

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ParseCtx(input: String, logDepth: Int, trace: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Things which get passed through the entire parse run, but almost never get changed in the process.

    Things which get passed through the entire parse run, but almost never get changed in the process.


    The string that is currently being parsed


  2. trait Parser[+T] extends ParserApi[T]

    A single, self-contained, immutable parser.

    A single, self-contained, immutable parser. The primary method is parse, which returns a T on success and a stack trace on failure.

    Some small optimizations are performed in-line: collapsing parsers.Combinators.Either cells into large ones and collapsing parsers.Combinators.Sequence cells into parsers.Combinators.Sequence.Flats. These optimizations together appear to make things faster but any 10%, whether or not you activate tracing

    Collapsed, Trace Timings all true 87 /97 /94 all false 112/111/104 either true 89 /84 /81 either false 97 /102/97 none true 84 /79 /80 none false 96 /99 /97

  3. trait ParserApi[+T] extends AnyRef

  4. sealed trait Result[+T] extends AnyRef

    Result of a parse, whether successful or failed

Value Members

  1. object Result
