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Connect2id Server SDK 3.15 API

Toolkit for developing Connect2id Server connectors and extensions

See: Description

Package Description
Common SPI classes.
OpenID Connect claims source SPIs.
Configuration related SPIs.
Event listener SPIs.
OAuth 2.0 authorisation grant handler SPIs.
JSON Web Token (JWT) related interfaces and classes.

Toolkit for developing Connect2id Server connectors and extensions

  1. Java Service Provider Interface (SPI) for sourcing OpenID Connect claims about a subject (end-user), such as email, name, phone number and address. Used by the Connect2id Server in its OpenID Connect Provider (OP) role to aggregate claims from one or more sources (LDAP, RDMBS, etc).
  2. SPI for handling resource owner password credential grants (see RFC 6749, section 4.3). Used by the Connect2id Server to delegate validation of the submitted username / password and authorisation for the requested token.
  3. SPI for handling client credential grants (see RFC 6749, section 4.4). Used by the Connect2id Server to delegate authorisation for the requested token.
  4. SPI for handling client-issued (self-issued) JWT bearer assertion grants (see RFC 7523, section 2.1). Used by the Connect2id server to delegate authorisation for the requested token.
  5. SPI for handling third-party issued JWT bearer assertion grants (see RFC 7523, section 2.1). Used by the Connect2id server to delegate validation of the JWT and authorisation for the requested token.
  6. SPI for handling client-issued (self-issued) SAML 2.0 bearer assertion grants (see RFC 7522, section 2.1). Used by the Connect2id server to delegate authorisation for the requested token.
  7. SPI for handling third-party issued SAML 2.0 bearer assertion grants (see RFC 7522, section 2.1). Used by the Connect2id server to delegate validation of the SAML 2.0 assertion and authorisation for the requested token.
  8. SPI for sourcing Java properties to be merged into the system properties at Connect2id server startup. Can be used to override selected or all Connect2id server configuration properties.
  9. SPIs for listening to ID and access token issue events.


Official releases of the Connect2id Server toolkit are pushed to Maven Central under

GroupId: com.nimbusds

ArtifactId: c2id-server-sdk

These include the library’s source code, compiled JAR and JavaDocs.

To add the SDK to your Maven project use the following template:


where [version] should match the expected by the particular Connect2id Server version you're running.

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Email [email protected]

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