Class DirectoryUser

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DirectoryUser extends Object implements LoggableConfiguration
Directory user, with DN and password.

The configuration is stored as public fields which become immutable (final) after their initialisation.

Property keys: [prefix]*

  • Field Details

    • dn

      public final com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN dn
      The distinguished name (DN) of the directory user DN. A DN.NULL_DN value represents an anonymous user.

      Property key: [prefix]dn

    • password

      public final String password
      The directory user password. An empty string represents an anonymous user.

      Property key: [prefix]password

  • Constructor Details

    • DirectoryUser

      public DirectoryUser(String prefix, Properties props) throws com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException
      Creates a new directory user from the specified properties.

      Mandatory properties:

      • [prefix]dn
      • [prefix]password
      prefix - The properties prefix. Must not be null.
      props - The properties. Must not be null.
      com.thetransactioncompany.util.PropertyParseException - On a missing or invalid property.
    • DirectoryUser

      public DirectoryUser(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN dn, String password)
      Creates a new directory user.
      dn - The distinguished name (DN) of the directory user DN. A DN.NULL_DN value represents an anonymous user. Must not be null.
      password - The directory user password. An empty string represents an anonymous user.
  • Method Details