Interface FinalMetadataValidator

All Superinterfaces:

@ThreadSafe public interface FinalMetadataValidator extends Lifecycle
Service Provider Interface (SPI) for for performing additional validation and / or shaping of OAuth 2.0 client / OpenID relying party metadata, after the Connect2id server has completed its own standard validations. The loaded and enabled SPI implementations will be called (in no particular order) when a new client is registered (via HTTP POST request) or updated (via HTTP PUT request).

Implementations must be thread-safe.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    validate(com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata metadata, ValidatorContext validatorCtx)
    Validates the specified OAuth 2.0 client / OpenID relying party metadata.

    Methods inherited from interface com.nimbusds.openid.connect.provider.spi.Lifecycle

    init, isEnabled, shutdown
  • Method Details

    • validate

      com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata validate(com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.rp.OIDCClientMetadata metadata, ValidatorContext validatorCtx) throws InvalidRegistrationException
      Validates the specified OAuth 2.0 client / OpenID relying party metadata.
      metadata - The OAuth 2.0 client / OpenID relying party metadata. Not null.
      validatorCtx - The validator context. Not null.
      The validated metadata. It may be modified. Must not be null.
      InvalidRegistrationException - If validation failed.