Class SQLServerBulkBatchInsertRecord

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ISQLServerBulkRecord, Serializable

    public class SQLServerBulkBatchInsertRecord
    extends Object
    Provides a simple implementation of the ISQLServerBulkRecord interface that can be used to read in the basic Java data types from an ArrayList of Parameters that were provided by pstmt/cstmt.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • columnNames

        protected String[] columnNames
      • columnMetadata

        protected Map<Integer,​> columnMetadata
    • Method Detail

      • getColumnDateTimeFormatter

        public DateTimeFormatter getColumnDateTimeFormatter​(int column)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the dateTimeFormatter for the given column.
        column - Column ordinal
      • getColumnOrdinals

        public Set<Integer> getColumnOrdinals()
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the ordinals for each of the columns represented in this data record.
        Set of ordinals for the columns.
      • getColumnName

        public String getColumnName​(int column)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the name of the given column.
        column - Column ordinal
        Name of the column
      • getColumnType

        public int getColumnType​(int column)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the JDBC data type of the given column.
        column - Column ordinal
        JDBC data type of the column
      • getPrecision

        public int getPrecision​(int column)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the precision for the given column.
        column - Column ordinal
        Precision of the column
      • getScale

        public int getScale​(int column)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the scale for the given column.
        column - Column ordinal
        Scale of the column
      • isAutoIncrement

        public boolean isAutoIncrement​(int column)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns whether the column represents an identity column.
        column - Column ordinal
        True if the column is an identity column; false otherwise.
      • getRowData

        public Object[] getRowData()
                            throws SQLServerException
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Returns the data for the current row as an array of Objects. Each Object must match the Java language Type that is used to represent the indicated JDBC data type for the given column. For more information, see 'Understanding the JDBC Driver Data Types' for the appropriate mappings.
        The data for the row.
        SQLServerException - If there are any errors in obtaining the data.
      • setTimestampWithTimezoneFormat

        public void setTimestampWithTimezoneFormat​(String dateTimeFormat)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Sets the format for reading in dates from the file.
        Specified by:
        setTimestampWithTimezoneFormat in interface ISQLServerBulkRecord
        dateTimeFormat - format to parse data sent as java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE
      • setTimeWithTimezoneFormat

        public void setTimeWithTimezoneFormat​(String timeFormat)
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Sets the format for reading in dates from the file.
        Specified by:
        setTimeWithTimezoneFormat in interface ISQLServerBulkRecord
        timeFormat - format to parse data sent as java.sql.Types.TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE
      • next

        public boolean next()
                     throws SQLServerException
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Advances to the next data row.
        True if rows are available; false if there are no more rows
        SQLServerException - If there are any errors in advancing to the next row.
      • addColumnMetadata

        public void addColumnMetadata​(int positionInSource,
                                      String name,
                                      int jdbcType,
                                      int precision,
                                      int scale,
                                      DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter)
                               throws SQLServerException
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Adds metadata for the given column in the file.
        Specified by:
        addColumnMetadata in interface ISQLServerBulkRecord
        positionInSource - Indicates which column the metadata is for. Columns start at 1.
        name - Name for the column (optional if only using column ordinal in a mapping for SQLServerBulkCopy operation)
        jdbcType - JDBC data type of the column
        precision - Precision for the column (ignored for the appropriate data types)
        scale - Scale for the column (ignored for the appropriate data types)
        dateTimeFormatter - format to parse data that is sent
        SQLServerException - when an error occurs
      • addColumnMetadata

        public void addColumnMetadata​(int positionInSource,
                                      String name,
                                      int jdbcType,
                                      int precision,
                                      int scale)
                               throws SQLServerException
        Description copied from interface: ISQLServerBulkRecord
        Adds metadata for the given column in the file.
        Specified by:
        addColumnMetadata in interface ISQLServerBulkRecord
        positionInSource - Indicates which column the metadata is for. Columns start at 1.
        name - Name for the column (optional if only using column ordinal in a mapping for SQLServerBulkCopy operation)
        jdbcType - JDBC data type of the column
        precision - Precision for the column (ignored for the appropriate data types)
        scale - Scale for the column (ignored for the appropriate data types)
        SQLServerException - when an error occurs