDS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.31
maxAge(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cache.Builder
Sets a Time-To-Live for response objects.
maxRetries() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
method - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
MetricContext - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A metric context for the current request
MIDI - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
MimeTypes - Class in kong.unirest.core
A non-exclusive list of the most popular mime content types
MimeTypes() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
MJS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
mode(MultipartMode) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
Set the Apache Mode.
move - kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
move(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
move(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
MP3 - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
MPEG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
MULTI_STATUS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
MultipartBody - Interface in kong.unirest.core
Represents a multi-part body builder for a request.
multiPartContent() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Forces the request to send as multipart even if all params are simple
MultipartMode - Enum in kong.unirest.core
multiParts() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
multiParts() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.TestBody
MULTIPLE_CHOICE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus


name() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
names() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the key names as a JSONArray
NameValuePair(String, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.QueryParams.NameValuePair
NETSCAPE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.CookieSpecs
The Netscape cookie draft compliant policy.
NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
newEngineArray() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newEngineObject() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newEngineObject(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newJsonArray(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newJsonArray(Collection<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newJsonPrimitive(Boolean) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newJsonPrimitive(Number) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newJsonPrimitive(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
newJsonPrimitive(T) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
NO_CONTENT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
noCharset() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequestWithBody
Removes any Charset for the Content-Type for when servers cannot process it.
noCharset() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Removes any Charset for the Content-Type for when servers cannot process it.
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
None - kong.unirest.core.Cookie.SameSite
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
NOT_EXTENDED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
NULL - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
numberToString(Number) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
Convert a number to a string


ObjectMapper - Interface in kong.unirest.core
OGG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
OK - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
onFail(Exception, HttpRequestSummary, Config) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Interceptor
Called in the case of a total failure.
onRequest(HttpRequest<?>, Config) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Interceptor
Called just before a request.
onResponse(HttpResponse<?>, HttpRequestSummary, Config) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Interceptor
Called just after the request.
opt(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get the element at the index
opt(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
optionally return the object or null if it doesn't exist
optBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a BigDecimal at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a BigDecimal
optBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a BigDecimal or default value
optBigInteger(int, BigInteger) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a BigInteger at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a BigInteger
optBigInteger(String, BigInteger) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a BigInteger or default value
optBoolean(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a boolean at a specified index
optBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a boolean at a specified index
optBoolean(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
gets a boolean value at a particular key or false as default
optBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
gets a boolean value at a particular key or a default value
optDouble(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Double at a specified index
optDouble(int, double) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Double at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a double
optDouble(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
the value as double or NaN
optDouble(String, double) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a double or default value
optEnum(Class<T>, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
optEnum(Class<T>, int, T) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
optEnum(Class<T>, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get element as a enum value or null if the value cannot be mapped
optEnum(Class<T>, String, T) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get element as a enum value or a default value if the value cannot be mapped
optFloat(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Float at a specified index, or a NaN value if the value does not exist or is not a Float
optFloat(int, float) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Float at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a Float
optFloat(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
the value as double or NaN
optFloat(String, float) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a float or default value
optInt(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a int at a specified index, or 0 if the value does not exist or is not a int
optInt(int, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a int at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a int
optInt(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
the value as int or NaN
optInt(String, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a int or default value
options(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a OPTIONS HttpRequest which does not support a body from the primary config
options(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a OPTIONS HttpRequest which does not support a body from the primary config
OPTIONS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
optJSONArray(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a String at a specified index, or null if the value does not exist or is not a JSONArray
optJSONArray(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
optionally get the element as a JSONArray
optJSONObject(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a JSONObject at a specified index or null if it does not exist or is not a valid JSONObject
optJSONObject(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the element as a JSONObject
optLong(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a long at a specified index, or 0 if the value does not exist or is not a long
optLong(int, long) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a long at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a long
optLong(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
the value as long or NaN
optLong(String, long) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a long or default value
optNumber(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Number at a specified index
optNumber(int, Number) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a Number at a specified index
optNumber(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
the value as int or 0
optNumber(String, Number) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get the value as a Number or default value
optQuery(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
optQuery(JSONPointer) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
optString(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a String at a specified index, or an empty string if the value does not exist or is not a String
optString(int, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
get a String at a specified index, or a default value if the value does not exist or is not a String
optString(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get a element property as a string
optString(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
get a element property as a string
OTF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
OVERWRITE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.6


PagedList<T> - Class in kong.unirest.core
PagedList() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.PagedList
ParamPart - Class in kong.unirest.core
parse(String) - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.Cookie.SameSite
PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
patch(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a PATCH HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
patch(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a PATCH HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
PATCH - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
PDF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
PERMANENT_REDIRECT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
PL - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
PNG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
post(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a POST HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
post(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a POST HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
POST - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
POTX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
PPSX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
PPT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
PPTX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
PRAGMA - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.12, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.32
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
PRECONDITION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
primaryInstance() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
return the primary UnirestInstance.
ProgressMonitor - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A ProgressMonitor is a functional interface which can be passed to unirest for the purposes of monitoring uploads and downloads.
protocols(String...) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a custom array of protocols
proxy(String, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a proxy
proxy(String, int, String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set an authenticated proxy
proxy(Proxy) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a proxy
Proxy - Class in kong.unirest.core
Proxy(String, Integer) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
Proxy(String, Integer, String, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Proxy
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.33
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.34
PS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
put(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a Boolean to the array
put(double) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a double to the array
put(float) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a float to the array
put(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a int to the array
put(int, boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a boolean at a specific index
put(int, double) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a double at a specific instance if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, float) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a float at a specific instance if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a int at a specific instance if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, long) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a long at a specific instance if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, Boolean) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
put(int, Number) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a Number at a specific instance if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, Number) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
put(int, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a object at a specific instance if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a String at a specific index if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
put(int, Collection) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a JSONArray at a specific index as a Collection if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, Map) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a JSONObject as a map at a specific index if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(int, T) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a Enum name at a specific index as a string if the index is beyond the currently length the array will be buffered with nulls
put(long) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a long to the array
put(Number) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a Number to the array
put(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a Object to the array Must be a valid JSON type or else it will be turned into a string
put(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a String to the array
put(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Start a PUT HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
put(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Start a PUT HttpRequest which supports a body from the primary config
put(String, boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a boolean at a particular key
put(String, double) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a double at a particular key
put(String, float) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a float at a particular key
put(String, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a int at a particular key
put(String, long) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a long at a particular key
put(String, Number) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a Number at a particular key
put(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put an object to a key.
put(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a String at a particular key
put(String, Collection) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a Collection as a JSONArray at a particular key
put(String, Map) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a Collection as a JSONArray at a particular key
put(String, JSONArray) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a JSONArray at a particular key
put(String, JSONObject) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a JSONObject at a particular key
put(String, T) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a enum at a particular key.
put(Collection) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a JSONArray to the array
put(Map) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
add a JSONObject to the array as a map
put(JSONArray) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
append a JSONArray as an element to the end of the array
put(JSONObject) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
append a JSONObject to the end of the array
put(T) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
put a enum which will be put as the string name
PUT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
putAll(Headers) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Add a bunch of headers at once
putOnce(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
put a value to a key only if it does not exist
putOpt(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
optional put a value at a key as long as both they key and value are not null otherwise it does nothing


QT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
query(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
query the object graph using JSONPointer https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
query(JSONPointer) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
query the object graph using JSONPointer https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
queryFrom(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer
QueryParams - Class in kong.unirest.core
QueryParams.NameValuePair - Class in kong.unirest.core
queryString(String, Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
add a query param to the url.
queryString(String, Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
add a query param to the url.
queryString(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
queryString(String, Collection<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add multiple param with the same param name.
queryString(String, Collection<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add multiple param with the same param name.
queryString(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
queryString(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Add query params as a map of name value pairs
queryString(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
Add query params as a map of name value pairs
queryString(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
quote(Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
quote(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
quite escape a string
quote(String, Writer) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
quite escape a string


RAM - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
RANGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.35
RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
RAR - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
RawResponse - Interface in kong.unirest.core
RawResponseBase - Class in kong.unirest.core
RawResponseBase(Config, HttpRequestSummary) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.RawResponseBase
RDF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
readValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.ObjectMapper
readValue(String, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.ObjectMapper
REFERER - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.13, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.36
remove - kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
remove(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
Removes the element at the specified position in this array.
remove(int) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
remove(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
remove(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
remove a element by key name
remove(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
remove(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
replace - kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
replace(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
replace(String, Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
replace(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Replace a header value.
replace(Map<String, String>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Replace all headers from a given map.
request(String, String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
request(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
request(HttpRequest, Function<RawResponse, HttpResponse<T>>, Class<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Client
Make a request
request(HttpRequest, Function<RawResponse, HttpResponse<T>>, Class<?>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
request(HttpRequest, Function<RawResponse, HttpResponse<T>>, CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>>, Class<?>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Client
Make a Async request
request(HttpRequest, Function<RawResponse, HttpResponse<T>>, CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>>, Class<?>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
RequestBodyEntity - Interface in kong.unirest.core
requestCompression(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Turn on or off requesting all content as compressed.
reset() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Shutdown the current config and re-init.
reset() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Close the asynchronous client and its event loop.
reset(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Shut down the configuration and its clients.
reset(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Close the asynchronous client and its event loop.
RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
responseEncoding(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
The encoding to expect the response to be for cases where the server fails to respond with the proper encoding
responseEncoding(String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
The encoding to expect the response to be for cases where the server fails to respond with the proper encoding
responseEncoding(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.37
retryAfter(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Automatically retry synchronous requests on 429/529 responses with the Retry-After response header Default is false
retryAfter(boolean, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Automatically retry synchronous requests on 429/529 responses with the Retry-After response header Default is false
RFC6532 - kong.unirest.core.MultipartMode
RFC 6532 compliant
routeParam(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
add a route param that replaces the matching {name} For example routeParam("name", "fred") will replace {name} in https://localhost/users/{user} to https://localhost/users/fred
routeParam(String, String) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
add a route param that replaces the matching {name} For example routeParam("name", "fred") will replace {name} in https://localhost/users/{user} to https://localhost/users/fred
routeParam(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
routeParam(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
add a route param map that replaces the matching {name} For example routeParam(Map.of("name", "fred")) will replace {name} in https://localhost/users/{user} to https://localhost/users/fred
routeParam(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequest
add a route param map that replaces the matching {name} For example routeParam(Map.of("name", "fred")) will replace {name} in https://localhost/users/{user} to https://localhost/users/fred
routeParam(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
RTF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


SEE_OTHER - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
SERVER - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.14, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.38
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
set(int, JsonEngine.Element) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
setBasicAuth(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
setDefaultBasicAuth(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Default basic auth credentials
setDefaultHeader(String, String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set default header to appear on all requests
setDefaultHeader(String, Supplier<String>) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set default header to appear on all requests, value is through a Supplier This is useful for adding tracing elements to requests.
setDefaultResponseEncoding(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set the default encoding that will be used for serialization into Strings.
setDomain(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
setHttpOnly(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set the ObjectMapper implementation to use for Response to Object binding
setPath(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
SGML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
shutDown() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Close the asynchronous client and its event loop.
shutDown(boolean) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Close the asynchronous client and its event loop.
similar(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
indicates if a JSONArray has the same elements as another JSONArray
similar(Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
indicates if a JSONObject has the same elements as another JSONObject
SIT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
size() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
Get the number of header keys.
size() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Array
size() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine.Object
SLDX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
socket() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketResponse
spawnInstance() - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
Spawn a new Unirest Instance with a new config.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Set a custom SSLContext.
SSLContextBuilder - Class in kong.unirest.core.java
SSLContextBuilder() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.java.SSLContextBuilder
STANDARD - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.CookieSpecs
The RFC 6265 compliant policy (interoprability profile).
STANDARD_STRICT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.CookieSpecs
The RFC 6265 compliant policy (strict profile)
STATUS_URI - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.7
Strict - kong.unirest.core.Cookie.SameSite
STRICT - kong.unirest.core.MultipartMode
RFC 822, RFC 2045, RFC 2046 compliant
StringResponse - Class in kong.unirest.core
StringResponse(RawResponse, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.StringResponse
stringToValue(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
convert a primitive JSON type in a string (bool, number, null) to its primitive type all decimal types will become doubles
SVG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
SWF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


TE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.39
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
test - kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
test(String, Object) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
test(String, Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchRequest
TestBody - Class in kong.unirest.core
TestBody(BodyPart<String>...) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.TestBody
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
TEXT_XML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
TGZ - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
thenConsume(Consumer<RawResponse>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Execute the request and pass the raw response to a consumer.
thenConsumeAsync(Consumer<RawResponse>) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Execute the request asynchronously and pass the raw response to a consumer.
TIFF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2518 (WevDAV) Section 9.8
toBasicAuthValue(String, String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Util
toJson(JsonEngine.Element) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
toJson(JsonEngine.Element, Writer) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
creates an array of the values for they keys you provide
toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
toJsonTree(Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
toList() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
Converts the JSONArray to a List
toMap() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
converts this object to a map
toMap(JsonEngine.Element) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
TOO_EARLY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
toPrettyJson(JsonEngine.Element) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
toPrettyJson(JsonEngine.Element) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
toPrettyJson(JsonEngine.Element, Writer) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.json.JsonEngine
toPrettyString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonNode
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ByteArrayPart
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cookie
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.FilePart
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Headers
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.InputStreamPart
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.Foo
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
returns the String representation of the JSONArray
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonNode
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatch
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchItem
toString() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ParamPart
toString(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONArray
returns the String representation of the JSONArray
toString(int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
render the object as a JSON String
toSummary() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
toSummary() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RawResponse
toSummary() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.RawResponseBase
toURIFragment() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONPointer
TRACE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
TRAILER - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.40
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.41
transformBody(Function<RawResponse, HttpResponse<T>>, RawResponse) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
tryCast(T, Class<M>) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Util
tryParseToDate(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Util
TSV - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
TTF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
TXT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
type - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.GenericType


UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
UniMetric - Interface in kong.unirest.core
A UniMetric is a factory for producing a MetricContext this will be called just before any Http Request
uniPart() - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Body
Unirest - Class in kong.unirest.core
Unirest() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
UnirestConfigException - Exception in kong.unirest.core
UnirestConfigException(Exception) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestConfigException
UnirestConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestConfigException
UnirestException - Exception in kong.unirest.core
UnirestException(Exception) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestException
UnirestException(String) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestException
UnirestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestException
UnirestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestException
UnirestException(Collection<Exception>) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestException
UnirestInstance - Class in kong.unirest.core
A Instance of the unirest runtime, you can have many of these but it is the config and its clients where all the action happens.
UnirestInstance(Config) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
Create a new UnirestInstance with a config
UnirestParsingException - Exception in kong.unirest.core
UnirestParsingException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception kong.unirest.core.UnirestParsingException
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
UNUSED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
UPGRADE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.42
UPGRADE_REQUIRED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
uploadMonitor(ProgressMonitor) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.MultipartBody
Set a file Progress upload monitor suitable for drawing progress bars and whatnot.
uploadMonitor(ProgressMonitor) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.RequestBodyEntity
Set a Progress upload monitor suitable for drawing progress bars and whatnot.
URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
url - Variable in class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
USE_PROXY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.15, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.43
useSystemProperties() - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
useSystemProperties(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Tell the HttpClients to use the system properties for things like proxies
Util - Class in kong.unirest.core
Util() - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.Util


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.Cookie.SameSite
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.MultipartMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.Cookie.SameSite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.JsonPatchOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum kong.unirest.core.MultipartMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueToString(Object) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
Converts an object to a JSON String
VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
VARY - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.44
verifySsl(boolean) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Toggle verifying SSL/TLS certificates.
version(HttpClient.Version) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Config
Requests a specific HTTP protocol version where possible.
VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpStatus
VIA - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.45


WARNING - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.46
WAV - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
websocket(WebSocketRequest, WebSocket.Listener) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.Client
websocket(WebSocketRequest, WebSocket.Listener) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.java.JavaClient
webSocket(String) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.Unirest
webSocket(String) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.UnirestInstance
WEBSOCKET - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HttpMethod
WebSocketRequest - Interface in kong.unirest.core
WebSocketRequestImpl - Class in kong.unirest.core
WebSocketRequestImpl(Config, String) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketRequestImpl
WebSocketResponse - Class in kong.unirest.core
WebSocketResponse(CompletableFuture<WebSocket>, WebSocket.Listener) - Constructor for class kong.unirest.core.WebSocketResponse
WILDCARD - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
withCharset(Charset) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.ContentType
withKeyGen(Cache.KeyGenerator) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.Cache.Builder
Provide a custom key generator.
withObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.HttpRequest
Pass a ObjectMapper for the request.
WOF2 - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
WOFF - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
wrap(Object) - Static method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONObject
Convert an object to a object that can be added to a JSONElement If the object is null return the NULL object If the object is primitive return the original object If the object is a map convert it to a JSONObject If the object is a Collection or array return a JSONArray If the object is anything else return a empty JSON Object
write(Writer) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
Write the JSON to a Writer
write(Writer, int, int) - Method in class kong.unirest.core.json.JSONElement
Write the JSON to a Writer with a pretty format due to limitations in GSON the index and indent are currently ignored
writeValue(Object) - Method in interface kong.unirest.core.ObjectMapper
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.HeaderNames
RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) Section 10.16, RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 14.47


XLAM - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
XLS - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
XLSB - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
XLSX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
XLTX - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
XML - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes


ZIP - Static variable in class kong.unirest.core.MimeTypes
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