

trait FormEventAttrs[Builder, Output <: FragT, FragT] extends Util[Builder, Output, FragT]

Form Events that are triggered by actions inside an HTML form. However, these events apply to almost all HTML elements but are most commonly used in form elements.

Linear Supertypes
Util[Builder, Output, FragT], LowPriUtil[Builder, Output, FragT], AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. FormEventAttrs
  2. Util
  3. LowPriUtil
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract type ConcreteHtmlTag[T <: Output] <: TypedTag[Builder, T, FragT]

    Definition Classes
  2. implicit class ExtendedString extends AnyRef

    Provides extension methods on strings to fit them into Scalatag fragments.

    Provides extension methods on strings to fit them into Scalatag fragments.

    Definition Classes
  3. implicit class SeqNode[A] extends Modifier[Builder]

    Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

    Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. implicit abstract def SeqFrag[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

    Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

    Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

    Definition Classes
  2. implicit abstract def UnitFrag(u: Unit): Frag[Builder, FragT]

    Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

    Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def makeAbstractTypedTag[T <: Output](tag: String, void: Boolean, namespaceConfig: Namespace): ConcreteHtmlTag[T]

    Definition Classes
  4. implicit abstract def stringAttrX: AttrValue[Builder, String]

    Definition Classes
  5. implicit abstract def stringPixelStyleX: PixelStyleValue[Builder, String]

    Definition Classes
  6. implicit abstract def stringStyleX: StyleValue[Builder, String]

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. implicit def ArrayFrag[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

    Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

    Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

    Definition Classes
  5. implicit def ArrayNode[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

    Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

    Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

    Definition Classes
  6. implicit def OptionFrag[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

    Renders an Option of FragT into a single FragT

    Renders an Option of FragT into a single FragT

    Definition Classes
  7. implicit def OptionNode[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

    Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

    Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

    Definition Classes
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  9. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  10. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  11. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  13. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  14. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  15. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  16. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  17. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  18. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  19. val onblur: Attr

    The blur event is raised when an element loses focus.

    The blur event is raised when an element loses focus.


  20. val onchange: Attr

    The change event is fired for input, select, and textarea elements when a change to the element's value is committed by the user.

    The change event is fired for input, select, and textarea elements when a change to the element's value is committed by the user.


  21. val oncontextmenu: Attr

    Script to be run when a context menu is triggered

  22. val onfocus: Attr

    The focus event is raised when the user sets focus on the given element.

    The focus event is raised when the user sets focus on the given element.


  23. val oninput: Attr

    Script to be run when an element gets user input

  24. val oninvalid: Attr

    Script to be run when an element is invalid

  25. val onreset: Attr

    The reset event is fired when a form is reset.

    The reset event is fired when a form is reset.


  26. val onsearch: Attr

    Fires when the user writes something in a search field (for <input="search">)

  27. val onselect: Attr

    The select event only fires when text inside a text input or textarea is selected.

    The select event only fires when text inside a text input or textarea is selected. The event is fired after the text has been selected.


  28. val onsubmit: Attr

    The submit event is raised when the user clicks a submit button in a form (). MDN

    The submit event is raised when the user clicks a submit button in a form (). MDN

  29. val selected: Attr

    Indicates a selected option in an option list of a

    Indicates a selected option in an option list of a