Class SQLServerPreparedStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:
ISQLServerPreparedStatement, ISQLServerStatement,, java.lang.AutoCloseable, java.sql.PreparedStatement, java.sql.Statement, java.sql.Wrapper
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SQLServerPreparedStatement
extends SQLServerStatement
implements ISQLServerPreparedStatement
Provides an implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement interface that assists in preparing Statements for SQL Server.

SQLServerPreparedStatement prepares a statement using SQL Server's sp_prepexec and re-uses the returned statement handle for each subsequent execution of the statement (typically using different parameters provided by the user)

SQLServerPreparedStatement supports batching whereby a set of prepared statements are executed in a single database round trip to improve runtime performance.

The API javadoc for JDBC API methods that this class implements are not repeated here. Please see Sun's JDBC API interfaces javadoc for those details.

See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class


    Fields inherited from interface java.sql.Statement

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addBatch()  
    void addBatch​(java.lang.String sql)  
    void clearBatch()  
    void clearParameters()  
    boolean execute()  
    boolean execute​(java.lang.String sql)  
    int[] executeBatch()
    Sends a batch of statements to the database.
    long[] executeLargeBatch()  
    long executeLargeUpdate()  
    java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery()  
    java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery​(java.lang.String sql)  
    int executeUpdate()  
    int executeUpdate​(java.lang.String sql)  
    java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData()  
    java.sql.ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData()  
    java.sql.ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData​(boolean forceRefresh)
    Returns parameter metadata for the prepared statement.
    int getPreparedStatementHandle()
    The server handle for this prepared statement.
    boolean getUseFmtOnly()
    Returns the current flag value for useFmtOnly.
    void setArray​(int i, java.sql.Array x)  
    void setAsciiStream​(int parameterIndex, x)  
    void setAsciiStream​(int n, x, int length)  
    void setAsciiStream​(int parameterIndex, x, long length)  
    void setBigDecimal​(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x)  
    void setBigDecimal​(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x, int precision, int scale)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
    void setBigDecimal​(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x, int precision, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
    void setBinaryStream​(int parameterIndex, x)  
    void setBinaryStream​(int n, x, int length)  
    void setBinaryStream​(int parameterIndex, x, long length)  
    void setBlob​(int parameterIndex, inputStream)  
    void setBlob​(int parameterIndex, inputStream, long length)  
    void setBlob​(int i, java.sql.Blob x)  
    void setBoolean​(int n, boolean x)  
    void setBoolean​(int n, boolean x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.
    void setByte​(int n, byte x)  
    void setByte​(int n, byte x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value.
    void setBytes​(int n, byte[] x)  
    void setBytes​(int n, byte[] x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
    void setCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, reader)  
    void setCharacterStream​(int n, reader, int length)  
    void setCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, reader, long length)  
    void setClob​(int parameterIndex, reader)  
    void setClob​(int parameterIndex, reader, long length)  
    void setClob​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Clob clobValue)  
    void setDate​(int n, java.sql.Date x)  
    void setDate​(int n, java.sql.Date x, java.util.Calendar cal)  
    void setDate​(int n, java.sql.Date x, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object.
    void setDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setDateTimeOffset​(int n, DateTimeOffset x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset value.
    void setDateTimeOffset​(int n, DateTimeOffset x, int scale)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.DatetimeOffset value.
    void setDateTimeOffset​(int n, DateTimeOffset x, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.DatetimeOffset value.
    void setDouble​(int n, double x)  
    void setDouble​(int n, double x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.
    void setFloat​(int n, float x)  
    void setFloat​(int n, float x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
    void setGeography​(int n, Geography x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.Geography Class object.
    void setGeometry​(int n, Geometry x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.Geometry Class object.
    void setInt​(int n, int value)  
    void setInt​(int n, int value, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.
    void setLong​(int n, long x)  
    void setLong​(int n, long x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.
    void setMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
    void setMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
    void setNCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, value)  
    void setNCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, value, long length)  
    void setNClob​(int parameterIndex, reader)  
    void setNClob​(int parameterIndex, reader, long length)  
    void setNClob​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.NClob value)  
    void setNString​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.String value)  
    void setNString​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.String value, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given String object.
    void setNull​(int index, int jdbcType)  
    void setNull​(int paramIndex, int sqlType, java.lang.String typeName)  
    void setObject​(int index, java.lang.Object obj)  
    void setObject​(int n, java.lang.Object obj, int jdbcType)  
    void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, int targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength)  
    void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, int targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, int scale)
    Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
    void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, int targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
    void setObject​(int index, java.lang.Object obj, java.sql.SQLType jdbcType)  
    void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, java.sql.SQLType targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength)  
    void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, java.sql.SQLType targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, java.lang.Integer scale)
    Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
    void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, java.sql.SQLType targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, java.lang.Integer scale, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
    void setRef​(int i, java.sql.Ref x)  
    void setRowId​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.RowId x)  
    void setShort​(int index, short x)  
    void setShort​(int index, short x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value.
    void setSmallDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setSmallDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setSmallMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
    void setSmallMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
    void setSQLXML​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.SQLXML xmlObject)  
    void setString​(int index, java.lang.String str)  
    void setString​(int index, java.lang.String str, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
    void setStructured​(int n, java.lang.String tvpName, ISQLServerDataRecord tvpBulkRecord)
    Sets the server bulk record to populate a table valued parameter.
    void setStructured​(int n, java.lang.String tvpName, SQLServerDataTable tvpDataTable)
    Sets the data table to populates a table valued parameter.
    void setStructured​(int n, java.lang.String tvpName, java.sql.ResultSet tvpResultSet)
    Sets the result set to populate a table-valued parameter.
    void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x)  
    void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, int scale)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
    void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
    void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, java.util.Calendar cal)  
    void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
    void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x)  
    void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, int scale)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, java.util.Calendar cal)  
    void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
    void setUnicodeStream​(int n, x, int length)
    void setUniqueIdentifier​(int index, java.lang.String guid)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given String.
    void setUniqueIdentifier​(int index, java.lang.String guid, boolean forceEncrypt)
    Sets the designated parameter to the given String.
    void setURL​(int parameterIndex, x)  
    void setUseFmtOnly​(boolean useFmtOnly)
    Specifies the flag to use FMTONLY for parameter metadata queries.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

    getCancelQueryTimeout, getResponseBuffering, setCancelQueryTimeout, setResponseBuffering

    Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Statement

    cancel, clearWarnings, close, closeOnCompletion, enquoteIdentifier, enquoteLiteral, enquoteNCharLiteral, execute, execute, execute, executeLargeUpdate, executeLargeUpdate, executeLargeUpdate, executeLargeUpdate, executeUpdate, executeUpdate, executeUpdate, getConnection, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getGeneratedKeys, getLargeMaxRows, getLargeUpdateCount, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getMoreResults, getMoreResults, getQueryTimeout, getResultSet, getResultSetConcurrency, getResultSetHoldability, getResultSetType, getUpdateCount, getWarnings, isClosed, isCloseOnCompletion, isPoolable, isSimpleIdentifier, setCursorName, setEscapeProcessing, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, setLargeMaxRows, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setPoolable, setQueryTimeout

    Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper

    isWrapperFor, unwrap
  • Method Details

    • getPreparedStatementHandle

      public int getPreparedStatementHandle() throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      The server handle for this prepared statement. If a value < 1 is returned no handle has been created.
      Specified by:
      getPreparedStatementHandle in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Per the description.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • clearParameters

      public final void clearParameters() throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      clearParameters in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • executeQuery

      public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLServerException, java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
      Specified by:
      executeQuery in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • executeUpdate

      public int executeUpdate() throws SQLServerException, java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
      Specified by:
      executeUpdate in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • executeLargeUpdate

      public long executeLargeUpdate() throws SQLServerException, java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
      Specified by:
      executeLargeUpdate in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • execute

      public boolean execute() throws SQLServerException, java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
      Specified by:
      execute in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • getMetaData

      public final java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      getMetaData in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setAsciiStream

      public final void setAsciiStream​(int parameterIndex, x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setAsciiStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setAsciiStream

      public final void setAsciiStream​(int n, x, int length) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setAsciiStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setAsciiStream

      public final void setAsciiStream​(int parameterIndex, x, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setAsciiStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBigDecimal

      public final void setBigDecimal​(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setBigDecimal in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBigDecimal

      public final void setBigDecimal​(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x, int precision, int scale) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setBigDecimal in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - the scale of the column
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setBigDecimal

      public final void setBigDecimal​(int parameterIndex, java.math.BigDecimal x, int precision, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setBigDecimal in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - the scale of the column
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setMoney

      public final void setMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setMoney in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setMoney

      public final void setMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setMoney in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setSmallMoney

      public final void setSmallMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setSmallMoney in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setSmallMoney

      public final void setSmallMoney​(int n, java.math.BigDecimal x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. The driver converts this to an SQL NUMERIC value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setSmallMoney in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setBinaryStream

      public final void setBinaryStream​(int parameterIndex, x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setBinaryStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBinaryStream

      public final void setBinaryStream​(int n, x, int length) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setBinaryStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBinaryStream

      public final void setBinaryStream​(int parameterIndex, x, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setBinaryStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBoolean

      public final void setBoolean​(int n, boolean x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setBoolean in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBoolean

      public final void setBoolean​(int n, boolean x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value. The driver converts this to an SQL BIT or BOOLEAN value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setBoolean in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setByte

      public final void setByte​(int n, byte x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setByte in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setByte

      public final void setByte​(int n, byte x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value. The driver converts this to an SQL TINYINT value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setByte in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setBytes

      public final void setBytes​(int n, byte[] x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setBytes in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBytes

      public final void setBytes​(int n, byte[] x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes. The driver converts this to an SQL VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's limits on VARBINARY values) when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setBytes in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setUniqueIdentifier

      public final void setUniqueIdentifier​(int index, java.lang.String guid) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given String. The driver converts this to an SQL GUID
      Specified by:
      setUniqueIdentifier in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      index - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      guid - string representation of the uniqueIdentifier value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setUniqueIdentifier

      public final void setUniqueIdentifier​(int index, java.lang.String guid, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given String. The driver converts this to an SQL GUID
      Specified by:
      setUniqueIdentifier in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      index - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      guid - string representation of the uniqueIdentifier value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setDouble

      public final void setDouble​(int n, double x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setDouble in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setDouble

      public final void setDouble​(int n, double x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value. The driver converts this to an SQL DOUBLE value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setDouble in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setFloat

      public final void setFloat​(int n, float x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setFloat in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setFloat

      public final void setFloat​(int n, float x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value. The driver converts this to an SQL REAL value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setFloat in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setGeometry

      public final void setGeometry​(int n, Geometry x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.Geometry Class object. The driver converts this to an SQL REAL value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setGeometry in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setGeography

      public final void setGeography​(int n, Geography x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.Geography Class object. The driver converts this to an SQL REAL value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setGeography in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setInt

      public final void setInt​(int n, int value) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setInt in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setInt

      public final void setInt​(int n, int value, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value. The driver converts this to an SQL INTEGER value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setInt in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      value - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setLong

      public final void setLong​(int n, long x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setLong in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setLong

      public final void setLong​(int n, long x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value. The driver converts this to an SQL BIGINT value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setLong in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setNull

      public final void setNull​(int index, int jdbcType) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setNull in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int index, java.lang.Object obj) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setObject in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int n, java.lang.Object obj, int jdbcType) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setObject in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, int targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setObject in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, int targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, int scale) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.

      The given Java object will be converted to the given targetSqlType before being sent to the database. If the object has a custom mapping (is of a class implementing the interface SQLData), the JDBC driver should call the method SQLData.writeSQL to write it to the SQL data stream. If, on the other hand, the object is of a class implementing Ref, Blob, Clob, NClob, Struct,, or Array, the driver should pass it to the database as a value of the corresponding SQL type.

      Note that this method may be used to pass database-specific abstract data types.

      Specified by:
      setObject in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the object containing the input parameter value
      targetSqlType - the SQL type (as defined in java.sql.Types) to be sent to the database. The scale argument may further qualify this type.
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - scale of the column
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, int targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.

      The given Java object will be converted to the given targetSqlType before being sent to the database. If the object has a custom mapping (is of a class implementing the interface SQLData), the JDBC driver should call the method SQLData.writeSQL to write it to the SQL data stream. If, on the other hand, the object is of a class implementing Ref, Blob, Clob, NClob, Struct,, or Array, the driver should pass it to the database as a value of the corresponding SQL type.

      Note that this method may be used to pass database-specific abstract data types.

      Specified by:
      setObject in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the object containing the input parameter value
      targetSqlType - the SQL type (as defined in java.sql.Types) to be sent to the database. The scale argument may further qualify this type.
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - scale of the column
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int index, java.lang.Object obj, java.sql.SQLType jdbcType) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setObject in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, java.sql.SQLType targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setObject in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, java.sql.SQLType targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, java.lang.Integer scale) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. This method is similar to PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, SQLType targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength), except that it assumes a scale of zero.

      The default implementation will throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException

      Specified by:
      setObject in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the object containing the input parameter value
      targetSqlType - the SQL type to be sent to the database
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - the scale of the column
      SQLServerException - if parameterIndex does not correspond to a parameter marker in the SQL statement; if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed PreparedStatement
    • setObject

      public final void setObject​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object x, java.sql.SQLType targetSqlType, java.lang.Integer precision, java.lang.Integer scale, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. This method is similar to PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, SQLType targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength), except that it assumes a scale of zero.

      The default implementation will throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException

      Specified by:
      setObject in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the object containing the input parameter value
      targetSqlType - the SQL type to be sent to the database
      precision - the precision of the column
      scale - the scale of the column
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - if parameterIndex does not correspond to a parameter marker in the SQL statement; if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed PreparedStatement
    • setShort

      public final void setShort​(int index, short x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setShort in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setShort

      public final void setShort​(int index, short x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value. The driver converts this to an SQL SMALLINT value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setShort in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      index - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setString

      public final void setString​(int index, java.lang.String str) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setString in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setString

      public final void setString​(int index, java.lang.String str, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value. The driver converts this to an SQL VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR value (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's limits on VARCHAR values) when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setString in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      index - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      str - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setNString

      public final void setNString​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.String value) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setNString in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setNString

      public final void setNString​(int parameterIndex, java.lang.String value, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given String object. The driver converts this to a SQL NCHAR or NVARCHAR or LONGNVARCHAR value (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's limits on NVARCHAR values) when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setNString in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      parameterIndex - of the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      value - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setTime

      public final void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setTime in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setTime

      public final void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, int scale) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
      Specified by:
      setTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      scale - the scale of the column
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setTime

      public final void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
      Specified by:
      setTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      scale - the scale of the column
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setTimestamp

      public final void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setTimestamp in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setTimestamp

      public final void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, int scale) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
      Specified by:
      setTimestamp in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      scale - the scale of the column
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setTimestamp

      public final void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
      Specified by:
      setTimestamp in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      scale - the scale of the column
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setDateTimeOffset

      public final void setDateTimeOffset​(int n, DateTimeOffset x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset value.
      Specified by:
      setDateTimeOffset in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - if parameterIndex does not correspond to a parameter marker in the SQL statement; if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed PreparedStatement
    • setDateTimeOffset

      public final void setDateTimeOffset​(int n, DateTimeOffset x, int scale) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.DatetimeOffset value.
      Specified by:
      setDateTimeOffset in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      scale - the scale of the column
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setDateTimeOffset

      public final void setDateTimeOffset​(int n, DateTimeOffset x, int scale, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given microsoft.sql.DatetimeOffset value.
      Specified by:
      setDateTimeOffset in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      scale - the scale of the column
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setDate

      public final void setDate​(int n, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setDate in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setDateTime

      public final void setDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
      Specified by:
      setDateTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setDateTime

      public final void setDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
      Specified by:
      setDateTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setSmallDateTime

      public final void setSmallDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
      Specified by:
      setSmallDateTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setSmallDateTime

      public final void setSmallDateTime​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
      Specified by:
      setSmallDateTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setStructured

      public final void setStructured​(int n, java.lang.String tvpName, SQLServerDataTable tvpDataTable) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the data table to populates a table valued parameter.
      Specified by:
      setStructured in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      tvpName - the name of the table valued parameter
      tvpDataTable - the source datatable object
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setStructured

      public final void setStructured​(int n, java.lang.String tvpName, java.sql.ResultSet tvpResultSet) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the result set to populate a table-valued parameter.
      Specified by:
      setStructured in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      tvpName - the name of the table valued parameter
      tvpResultSet - the source resultset object
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setStructured

      public final void setStructured​(int n, java.lang.String tvpName, ISQLServerDataRecord tvpBulkRecord) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the server bulk record to populate a table valued parameter.
      Specified by:
      setStructured in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      tvpName - the name of the table valued parameter
      tvpBulkRecord - an ISQLServerDataRecord object
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setUnicodeStream

      @Deprecated public final void setUnicodeStream​(int n, x, int length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setUnicodeStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • addBatch

      public final void addBatch() throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      addBatch in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • clearBatch

      public final void clearBatch() throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      clearBatch in interface java.sql.Statement
      clearBatch in class SQLServerStatement
    • executeBatch

      public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLServerException, java.sql.BatchUpdateException, java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
      Description copied from class: SQLServerStatement
      Sends a batch of statements to the database.
      Specified by:
      executeBatch in interface java.sql.Statement
      executeBatch in class SQLServerStatement
    • executeLargeBatch

      public long[] executeLargeBatch() throws SQLServerException, java.sql.BatchUpdateException, java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
      Specified by:
      executeLargeBatch in interface java.sql.Statement
      executeLargeBatch in class SQLServerStatement
    • setUseFmtOnly

      public final void setUseFmtOnly​(boolean useFmtOnly) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Specifies the flag to use FMTONLY for parameter metadata queries.
      Specified by:
      setUseFmtOnly in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      useFmtOnly - boolean value for 'useFmtOnly'.
      SQLServerException - when the connection is closed.
    • getUseFmtOnly

      public final boolean getUseFmtOnly() throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Returns the current flag value for useFmtOnly.
      Specified by:
      getUseFmtOnly in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      'useFmtOnly' property value.
      SQLServerException - when the connection is closed.
    • setCharacterStream

      public final void setCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, reader) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setCharacterStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setCharacterStream

      public final void setCharacterStream​(int n, reader, int length) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setCharacterStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setCharacterStream

      public final void setCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, reader, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setCharacterStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setNCharacterStream

      public final void setNCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, value) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setNCharacterStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setNCharacterStream

      public final void setNCharacterStream​(int parameterIndex, value, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setNCharacterStream in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setRef

      public final void setRef​(int i, java.sql.Ref x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setRef in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBlob

      public final void setBlob​(int i, java.sql.Blob x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setBlob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBlob

      public final void setBlob​(int parameterIndex, inputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setBlob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setBlob

      public final void setBlob​(int parameterIndex, inputStream, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setBlob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setClob

      public final void setClob​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Clob clobValue) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setClob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setClob

      public final void setClob​(int parameterIndex, reader) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setClob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setClob

      public final void setClob​(int parameterIndex, reader, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setClob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setNClob

      public final void setNClob​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.NClob value) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setNClob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setNClob

      public final void setNClob​(int parameterIndex, reader) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setNClob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setNClob

      public final void setNClob​(int parameterIndex, reader, long length) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setNClob in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setArray

      public final void setArray​(int i, java.sql.Array x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setArray in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setDate

      public final void setDate​(int n, java.sql.Date x, java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setDate in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setDate

      public final void setDate​(int n, java.sql.Date x, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object. The driver uses the Calendar object to construct an SQL DATE value, which the driver then sends to the database. With a Calendar object, the driver can calculate the date taking into account a custom timezone. If no Calendar object is specified, the driver uses the default timezone, which is that of the virtual machine running the application.
      Specified by:
      setDate in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      cal - the Calendar object the driver will use to construct the date
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setTime

      public final void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setTime in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setTime

      public final void setTime​(int n, java.sql.Time x, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value. The driver converts this to an SQL TIME value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setTime in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      cal - the Calendar object the driver will use to construct the date
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setTimestamp

      public final void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setTimestamp in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setTimestamp

      public final void setTimestamp​(int n, java.sql.Timestamp x, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean forceEncrypt) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. The driver converts this to an SQL TIMESTAMP value when it sends it to the database.
      Specified by:
      setTimestamp in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      n - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
      x - the parameter value
      cal - the Calendar object the driver will use to construct the date
      forceEncrypt - If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to true, the query parameter will only be set if the designation column is encrypted and Always Encrypted is enabled on the connection or on the statement. If the boolean forceEncrypt is set to false, the driver will not force encryption on parameters.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • setNull

      public final void setNull​(int paramIndex, int sqlType, java.lang.String typeName) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      setNull in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • getParameterMetaData

      public final java.sql.ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData​(boolean forceRefresh) throws SQLServerException
      Description copied from interface: ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      Returns parameter metadata for the prepared statement.
      Specified by:
      getParameterMetaData in interface ISQLServerPreparedStatement
      forceRefresh - If true the cache will not be used to retrieve the metadata.
      Per the description.
      SQLServerException - when an error occurs
    • getParameterMetaData

      public final java.sql.ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      getParameterMetaData in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setURL

      public final void setURL​(int parameterIndex, x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setURL in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setRowId

      public final void setRowId​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.RowId x) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setRowId in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setSQLXML

      public final void setSQLXML​(int parameterIndex, java.sql.SQLXML xmlObject) throws java.sql.SQLException
      Specified by:
      setSQLXML in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • executeUpdate

      public final int executeUpdate​(java.lang.String sql) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      executeUpdate in interface java.sql.Statement
      executeUpdate in class SQLServerStatement
    • execute

      public final boolean execute​(java.lang.String sql) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      execute in interface java.sql.Statement
      execute in class SQLServerStatement
    • executeQuery

      public final java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery​(java.lang.String sql) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      executeQuery in interface java.sql.Statement
      executeQuery in class SQLServerStatement
    • addBatch

      public void addBatch​(java.lang.String sql) throws SQLServerException
      Specified by:
      addBatch in interface java.sql.Statement
      addBatch in class SQLServerStatement