Interface Cache

  • public interface Cache
    Cache interface for response caching
    • Method Detail

      • get

        <T> HttpResponse get​(Cache.Key key,
                             Supplier<HttpResponse<T>> fetcher)
        Returns the cached HttpResponse for a key or uses the Supplier to fetch the response
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of response
        key - the cache key
        fetcher - a function to execute the request and return the response. This response should be cached by the implementation
        the Http Response
      • getAsync

        <T> CompletableFuture getAsync​(Cache.Key key,
                                       Supplier<CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>>> fetcher)
        Returns the cached HttpResponse for a key or uses the Supplier to fetch the response
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of response
        key - the cache key
        fetcher - a function to execute the request and return the response. This response should be cached by the implementation
        the CompletableFuture for the response
      • builder

        static Cache.Builder builder()
        a builder for cache options
        a new Builder.