
package ammonite

Linear Supertypes
RelPathStuff, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ammonite
  2. RelPathStuff
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BasePath[ThisType <: BasePath[ThisType]] extends AnyRef

    A path which is either an absolute Path or a relative RelPath, with shared APIs and implementations

  2. class FileData extends AnyRef

  3. sealed trait FileType extends AnyRef

  4. implicit class FilterMap[+T, Repr] extends AnyRef

    Extends collections to give short aliases for the commonly used operations, so we can make it easy to use from the command line.

  5. trait Op1[T1, R] extends (T1) ⇒ R

  6. trait Op2[T1, T2, R] extends (T1, T2) ⇒ R

  7. class Path extends BasePath[Path]

    An absolute path on the filesystem.

    An absolute path on the filesystem. Note that the path is normalized and cannot contain any empty, "." or ".." segments

  8. implicit class Pipeable[T] extends AnyRef

    Lets you pipe values through functions

  9. implicit class RegexContext extends AnyRef

    Lets you pattern match strings with interpolated glob-variables

  10. class RelPath extends BasePath[RelPath]

    An absolute path on the filesystem.

    An absolute path on the filesystem. Note that the path is normalized and cannot contain any empty or ".". Parent ".." segments can only occur at the left-end of the path, and are collapsed into a single number ups.

  11. trait RelPathStuff extends AnyRef

  12. type T[A] = Iterator[A]

  13. implicit class Transformable1 extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object % extends Dynamic

    Dynamic shell command execution.

    Dynamic shell command execution. This allows you to run commands which are not provided by Ammonite, by shelling out to bash. e.g. try

    %ls %ls / %ps "aux"

  2. object /

    Extractor to let you easily pattern match on Paths

  3. implicit def ArrayPath[T](s: Array[T])(implicit conv: (T) ⇒ RelPath): RelPath

    Definition Classes
  4. object BasePath

  5. implicit def FMArray[T](a: Array[T]): FilterMap[T, Array[T]]

    Lets you call FilterMap aliases on Arrays too

  6. object FileType

  7. object Internals

  8. object OpError

  9. object Path

  10. object PathError

  11. implicit def PathFileData(p: Path): FileData

  12. object RegexContext

  13. object RelPath extends RelPathStuff with (String) ⇒ RelPath

  14. implicit def SeqFactoryFunc[T, CC[X] <: Seq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]](s: SeqFactory[CC]): (Seq[T]) ⇒ CC[T]

    Allows you to pipe sequences into other sequences to convert them, e.g.

    Allows you to pipe sequences into other sequences to convert them, e.g. Seq(1, 2, 3) |> Vector

  15. implicit def SeqPath[T](s: Seq[T])(implicit conv: (T) ⇒ RelPath): RelPath

    Definition Classes
  16. implicit def StringPath(s: String): RelPath

    Definition Classes
  17. implicit def SymPath(s: Symbol): RelPath

    Definition Classes
  18. object cp extends Op2[Path, Path, Unit]

    Copies a file from one place to another.

    Copies a file from one place to another. Creates any necessary directories

  19. def cwd: Path

    The current working directory for this process.

  20. val empty: RelPath

    Definition Classes
  21. object exists extends Op1[Path, Boolean]

    Checks if a file or folder exists at the given path.

  22. implicit def funcWhee[T, T1, V](f: (T) ⇒ V)(implicit i: (T1) ⇒ T): (T1) ⇒ V

  23. object ln extends Op2[Path, Path, Unit]

  24. object ls extends Op1[Path, Seq[Path]]

  25. object mkdir extends Op1[Path, Unit]

    Makes directories up to the specified path.

  26. object mv extends Op2[Path, Path, Unit] with Mover

    Moves a file from one place to another.

    Moves a file from one place to another. Creates any necessary directories

  27. object read extends Reader with Op1[Path, String]

    Reads a file into memory, either as a string, as a Seq[String] of lines, or as a Array[Byte]

  28. object rm extends Op1[Path, Unit]

    Roughly equivalent to bash's rm -rf.

    Roughly equivalent to bash's rm -rf. Deletes any files or folders in the target path, or does nothing if there aren't any

  29. val root: Path

    The root of the filesystem

  30. val up: RelPath

    Definition Classes
  31. object write extends Op2[Path, Writable, Unit]

    Write some data to a file.

    Write some data to a file. This can be a String, an Array[Byte], or a Seq[String] which is treated as consecutive lines. By default, this fails if a file already exists at the target location. Use write.over or write.append if you want to over-write it or add to what's already there.

Inherited from RelPathStuff

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
