Class Username

All Implemented Interfaces:
Identifier, Comparable<Identifier>, net.minidev.json.JSONAware

public final class Username extends BaseIdentifier
Represents a username.

The isLegal(java.lang.String) method is intended for basic validation before committing to expensive operations such as authentication. It checks whether the specified string falls outside the typical scope of legal username characters and length.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Username

      public Username(String value)
      Creates a new username.
      value - The username value, must not be null. The value is trimmed (of whitespace) internally.
  • Method Details

    • isLegal

      public static boolean isLegal(String value)
      Checks whether the specified username value is legal. This is done by performing a regular expression match against LEGAL_USERNAME_RE.
      value - The username value to test. It is trimmed before testing. Must not be null.
      true if the username is legal, else false.
    • isLegal

      public static boolean isLegal(String value, Pattern re)
      Checks whether the specified username value is legal. This is done by performing a regular expression match against the specified regular expression.
      value - The username value to test. It is trimmed before testing. Must not be null.
      re - The regular expression for validation, must evaluate to true for a legal username value.
      true if the username is legal, else false.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Description copied from class: BaseIdentifier
      Overrides Object.equals().
      Specified by:
      equals in class BaseIdentifier
      object - The object to compare to.
      true if the objects have the same value, otherwise false.