

package precondition

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DynamoDBDataExistsPrecondition extends Precondition with Product with Serializable

    A precondition to check that data exists in a DynamoDB table.

  2. case class DynamoDBTableExistsPrecondition extends Precondition with Product with Serializable

    A precondition to check that the DynamoDB table exists.

  3. case class ExistsPrecondition extends Precondition with Product with Serializable

    Checks whether a data node object exists.

  4. trait Precondition extends PipelineObject

    The base trait of all preconditions.

    The base trait of all preconditions.

    A precondition is a condition that must be met before the object can run. The activity cannot run until all its conditions are met.

  5. case class S3KeyExistsPrecondition extends Precondition with Product with Serializable

    Checks whether a key exists in an Amazon S3 data node.

  6. case class S3PrefixNotEmptyPrecondition extends Precondition with Product with Serializable

    A precondition to check that the Amazon S3 objects with the given prefix (represented as a URI) are present.

  7. case class ShellCommandPrecondition extends Precondition with Product with Serializable

    A Unix/Linux shell command that can be run as a precondition.

Value Members

  1. object DynamoDBDataExistsPrecondition extends Serializable

  2. object DynamoDBTableExistsPrecondition extends Serializable

  3. object ExistsPrecondition extends Serializable

  4. object S3KeyExistsPrecondition extends Serializable

  5. object S3PrefixNotEmptyPrecondition extends Serializable

  6. object ShellCommandPrecondition extends Serializable
