

package metrics

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait BaseMeterMetric extends AnyRef

  2. sealed trait CounterBase extends AnyRef

    The CounterBase trait provides helpers for derivations that implement specific types of Counter metrics.

  3. case class CounterMetric(prefix: String, metricsEventActor: ActorRef, includeMethod: Boolean = false, handleFailures: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.nilIncrementer, handleRejections: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.nilIncrementer, handleExceptions: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.nilIncrementer, handleSuccesses: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.incSuccesses) extends CounterBase with Product with Serializable

    Provides a builder that can provide a new spray.routing.Directive, which

  4. case class CounterMetricByUri(metricsEventActor: ActorRef, handleFailures: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.nilIncrementer, handleRejections: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.nilIncrementer, handleExceptions: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.nilIncrementer, handleSuccesses: (String, ActorRef) ⇒ Unit = CounterMetric.incSuccesses) extends CounterBase with Product with Serializable

    Provides a builder that can provide a new spray.routing.Directive, which will count successful, failed, rejected or excepted operations in a given spray.routing.Route.

  5. case class MeterMetric(meterName: String, metricsEventActor: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

    Provides a Meter metric that will mark a specific event under a Meter of a specific name.

  6. case class MeterMetricByUri(metricsEventActor: ActorRef) extends BaseMeterMetric with Product with Serializable

  7. case class MeterMetricOut(meterName: String, metricsEventActor: ActorRef) extends BaseMeterMetric with Product with Serializable

    Provides a Meter metric that will mark a specific event under a Meter of a specific name, when the request has completed and is being sent to the user

  8. trait MetricsDirectiveFactory extends AnyRef

    Provides an entry point to creating metric accumulators specific to the Coda Hale Metrics library (http://metrics.

  9. sealed trait TimerBase extends AnyRef

    The TimerBase trait provides helpers for derivations that implement specific types of Timer metrics.

  10. case class TimerMetric(timerName: String, metricsEventActor: ActorRef) extends TimerBase with Product with Serializable

    Provides a Timer metric that will record times on the timer under the name given.

  11. case class TimerMetricByUri(metricsEventActor: ActorRef) extends TimerBase with Product with Serializable

    Provides a Timer metric that will record times on the timer under the name given.

Value Members

  1. object CounterMetric extends Serializable

    The CounterMetric object holds helpers for code that implements Counters.

  2. object MetricHelpers

    Provides helper methods for metrics.

  3. object MetricsDirectiveFactory

    Provides construction for an instance of the CodaHaleMetricsDirectiveFactory.
