All Classes and Interfaces

Superclass for all telemetry data classes.
This class lets its users define an interval of time which can be defined in terms of days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
Telemetry type used to track custom events in Azure Application Insights.
Telemetry type used to track exceptions sent to Azure Application Insights.
Telemetry type used to track metrics sent to Azure Application Insights.
Telemetry type used to track page views.
Telemetry sent to Azure Application Insights about dependencies - that is, calls from your application to external services such as databases or REST APIs.
Encapsulates information about a web request handled by the application.
Enum SeverityLevel.
The base telemetry type interface for application insights.
Represents a context for sending telemetry to the Application Insights service.
Telemetry type used for log messages.