
object http4s
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def healthCheckResponse[F[_], H[_]](healthCheck: HealthCheck[F, H])(`evidence$3`: Monad[F], `evidence$4`: Reducible[H], encoder: EntityEncoder[F, HealthResult[H]]): F[Response[F]]
def healthCheckRoutes[F[_], H[_]](healthCheck: HealthCheck[F, H], path: String)(`evidence$1`: Monad[F], `evidence$2`: Reducible[H], encoder: EntityEncoder[F, HealthResult[H]]): HttpRoutes[F]

Builds a HttpRoutes value that'll check the result of the healthcheck, and, if it's sick, return ServiceUnavailable (Ok otherwise). See healthCheckResponse for an alternative that doesn't provide a route matcher.

Builds a HttpRoutes value that'll check the result of the healthcheck, and, if it's sick, return ServiceUnavailable (Ok otherwise). See healthCheckResponse for an alternative that doesn't provide a route matcher.