Interface PasswordGrantHandler

All Superinterfaces:
GrantHandler, Lifecycle

@ThreadSafe public interface PasswordGrantHandler extends GrantHandler
Service Provider Interface (SPI) for handling OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credentials grants. Returns the matching authorisation on success. Must throw an GeneralException with an invalid_grant error code if the user credentials are invalid.

Implementations must be thread-safe.

Related specifications:

  • OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749), sections 1.3.3 and 4.3.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GrantType
    The handled grant type.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GrantType
    Returns the handled grant type.
    processGrant(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant grant, @Nullable com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.Scope scope, clientID, boolean confidentialClient, com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata clientMetadata)
    processGrant(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant grant, TokenRequestParameters tokenRequestParams, clientID, boolean confidentialClient, com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata clientMetadata, InvocationContext invocationCtx)
    Handles a resource owner password credentials grant.

    Methods inherited from interface com.nimbusds.openid.connect.provider.spi.Lifecycle

    init, isEnabled, shutdown
  • Field Details


      static final com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GrantType GRANT_TYPE
      The handled grant type.
  • Method Details

    • getGrantType

      default com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GrantType getGrantType()
      Description copied from interface: GrantHandler
      Returns the handled grant type.
      Specified by:
      getGrantType in interface GrantHandler
      The grant type;
    • processGrant

      @Deprecated default PasswordGrantAuthorization processGrant(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant grant, @Nullable com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.Scope scope, clientID, boolean confidentialClient, com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata clientMetadata) throws com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GeneralException
      Handles a resource owner password credentials grant.
      grant - The resource owner password credentials grant. Not null.
      scope - The requested scope, null if not specified.
      clientID - The client identifier. Not null.
      confidentialClient - true if the client is confidential and has been authenticated, else false.
      clientMetadata - The OpenID Connect client metadata. Not null.

      If the user credentials are invalid the handler must throw a exception with an invalid_grant error code.

      If the requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner the handler must throw a GeneralException with an invalid_scope error code.

      The authorisation.
      com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GeneralException - If the grant is invalid, or another exception was encountered.
    • processGrant

      default PasswordGrantAuthorization processGrant(com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant grant, TokenRequestParameters tokenRequestParams, clientID, boolean confidentialClient, com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata clientMetadata, InvocationContext invocationCtx) throws com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GeneralException
      Handles a resource owner password credentials grant.
      grant - The resource owner password credentials grant. Not null.
      tokenRequestParams - The token request parameters, such as the requested scope. Not null.
      clientID - The client identifier. Not null.
      confidentialClient - true if the client is confidential and has been authenticated, else false.
      clientMetadata - The OpenID Connect client metadata. Not null.
      invocationCtx - The invocation context. Not null.

      If the user credentials are invalid the handler must throw a exception with an invalid_grant error code.

      If the requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner the handler must throw a GeneralException with an invalid_scope error code.

      The authorisation.
      com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.GeneralException - If the grant is invalid, or another exception was encountered.