Interface Interceptor

  • public interface Interceptor
    Each configuration of Unirest has an interceptor. This has three stages: * onRequest allows you to modify of view the request before it it sent * onResponse allows you to view the response. This includes both successful and failed but valid responses * onFail is called if a total connection or network failure occurred.
    • Method Detail

      • onRequest

        default void onRequest​(HttpRequest<?> request,
                               Config config)
        Called just before a request. This can be used to view or modify the request. this could be used for things like - Logging the request - Injecting tracer headers - Record metrics The default implementation does nothing at all
        request - the request
        config - the current configuration
      • onResponse

        default void onResponse​(HttpResponse<?> response,
                                HttpRequestSummary request,
                                Config config)
        Called just after the request. This can be used to view the response, Perhaps for logging purposes or just because you're curious.
        response - the response
        request - a summary of the request
        config - the current configuration
      • onFail

        default HttpResponse<?> onFail​(Exception e,
                                       HttpRequestSummary request,
                                       Config config)
                                throws UnirestException
        Called in the case of a total failure. This would be where Unirest was completely unable to make a request at all for reasons like: - DNS errors - Connection failure - Connection or Socket timeout - SSL/TLS errors The default implimentation simply wraps the exception in a UnirestException and throws it. It is possible to return a different response object from the original if you really didn't want to every throw exceptions. Keep in mind that this is a lie Nevertheless, you could return something like a kong.unirest.core.FailedResponse
        e - the exception
        request - the original request
        config - the current config
        a alternative response.