

package stages

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Ast extends AnyRef

  2. class Parser extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Ast

  2. object Compiler

    Walks the parsed AST, converting it into a structured Scala c.Tree

  3. object Parser extends (String, Int) ⇒ Result[Block]

    Parses the input text into a roughly-structured AST.

    Parses the input text into a roughly-structured AST. This AST is much simpler than the real Scala AST, but serves us well enough until we stuff the code-strings into the real Scala parser later

  4. object Trim extends (String) ⇒ (String, Int)

    Preprocesses the input string to normalize things related to whitespace

    Preprocesses the input string to normalize things related to whitespace

    Find the "first" non-whitespace-line of the text and remove the front of every line to align that first line with the left margin.

    Remove all trailing whitespace from each line.
