
package upickle

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Api extends Types with Implicits with Generated with LowPriX

    An instance of the upickle API.

  2. trait AttributeTagged extends Api

    A upickle.Api that follows the default sealed-trait-instance-tagging behavior of using an attribute, but allow you to control what the name of the attribute is.

  3. trait Generated extends GeneratedUtil

    Auto-generated picklers and unpicklers, used for creating the 22 versions of tuple-picklers and case-class picklers

  4. trait Implicits extends Types

    Typeclasses to allow read/writing of all the common data-types and data-structures in the standard library

  5. sealed trait Invalid extends Exception

    Exceptions that can be thrown by upickle; placed in the same file as JSON parser due to circular dependencies between exception types and JSON types

  6. trait LowPriX extends AnyRef

  7. class ReaderPicker[M[_]] extends AnyRef

  8. trait Types extends AnyRef

    Basic functionality to be able to read and write objects.

  9. class WriterPicker[M[_]] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Forwarder

    Stupid hacks to work around scalac not forwarding macro type params properly

  2. object Invalid extends Serializable

  3. object Js

    A very small, very simple JSON AST that uPickle uses as part of its serialization process.

  4. object Macros

    Implementation of macros used by uPickle to serialize and deserialize case classes automatically.

  5. object default extends AttributeTagged

    The default way of accessing upickle

  6. package json

    Created by haoyi on 8/11/14.

  7. object legacy extends Api

    An instance of the upickle API that follows the old serialization for tagged instances of sealed traits.
