
package fastparse

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Api extends AnyRef

    This is basically a trait which contains the "public" API to fastparse packages

  2. case class Logger(f: (String) ⇒ Unit) extends Product with Serializable

  3. trait LowestPriSequencer[Sequencer[_, _, _]] extends AnyRef

  4. trait ParserApi[+T] extends AnyRef

  5. class ParserApiImpl[+T] extends ParserApi[T]

  6. trait SequencerGen[Sequencer[_, _, _]] extends LowestPriSequencer[Sequencer]

  7. class WhitespaceApi[+T] extends ParserApiImpl[T]

    Custom version of ParserApi, that behaves the same as the default but injects whitespace in between every pair of tokens.

Value Members

  1. object CharPredicates

  2. object Implicits

    Container for all the type-level logic around appending things to tuples or flattening Seq[Unit]s into Units.

  3. object Logger extends Serializable

  4. object WhitespaceApi

  5. object all extends Api

  6. package core

  7. object noApi extends Api

  8. package parsers
