001    package com.nimbusds.jose;
004    import com.nimbusds.jose.util.Base64URL;
007    /**
008     * Interface for signing JSON Web Signature (JWS) objects.
009     *
010     * <p>Callers can query the signer to determine its algorithm capabilities.
011     *
012     * @author Vladimir Dzhuvinov
013     * @version $version$ (2012-10-04)
014     */
015    public interface JWSSigner extends JWSAlgorithmProvider {
018            /**
019             * Signs the specified {@link JWSObject#getSignableContent signable 
020             * content} of a {@link JWSObject JWS object}.
021             *
022             * @param header          The JSON Web Signature (JWS) header. Must 
023             *                        specify a supported JWS algorithm and must not
024             *                        be {@code null}.
025             * @param signableContent The content to sign. Must not be {@code null}.
026             *
027             * @return The resulting signature part (third part) of the JWS object.
028             *
029             * @throws JOSEException If the JWS algorithm is not supported or if
030             *                       signing failed for some other reason.
031             */
032            public Base64URL sign(final ReadOnlyJWSHeader header, final byte[] signableContent)
033                            throws JOSEException;
034    }