Interface ObjectMapper

  • public interface ObjectMapper
    Interface for object mappers that can transform response bodies to other structures.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T readValue​(String value, Class<T> valueType)
      reads the content from the request as a string and transforms to a type passed by the asObject method on the Unirest builder.
      default <T> T readValue​(String value, GenericType<T> genericType)
      reads the content from the request as a string and transforms to a type passed by the asObject method on the Unirest builder.
      String writeValue​(Object value)
      Takes a object and serialize it as a string.
    • Method Detail

      • readValue

        <T> T readValue​(String value,
                        Class<T> valueType)
        reads the content from the request as a string and transforms to a type passed by the asObject method on the Unirest builder.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type
        value - the content as a string.
        valueType - the type to map to
        the object mapped into the class type
      • readValue

        default <T> T readValue​(String value,
                                GenericType<T> genericType)
        reads the content from the request as a string and transforms to a type passed by the asObject method on the Unirest builder. This method takes a GenericType which retains Generics information for types lke List<Foo>
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type
        value - the content as a string.
        genericType - the generic type
        the object mapped into the class type
      • writeValue

        String writeValue​(Object value)
        Takes a object and serialize it as a string. This is used to map objects to bodies to pass to requests
        value - the object to serialize to a string
        the serialized string of the object