
package utest

Created by haoyi on 1/24/14.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. utest
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AssertionError(msg: String, captured: Seq[LoggedValue], cause: Throwable = null) extends java.lang.AssertionError with Product with Serializable

    A special AssertionError thrown by utest's macro-powered asserts that contains metadata about local variables used in the assert expression.

  2. class DefaultFormatter extends Formatter

    Default implementation of Formatter, also used by the default SBT test framework.

  3. abstract class Formatter extends AnyRef

    Represents something that can format a single test result or a Tree of them.

  4. case class LoggedValue(name: String, tpeName: String, value: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about a value that was logged in one of the macro-powered assert functions

  5. case class NoSuchTestException(path: String*) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Indicates that there was no test to run at the path you provided

  6. case class SkippedOuterFailure(errorPath: Seq[String], outerError: Throwable) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  7. type TestSuite = utest.framework.TestSuite

  8. implicit class TestableString extends AnyRef

    Extension methods to allow you to create tests via the "omg"-{ .

  9. implicit class TestableSymbol extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. val ClassTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag.type

  2. object DefaultFormatter

  3. object ExecutionContext

  4. object PlatformShims

    Platform specific stuff that differs between JVM and JS

  5. object SkippedOuterFailure extends Serializable

  6. val TestSuite: utest.framework.TestSuite.type

  7. def assert(exprs: Boolean*): Unit

    Checks that one or more expressions are true; otherwises raises an exception with some debugging info

    Checks that one or more expressions are true; otherwises raises an exception with some debugging info

    @macroImpl( ... )
  8. def assertMatch(t: Any)(pf: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]): Unit

    Asserts that the given value matches the PartialFunction.

    Asserts that the given value matches the PartialFunction. Useful for using pattern matching to validate the shape of a data structure.

    @macroImpl( ... )
  9. package asserts

    Macro powered asserts of all shapes and sizes.

  10. def continually(exprs: Boolean*): Unit

    Checks that one or more expressions all remain true within a certain period of time.

    Checks that one or more expressions all remain true within a certain period of time. Polls at a regular interval to check this.

    @macroImpl( ... )
  11. def eventually(exprs: Boolean*): Unit

    Checks that one or more expressions all become true within a certain period of time.

    Checks that one or more expressions all become true within a certain period of time. Polls at a regular interval to check this.

    @macroImpl( ... )
  12. package framework

  13. def intercept[T](exprs: Unit)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): T

    Asserts that the given block raises the expected exception.

    Asserts that the given block raises the expected exception. The exception is returned if raised, and an AssertionError is raised if the expected exception does not appear.

    @macroImpl( ... )
  14. implicit val retryInterval: RetryInterval

  15. implicit val retryMax: RetryMax

  16. def runSuite(suite: TestSuite, path: Array[String], args: Array[String], addCount: (String) ⇒ Unit, log: (String) ⇒ Unit, addTotal: (String) ⇒ Unit): String

  17. package runner

  18. implicit def toTestSeq(t: Tree[Test]): TestTreeSeq

    Extension methods on Tree[Test] in order to conveniently run the tests and aggregate the results

  19. package util

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
