

package activity

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DeleteS3PathActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with Product with Serializable

    Activity to recursively delete files in an S3 path.

  2. trait GoogleStorageActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity

  3. case class GoogleStorageDownloadActivity extends GoogleStorageActivity with WithS3Output with Product with Serializable

    Google Storage Download activity

  4. case class GoogleStorageUploadActivity extends GoogleStorageActivity with WithS3Input with Product with Serializable

    Google Storage Upload activity

  5. trait PgpActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with WithS3Input with WithS3Output

    Base trait for server-side PGP encryption activities.

  6. case class PgpDecryptActivity extends PgpActivity with Product with Serializable

    The server-side PGP decryption activity decrypts files from the input location to the output location using the private decryption key.

  7. case class PgpEncryptActivity extends PgpActivity with Product with Serializable

    The server-side PGP encryption activity encrypts files from the input location to the output location using the public encryption key.

  8. case class PythonActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with WithS3Input with WithS3Output with Product with Serializable

    Shell command activity that runs a given python script

  9. case class RedshiftUnloadActivity extends PipelineActivity[Ec2Resource] with Product with Serializable

    Unload result of the given sql script from redshift to given s3Path.

  10. case class S3DistCpActivity[A <: EmrCluster] extends EmrActivity[A] with Product with Serializable

  11. case class S3DistCpActivityFields(source: Option[HString], dest: Option[HString], sourcePattern: Option[HString], groupBy: Option[HString], targetSize: Option[HInt], appendLastToFile: HBoolean, outputCodec: OutputCodec, s3ServerSideEncryption: HBoolean, deleteOnSuccess: HBoolean, disableMultipartUpload: HBoolean, chunkSize: Option[HInt], numberFiles: HBoolean, startingIndex: Option[HInt], outputManifest: Option[HString], previousManifest: Option[HString], requirePreviousManifest: HBoolean, copyFromManifest: HBoolean, endpoint: Option[HString], storageClass: Option[StorageClass], sourcePrefixesFile: Option[HString]) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class SendEmailActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with WithS3Input with Product with Serializable

  13. case class SendFlowdockMessageActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with Product with Serializable

  14. case class SendSlackMessageActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with Product with Serializable

  15. case class SendSnsMessageActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with Product with Serializable

  16. case class SendSqsMessageActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with Product with Serializable

  17. case class SetS3AclActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with Product with Serializable

  18. trait SftpActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity

  19. case class SftpActivityFields(host: HString, port: Option[HInt] = scala.None, username: Option[HString] = scala.None, password: Option[EncryptedParameter[String]] = scala.None, identity: Option[HS3Uri] = scala.None, pattern: Option[HString] = scala.None, sinceDate: Option[HDateTime] = scala.None, untilDate: Option[HDateTime] = scala.None, skipEmpty: HBoolean = ..., markSuccessfulJobs: HBoolean = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  20. case class SftpDownloadActivity extends SftpActivity with WithS3Output with Product with Serializable

    Activity that downloads from an SFTP endpoint into an S3 endpoint.

  21. case class SftpUploadActivity extends SftpActivity with WithS3Input with Product with Serializable

    Activity that uploads from an S3 endpoint to an SFTP endpoint.

  22. case class SplitMergeFilesActivity extends BaseShellCommandActivity with WithS3Input with WithS3Output with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CannedAccessControlList extends Enumeration

    mirror of com.

  2. object DeleteS3PathActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  3. object GoogleStorageActivity

  4. object GoogleStorageDownloadActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  5. object GoogleStorageUploadActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  6. object PgpActivity

  7. object PgpDecryptActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  8. object PgpEncryptActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  9. object PythonActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  10. object RedshiftUnloadActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  11. object S3DistCpActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  12. object SendEmailActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  13. object SendFlowdockMessageActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  14. object SendSlackMessageActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  15. object SendSnsMessageActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  16. object SendSqsMessageActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  17. object SetS3AclActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  18. object SftpDownloadActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  19. object SftpUploadActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable

  20. object SplitMergeFilesActivity extends RunnableObject with Serializable
