Class SQLServerStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:
ISQLServerStatement, Serializable, AutoCloseable, Statement, Wrapper
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SQLServerStatement extends Object implements ISQLServerStatement
Provides an implementation of java.sql.Statement JDBC Interface to assist in creating Statements against SQL Server. It also provides a number of base class implementation methods for the JDBC prepared statement and callable Statements. SQLServerStatement's basic role is to execute SQL statements and return update counts and resultset rows to the user application. Documentation for specific public methods that are undocumented can be found under Sun's standard JDBC documentation for class java.sql.Statement. Those methods are part of Sun's standard JDBC documentation and therefore their documentation is not duplicated here.

Implementation Notes

Fetching Result sets

The queries first rowset is available immediately after the executeQuery. The first does not make a server round trip. For non server side resultsets the entire result set is in the rowset. For server side result sets the number of rows in the rowset is set with nFetchSize

The API javadoc for JDBC API methods that this class implements are not repeated here. Please see Sun's JDBC API interfaces javadoc for those details.

See Also:
Serialized Form