Class ClaimUtils

    • Method Detail

      • applyLangTags

        public static Set<StringapplyLangTags​(Set<String> claims,
                                                List<com.nimbusds.langtag.LangTag> langTags)
        Applies the specified language tags to a set of claims.


         Claims: "name", "given_name", "family_name"
         Language tags: "bg-BG", "en-US"
         Result: "name#bg-BG", "name#en-US",
                 "given_name#bg-BG", "given_name#en-US",
                 "family_name#bg-BG", "family_name#en-US"
        claims - The claims to apply the language tags to. Claims that already have a language will be returned unmodified. Must not be null.
        langTags - The language tags to apply, null if not specified.
        The claims with applied language tags, or the original claims if no language tags are specified.