002 * nimbus-jose-jwt
003 *
004 * Copyright 2012-2016, Connect2id Ltd.
005 *
006 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
007 * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
008 * License at
009 *
010 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
013 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
014 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
015 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
016 */
018package com.nimbusds.jose.jwk;
021import java.io.Serializable;
022import java.math.BigInteger;
023import java.net.URI;
024import java.security.*;
025import java.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException;
026import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
027import java.security.interfaces.RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey;
028import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateCrtKey;
029import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey;
030import java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey;
031import java.security.spec.*;
032import java.text.ParseException;
033import java.util.*;
035import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
037import com.nimbusds.jose.Algorithm;
038import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException;
039import com.nimbusds.jose.util.Base64;
040import com.nimbusds.jose.util.*;
044 * Public and private {@link KeyType#RSA RSA} JSON Web Key (JWK). This class is
045 * immutable.
046 *
047 * <p>Provides RSA JWK import from / export to the following standard Java 
048 * interfaces and classes:
049 *
050 * <ul>
051 *     <li>{@link java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey}
052 *     <li>{@link java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey}
053 *         <ul>
054 *             <li>{@link java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateCrtKey}
055 *             <li>{@link java.security.interfaces.RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey}
056 *         </ul>
057 *     <li>{@link java.security.PrivateKey} for an RSA key in a PKCS#11 store
058 *     <li>{@link java.security.KeyPair}
059 * </ul>
060 *
061 * <p>Example JSON object representation of a public RSA JWK:
062 *
063 * <pre>
064 * { 
065 *   "kty" : "RSA",
066 *   "n"   : "0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx
067 *            4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCiFV4n3oknjhMs
068 *            tn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65YGjQR0_FDW2
069 *            QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n91CbOpbI
070 *            SD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_xBniIqb
071 *            w0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw",
072 *   "e"   : "AQAB",
073 *   "alg" : "RS256",
074 *   "kid" : "2011-04-29"
075 * }
076 * </pre>
077 *
078 * <p>Example JSON object representation of a public and private RSA JWK (with 
079 * both the first and the second private key representations):
080 *
081 * <pre>
082 * { 
083 *   "kty" : "RSA",
084 *   "n"   : "0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx
085 *            4cbbfAAtVT86zwu1RK7aPFFxuhDR1L6tSoc_BJECPebWKRXjBZCiFV4n3oknjhMs
086 *            tn64tZ_2W-5JsGY4Hc5n9yBXArwl93lqt7_RN5w6Cf0h4QyQ5v-65YGjQR0_FDW2
087 *            QvzqY368QQMicAtaSqzs8KJZgnYb9c7d0zgdAZHzu6qMQvRL5hajrn1n91CbOpbI
088 *            SD08qNLyrdkt-bFTWhAI4vMQFh6WeZu0fM4lFd2NcRwr3XPksINHaQ-G_xBniIqb
089 *            w0Ls1jF44-csFCur-kEgU8awapJzKnqDKgw",
090 *   "e"   : "AQAB",
091 *   "d"   : "X4cTteJY_gn4FYPsXB8rdXix5vwsg1FLN5E3EaG6RJoVH-HLLKD9
092 *            M7dx5oo7GURknchnrRweUkC7hT5fJLM0WbFAKNLWY2vv7B6NqXSzUvxT0_YSfqij
093 *            wp3RTzlBaCxWp4doFk5N2o8Gy_nHNKroADIkJ46pRUohsXywbReAdYaMwFs9tv8d
094 *            _cPVY3i07a3t8MN6TNwm0dSawm9v47UiCl3Sk5ZiG7xojPLu4sbg1U2jx4IBTNBz
095 *            nbJSzFHK66jT8bgkuqsk0GjskDJk19Z4qwjwbsnn4j2WBii3RL-Us2lGVkY8fkFz
096 *            me1z0HbIkfz0Y6mqnOYtqc0X4jfcKoAC8Q",
097 *   "p"   : "83i-7IvMGXoMXCskv73TKr8637FiO7Z27zv8oj6pbWUQyLPQBQxtPV
098 *            nwD20R-60eTDmD2ujnMt5PoqMrm8RfmNhVWDtjjMmCMjOpSXicFHj7XOuVIYQyqV
099 *            WlWEh6dN36GVZYk93N8Bc9vY41xy8B9RzzOGVQzXvNEvn7O0nVbfs",
100 *   "q"   : "3dfOR9cuYq-0S-mkFLzgItgMEfFzB2q3hWehMuG0oCuqnb3vobLyum
101 *            qjVZQO1dIrdwgTnCdpYzBcOfW5r370AFXjiWft_NGEiovonizhKpo9VVS78TzFgx
102 *            kIdrecRezsZ-1kYd_s1qDbxtkDEgfAITAG9LUnADun4vIcb6yelxk",
103 *   "dp"  : "G4sPXkc6Ya9y8oJW9_ILj4xuppu0lzi_H7VTkS8xj5SdX3coE0oim
104 *            YwxIi2emTAue0UOa5dpgFGyBJ4c8tQ2VF402XRugKDTP8akYhFo5tAA77Qe_Nmtu
105 *            YZc3C3m3I24G2GvR5sSDxUyAN2zq8Lfn9EUms6rY3Ob8YeiKkTiBj0",
106 *   "dq"  : "s9lAH9fggBsoFR8Oac2R_E2gw282rT2kGOAhvIllETE1efrA6huUU
107 *            vMfBcMpn8lqeW6vzznYY5SSQF7pMdC_agI3nG8Ibp1BUb0JUiraRNqUfLhcQb_d9
108 *            GF4Dh7e74WbRsobRonujTYN1xCaP6TO61jvWrX-L18txXw494Q_cgk",
109 *   "qi"  : "GyM_p6JrXySiz1toFgKbWV-JdI3jQ4ypu9rbMWx3rQJBfmt0FoYzg
110 *            UIZEVFEcOqwemRN81zoDAaa-Bk0KWNGDjJHZDdDmFhW3AN7lI-puxk_mHZGJ11rx
111 *            yR8O55XLSe3SPmRfKwZI6yU24ZxvQKFYItdldUKGzO6Ia6zTKhAVRU",
112 *   "alg" : "RS256",
113 *   "kid" : "2011-04-29"
114 * }
115 * </pre>
116 *
117 * <p>Use the builder to create a new RSA JWK:
118 *
119 * <pre>
120 * RSAKey key = new RSAKey.Builder(n, e)
121 *      .keyUse(KeyUse.SIGNATURE)
122 *      .keyID("123")
123 *      .build();
124 * </pre>
125 *
126 * <p>See RFC 3447.
127 *
128 * <p>See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_%28algorithm%29
129 *
130 * @author Vladimir Dzhuvinov
131 * @author Justin Richer
132 * @author Cedric Staub
133 * @version 2020-06-03
134 */
136public final class RSAKey extends JWK implements AsymmetricJWK {
139        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
142        /**
143         * Other Primes Info, represents the private {@code oth} parameter of a
144         * RSA JWK. This class is immutable.
145         */
146        @Immutable
147        public static class OtherPrimesInfo implements Serializable {
150                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
153                 /**
154                  * The prime factor.
155                  */
156                private final Base64URL r;
159                /**
160                 * The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) exponent.
161                 */
162                private final Base64URL d;
165                /**
166                 * The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) coefficient.
167                 */
168                private final Base64URL t;
171                /**
172                 * Creates a new JWK Other Primes Info with the specified 
173                 * parameters.
174                 *
175                 * @param r The prime factor. Must not be {@code null}.
176                 * @param d The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) 
177                 *          exponent. Must not be {@code null}.
178                 * @param t The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) 
179                 *          coefficient. Must not be {@code null}.
180                 */
181                public OtherPrimesInfo(final Base64URL r, final Base64URL d, final Base64URL t) {
183                        if (r == null) {
185                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The prime factor must not be null");
186                        }
188                        this.r = r;
190                        if (d == null) {
192                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The factor CRT exponent must not be null");
193                        }
195                        this.d = d;
197                        if (t == null) {
199                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The factor CRT coefficient must not be null");
200                        }
202                        this.t = t;
203                }
206                /**
207                 * Creates a new JWK Other Primes Info from the specified
208                 * {@code java.security.spec.RSAOtherPrimeInfo} instance.
209                 *
210                 * @param oth The RSA Other Primes Info instance. Must not be 
211                 *            {@code null}.
212                 */
213                public OtherPrimesInfo(final RSAOtherPrimeInfo oth) {
215                        r = Base64URL.encode(oth.getPrime());
216                        d = Base64URL.encode(oth.getExponent());
217                        t = Base64URL.encode(oth.getCrtCoefficient());
218                }
221                /**
222                 * Gets the prime factor ({@code r}).
223                 *
224                 * @return The prime factor.
225                 */
226                public Base64URL getPrimeFactor() {
228                        return r;
229                }
232                /**
233                 * Gets factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) exponent
234                 * ({@code d}).
235                 *
236                 * @return The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) exponent.
237                 */
238                public Base64URL getFactorCRTExponent() {
240                        return d;
241                }
244                /**
245                 * The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) coefficient
246                 * ({@code t}).
247                 *
248                 * @return The factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) 
249                 *         coefficient.
250                 */
251                public Base64URL getFactorCRTCoefficient() {
253                        return t;
254                }
257                /**
258                 * Converts the specified array of 
259                 * {@code java.security.spec.RSAOtherPrimeInfo} instances to a
260                 * list of JWK Other Prime Infos.
261                 *
262                 * @param othArray Array of RSA Other Primes Info instances. 
263                 *                 May be be {@code null}.
264                 *
265                 * @return The corresponding list of JWK Other Prime Infos, or
266                 *         empty list of the array was {@code null}.
267                 */
268                public static List<OtherPrimesInfo> toList(final RSAOtherPrimeInfo[] othArray) {
270                        List<OtherPrimesInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();
272                        if (othArray == null) {
274                                // Return empty list
275                                return list;
276                        }
278                        for (RSAOtherPrimeInfo oth: othArray) {
280                                list.add(new OtherPrimesInfo(oth));
281                        }
283                        return list;
284                }
285        }
288        /**
289         * Builder for constructing RSA JWKs.
290         *
291         * <p>Example usage:
292         *
293         * <pre>
294         * RSAKey key = new RSAKey.Builder(n, e).
295         *              privateExponent(d).
296         *              algorithm(JWSAlgorithm.RS512).
297         *              keyID("456").
298         *              build();
299         * </pre>
300         */
301        public static class Builder {
304                // Public RSA params
306                /**
307                 * The modulus value for the RSA key.
308                 */
309                private final Base64URL n;
312                /**
313                 * The public exponent of the RSA key.
314                 */
315                private final Base64URL e;
318                // Private RSA params, 1st representation       
320                /**
321                 * The private exponent of the RSA key.
322                 */
323                private Base64URL d;
326                // Private RSA params, 2nd representation
328                /**
329                 * The first prime factor of the private RSA key.
330                 */
331                private Base64URL p;
334                /**
335                 * The second prime factor of the private RSA key.
336                 */
337                private Base64URL q;
340                /**
341                 * The first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent of the 
342                 * private RSA key.
343                 */
344                private Base64URL dp;
347                /**
348                 * The second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent of the
349                 * private RSA key.
350                 */
351                private Base64URL dq;
354                /**
355                 * The first Chinese Remainder Theorem coefficient of the private RSA
356                 * key.
357                 */
358                private Base64URL qi;
361                /**
362                 * The other primes information of the private RSA key, should
363                 * they exist. When only two primes have been used (the normal
364                 * case), this parameter MUST be omitted. When three or more 
365                 * primes have been used, the number of array elements MUST be 
366                 * the number of primes used minus two.
367                 */
368                private List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth;
371                // Private RSA key, as PKCS#11 handle
373                /**
374                 * The private RSA key, as PKCS#11 handle.
375                 */
376                private PrivateKey priv;
379                /**
380                 * The key use, optional.
381                 */
382                private KeyUse use;
385                /**
386                 * The key operations, optional.
387                 */
388                private Set<KeyOperation> ops;
391                /**
392                 * The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, optional.
393                 */
394                private Algorithm alg;
397                /**
398                 * The key ID, optional.
399                 */
400                private String kid;
403                /**
404                 * X.509 certificate URL, optional.
405                 */
406                private URI x5u;
409                /**
410                 * X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, optional.
411                 */
412                @Deprecated
413                private Base64URL x5t;
416                /**
417                 * X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, optional.
418                 */
419                private Base64URL x5t256;
422                /**
423                 * The X.509 certificate chain, optional.
424                 */
425                private List<Base64> x5c;
428                /**
429                 * Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if none.
430                 */
431                private KeyStore ks;
434                /**
435                 * Creates a new RSA JWK builder.
436                 *
437                 * @param n The the modulus value for the public RSA key. It is 
438                 *          represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's 
439                 *          big endian representation. Must not be 
440                 *          {@code null}.
441                 * @param e The exponent value for the public RSA key. It is 
442                 *          represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's 
443                 *          big endian representation. Must not be 
444                 *          {@code null}.
445                 */
446                public Builder(final Base64URL n, final Base64URL e) {
448                        // Ensure the public params are defined
450                        if (n == null) {
451                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The modulus value must not be null");
452                        }
454                        this.n = n;
457                        if (e == null) {
458                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The public exponent value must not be null");
459                        }
461                        this.e = e;
462                }
465                /**
466                 * Creates a new RSA JWK builder.
467                 * 
468                 * @param pub The public RSA key to represent. Must not be 
469                 *            {@code null}.
470                 */
471                public Builder(final RSAPublicKey pub) {
473                        n = Base64URL.encode(pub.getModulus());
474                        e = Base64URL.encode(pub.getPublicExponent());
475                }
478                /**
479                 * Creates a new RSA JWK builder.
480                 *
481                 * @param rsaJWK The RSA JWK to start with. Must not be
482                 *               {@code null}.
483                 */
484                public Builder(final RSAKey rsaJWK) {
486                        n = rsaJWK.n;
487                        e = rsaJWK.e;
488                        d = rsaJWK.d;
489                        p = rsaJWK.p;
490                        q = rsaJWK.q;
491                        dp = rsaJWK.dp;
492                        dq = rsaJWK.dq;
493                        qi = rsaJWK.qi;
494                        oth = rsaJWK.oth;
495                        priv = rsaJWK.privateKey;
496                        use = rsaJWK.getKeyUse();
497                        ops = rsaJWK.getKeyOperations();
498                        alg = rsaJWK.getAlgorithm();
499                        kid = rsaJWK.getKeyID();
500                        x5u = rsaJWK.getX509CertURL();
501                        x5t = rsaJWK.getX509CertThumbprint();
502                        x5t256 = rsaJWK.getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint();
503                        x5c = rsaJWK.getX509CertChain();
504                        ks = rsaJWK.getKeyStore();
505                }
508                /**
509                 * Sets the private exponent ({@code d}) of the RSA key.
510                 *
511                 * @param d The private RSA key exponent. It is represented as 
512                 *          the Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian 
513                 *          representation. {@code null} if not specified (for 
514                 *          a public key or a private key using the second 
515                 *          representation only).
516                 *
517                 * @return This builder.
518                 */
519                public Builder privateExponent(final Base64URL d) {
521                        this.d = d;
522                        return this;
523                }
526                /**
527                 * Sets the private RSA key, using the first representation.
528                 * 
529                 * @param priv The private RSA key, used to obtain the private
530                 *             exponent ({@code d}). Must not be {@code null}.
531                 *
532                 * @return This builder.
533                 */
534                public Builder privateKey(final RSAPrivateKey priv) {
536                        if (priv instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey) {
537                                return this.privateKey((RSAPrivateCrtKey) priv);
538                        } else if (priv instanceof RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey) {
539                                return this.privateKey((RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey) priv);
540                        } else {
541                                this.d = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrivateExponent());
542                                return this;
543                        }
544                }
547                /**
548                 * Sets the private RSA key, typically for a key located in a
549                 * PKCS#11 store that doesn't expose the private key parameters
550                 * (such as a smart card or HSM).
551                 *
552                 * @param priv The private RSA key reference. Its algorithm
553                 *             must be "RSA". Must not be {@code null}.
554                 *
555                 * @return This builder.
556                 */
557                public Builder privateKey(final PrivateKey priv) {
558                        if (priv instanceof RSAPrivateKey) {
559                                return privateKey((RSAPrivateKey) priv);
560                        }
562                        if (! "RSA".equalsIgnoreCase(priv.getAlgorithm())) {
563                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The private key algorithm must be RSA");
564                        }
566                        this.priv = priv;
567                        return this;
568                }
571                /**
572                 * Sets the first prime factor ({@code p}) of the private RSA
573                 * key. 
574                 *
575                 * @param p The RSA first prime factor. It is represented as 
576                 *          the Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian 
577                 *          representation. {@code null} if not specified (for 
578                 *          a public key or a private key using the first 
579                 *          representation only).
580                 *
581                 * @return This builder.
582                 */
583                public Builder firstPrimeFactor(final Base64URL p) {
585                        this.p = p;
586                        return this;
587                }
590                /**
591                 * Sets the second prime factor ({@code q}) of the private RSA 
592                 * key.
593                 *
594                 * @param q The RSA second prime factor. It is represented as 
595                 *          the Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian 
596                 *          representation. {@code null} if not specified (for 
597                 *          a public key or a private key using the first 
598                 *          representation only).
599                 *
600                 * @return This builder.
601                 */
602                public Builder secondPrimeFactor(final Base64URL q) {
604                        this.q = q;
605                        return this;
606                }
609                /**
610                 * Sets the first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) 
611                 * exponent ({@code dp}) of the private RSA key.
612                 *
613                 * @param dp The RSA first factor CRT exponent. It is 
614                 *           represented as the Base64URL encoding of the 
615                 *           value's big endian representation. {@code null} 
616                 *           if not specified (for a public key or a private
617                 *           key using the first representation only).
618                 *
619                 * @return This builder.
620                 */
621                public Builder firstFactorCRTExponent(final Base64URL dp) {
623                        this.dp = dp;
624                        return this;
625                }
628                /**
629                 * Sets the second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) 
630                 * exponent ({@code dq}) of the private RSA key.
631                 *
632                 * @param dq The RSA second factor CRT exponent. It is 
633                 *           represented as the Base64URL encoding of the 
634                 *           value's big endian representation. {@code null} if 
635                 *           not specified (for a public key or a private key 
636                 *           using the first representation only).
637                 *
638                 * @return This builder.
639                 */
640                public Builder secondFactorCRTExponent(final Base64URL dq) {
642                        this.dq = dq;
643                        return this;
644                }
647                /**
648                 * Sets the first Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) coefficient
649                 * ({@code qi}) of the private RSA key.
650                 *
651                 * @param qi The RSA first CRT coefficient. It is represented 
652                 *           as the Base64URL encoding of the value's big 
653                 *           endian representation. {@code null} if not 
654                 *           specified (for a public key or a private key using 
655                 *           the first representation only).
656                 *
657                 * @return This builder.
658                 */
659                public Builder firstCRTCoefficient(final Base64URL qi) {
661                        this.qi = qi;
662                        return this;
663                }
666                /**
667                 * Sets the other primes information ({@code oth}) for the 
668                 * private RSA key, should they exist.
669                 *
670                 * @param oth The RSA other primes information, {@code null} or 
671                 *            empty list if not specified.
672                 *
673                 * @return This builder.
674                 */
675                public Builder otherPrimes(final List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth) {
677                        this.oth = oth;
678                        return this;
679                }
682                /**
683                 * Sets the private RSA key, using the second representation 
684                 * (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
685                 * 
686                 * @param priv The private RSA key, used to obtain the private
687                 *             exponent ({@code d}), the first prime factor
688                 *             ({@code p}), the second prime factor 
689                 *             ({@code q}), the first factor CRT exponent 
690                 *             ({@code dp}), the second factor CRT exponent
691                 *             ({@code dq}) and the first CRT coefficient 
692                 *             ({@code qi}). Must not be {@code null}.
693                 *
694                 * @return This builder.
695                 */
696                public Builder privateKey(final RSAPrivateCrtKey priv) {
698                        d = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrivateExponent());
699                        p = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeP());
700                        q = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeQ());
701                        dp = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentP());
702                        dq = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentQ());
703                        qi = Base64URL.encode(priv.getCrtCoefficient());
705                        return this;
706                }
709                /**
710                 * Sets the private RSA key, using the second representation, 
711                 * with optional other primes info (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
712                 * 
713                 * @param priv The private RSA key, used to obtain the private
714                 *             exponent ({@code d}), the first prime factor
715                 *             ({@code p}), the second prime factor 
716                 *             ({@code q}), the first factor CRT exponent 
717                 *             ({@code dp}), the second factor CRT exponent
718                 *             ({@code dq}), the first CRT coefficient 
719                 *             ({@code qi}) and the other primes info
720                 *             ({@code oth}). Must not be {@code null}.
721                 *
722                 * @return This builder.
723                 */
724                public Builder privateKey(final RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey priv) {
726                        d = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrivateExponent());
727                        p = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeP());
728                        q = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeQ());
729                        dp = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentP());
730                        dq = Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentQ());
731                        qi = Base64URL.encode(priv.getCrtCoefficient());
732                        oth = OtherPrimesInfo.toList(priv.getOtherPrimeInfo());
734                        return this;
735                }
738                /**
739                 * Sets the use ({@code use}) of the JWK.
740                 *
741                 * @param use The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if
742                 *            the key is intended for signing as well as
743                 *            encryption.
744                 *
745                 * @return This builder.
746                 */
747                public Builder keyUse(final KeyUse use) {
749                        this.use = use;
750                        return this;
751                }
754                /**
755                 * Sets the operations ({@code key_ops}) of the JWK (for a
756                 * non-public key).
757                 *
758                 * @param ops The key operations, {@code null} if not
759                 *            specified.
760                 *
761                 * @return This builder.
762                 */
763                public Builder keyOperations(final Set<KeyOperation> ops) {
765                        this.ops = ops;
766                        return this;
767                }
770                /**
771                 * Sets the intended JOSE algorithm ({@code alg}) for the JWK.
772                 *
773                 * @param alg The intended JOSE algorithm, {@code null} if not
774                 *            specified.
775                 *
776                 * @return This builder.
777                 */
778                public Builder algorithm(final Algorithm alg) {
780                        this.alg = alg;
781                        return this;
782                }
784                /**
785                 * Sets the ID ({@code kid}) of the JWK. The key ID can be used
786                 * to match a specific key. This can be used, for instance, to
787                 * choose a key within a {@link JWKSet} during key rollover.
788                 * The key ID may also correspond to a JWS/JWE {@code kid}
789                 * header parameter value.
790                 *
791                 * @param kid The key ID, {@code null} if not specified.
792                 *
793                 * @return This builder.
794                 */
795                public Builder keyID(final String kid) {
797                        this.kid = kid;
798                        return this;
799                }
802                /**
803                 * Sets the ID ({@code kid}) of the JWK to its SHA-256 JWK
804                 * thumbprint (RFC 7638). The key ID can be used to match a
805                 * specific key. This can be used, for instance, to choose a
806                 * key within a {@link JWKSet} during key rollover. The key ID
807                 * may also correspond to a JWS/JWE {@code kid} header
808                 * parameter value.
809                 *
810                 * @return This builder.
811                 *
812                 * @throws JOSEException If the SHA-256 hash algorithm is not
813                 *                       supported.
814                 */
815                public Builder keyIDFromThumbprint()
816                        throws JOSEException {
818                        return keyIDFromThumbprint("SHA-256");
819                }
822                /**
823                 * Sets the ID ({@code kid}) of the JWK to its JWK thumbprint
824                 * (RFC 7638). The key ID can be used to match a specific key.
825                 * This can be used, for instance, to choose a key within a
826                 * {@link JWKSet} during key rollover. The key ID may also
827                 * correspond to a JWS/JWE {@code kid} header parameter value.
828                 *
829                 * @param hashAlg The hash algorithm for the JWK thumbprint
830                 *                computation. Must not be {@code null}.
831                 *
832                 * @return This builder.
833                 *
834                 * @throws JOSEException If the hash algorithm is not
835                 *                       supported.
836                 */
837                public Builder keyIDFromThumbprint(final String hashAlg)
838                        throws JOSEException {
840                        // Put mandatory params in sorted order
841                        LinkedHashMap<String,Object> requiredParams = new LinkedHashMap<>();
842                        requiredParams.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_EXPONENT, e.toString());
843                        requiredParams.put(JWKParameterNames.KEY_TYPE, KeyType.RSA.getValue());
844                        requiredParams.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_MODULUS, n.toString());
845                        this.kid = ThumbprintUtils.compute(hashAlg, requiredParams).toString();
846                        return this;
847                }
850                /**
851                 * Sets the X.509 certificate URL ({@code x5u}) of the JWK.
852                 *
853                 * @param x5u The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
854                 *            specified.
855                 *
856                 * @return This builder.
857                 */
858                public Builder x509CertURL(final URI x5u) {
860                        this.x5u = x5u;
861                        return this;
862                }
865                /**
866                 * Sets the X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint ({@code x5t}) of
867                 * the JWK.
868                 *
869                 * @param x5t The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint,
870                 *            {@code null} if not specified.
871                 *
872                 * @return This builder.
873                 */
874                @Deprecated
875                public Builder x509CertThumbprint(final Base64URL x5t) {
877                        this.x5t = x5t;
878                        return this;
879                }
882                /**
883                 * Sets the X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint
884                 * ({@code x5t#S256}) of the JWK.
885                 *
886                 * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint,
887                 *               {@code null} if not specified.
888                 *
889                 * @return This builder.
890                 */
891                public Builder x509CertSHA256Thumbprint(final Base64URL x5t256) {
893                        this.x5t256 = x5t256;
894                        return this;
895                }
898                /**
899                 * Sets the X.509 certificate chain ({@code x5c}) of the JWK.
900                 *
901                 * @param x5c The X.509 certificate chain as a unmodifiable
902                 *            list, {@code null} if not specified.
903                 *
904                 * @return This builder.
905                 */
906                public Builder x509CertChain(final List<Base64> x5c) {
908                        this.x5c = x5c;
909                        return this;
910                }
913                /**
914                 * Sets the underlying key store.
915                 *
916                 * @param keyStore Reference to the underlying key store,
917                 *                 {@code null} if none.
918                 *
919                 * @return This builder.
920                 */
921                public Builder keyStore(final KeyStore keyStore) {
923                        this.ks = keyStore;
924                        return this;
925                }
928                /**
929                 * Builds a new RSA JWK.
930                 *
931                 * @return The RSA JWK.
932                 *
933                 * @throws IllegalStateException If the JWK parameters were
934                 *                               inconsistently specified.
935                 */
936                public RSAKey build() {
938                        try {
939                                // The full constructor
940                                return new RSAKey(n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, qi, oth,
941                                                  priv,
942                                                  use, ops, alg, kid, x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
943                                                  ks);
945                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
947                                throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
948                        }
949                }
950        }
953        // Public RSA params
955        /**
956         * The modulus value of the RSA key.
957         */
958        private final Base64URL n;
961        /**
962         * The public exponent of the RSA key.
963         */
964        private final Base64URL e;
967        // Private RSA params, 1st representation       
969        /**
970         * The private exponent of the RSA key.
971         */
972        private final Base64URL d;
975        // Private RSA params, 2nd representation
977        /**
978         * The first prime factor of the private RSA key.
979         */
980        private final Base64URL p;
983        /**
984         * The second prime factor of the private RSA key.
985         */
986        private final Base64URL q;
989        /**
990         * The first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent of the private 
991         * RSA key.
992         */
993        private final Base64URL dp;
996        /**
997         * The second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent of the private
998         * RSA key.
999         */
1000        private final Base64URL dq;
1003        /**
1004         * The first Chinese Remainder Theorem coefficient of the private RSA
1005         * key.
1006         */
1007        private final Base64URL qi;
1010        /**
1011         * The other primes information of the private RSA key, should they
1012         * exist. When only two primes have been used (the normal case), this 
1013         * parameter MUST be omitted. When three or more primes have been used,
1014         * the number of array elements MUST be the number of primes used minus
1015         * two.
1016         */
1017        private final List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth;
1020        // Private RSA PKCS#11 key handle
1022        /**
1023         * Private PKCS#11 key handle.
1024         */
1025        private final PrivateKey privateKey;
1028        /**
1029         * Creates a new public RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the specified 
1030         * parameters.
1031         *
1032         * @param n      The the modulus value for the public RSA key. It is
1033         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1034         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1035         * @param e      The exponent value for the public RSA key. It is
1036         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1037         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1038         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1039         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1040         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1041         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1042         *               if not specified.
1043         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1044         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1045         *               specified.
1046         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1047         *               if not specified.
1048         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1049         *               if not specified.
1050         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1051         *               specified.
1052         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1053         *               not specified.
1054         */
1055        public RSAKey(final Base64URL n, final Base64URL e,
1056                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1057                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1058                      final KeyStore ks) {
1060                // Call the full constructor, all private key parameters are null
1061                this(n, e, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, use, ops, alg, kid,
1062                     x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1063                     ks);
1064        }
1067        /**
1068         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the 
1069         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by its first
1070         * representation (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
1071         * 
1072         * @param n      The the modulus value for the public RSA key. It is
1073         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1074         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1075         * @param e      The exponent value for the public RSA key. It is
1076         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1077         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1078         * @param d      The private exponent. It is represented as the
1079         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1080         *               representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1081         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1082         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1083         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1084         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1085         *               if not specified.
1086         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1087         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1088         *               specified.
1089         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1090         *               if not specified.
1091         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1092         *               if not specified.
1093         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1094         *               specified.
1095         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1096         *               not specified.
1097         */
1098        public RSAKey(final Base64URL n, final Base64URL e, final Base64URL d,
1099                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1100                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1101                      final KeyStore ks) {
1103                // Call the full constructor, the second private representation 
1104                // parameters are all null
1105                this(n, e, d, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, use, ops, alg, kid,
1106                     x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c, ks);
1108                if (d == null) {
1109                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The private exponent must not be null");
1110                }
1111        }
1114        /**
1115         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the 
1116         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by its
1117         * second representation (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
1118         * 
1119         * @param n      The the modulus value for the public RSA key. It is
1120         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1121         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1122         * @param e      The exponent value for the public RSA key. It is
1123         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1124         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1125         * @param p      The first prime factor. It is represented as the
1126         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1127         *               representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1128         * @param q      The second prime factor. It is represented as the
1129         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1130         *               representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1131         * @param dp     The first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent.
1132         *               It is represented as the Base64URL encoding of the
1133         *               value's big endian representation. Must not be
1134         *               {@code null}.
1135         * @param dq     The second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent.
1136         *               It is represented as the Base64URL encoding of the
1137         *               value's big endian representation. Must not be
1138         *               {@code null}.
1139         * @param qi     The first Chinese Remainder Theorem coefficient. It is
1140         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's
1141         *               big endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1142         * @param oth    The other primes information, should they exist,
1143         *               {@code null} or an empty list if not specified.
1144         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1145         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1146         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1147         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1148         *               if not specified.
1149         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1150         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1151         *               specified.
1152         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1153         *               if not specified.
1154         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1155         *               if not specified.
1156         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1157         *               specified.
1158         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1159         *               not specified.
1160         */
1161        public RSAKey(final Base64URL n, final Base64URL e, 
1162                      final Base64URL p, final Base64URL q, 
1163                      final Base64URL dp, final Base64URL dq, final Base64URL qi, 
1164                      final List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth,
1165                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1166                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1167                      final KeyStore ks) {
1169                // Call the full constructor, the first private representation 
1170                // d param is null
1171                this(n, e, null, p, q, dp, dq, qi, oth, null, use, ops, alg, kid,
1172                     x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1173                     ks);
1175                if (p == null) {
1176                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first prime factor must not be null");
1177                }
1179                if (q == null) {
1180                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The second prime factor must not be null");
1181                }
1183                if (dp == null) {
1184                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first factor CRT exponent must not be null");
1185                }
1187                if (dq == null) {
1188                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The second factor CRT exponent must not be null");
1189                }
1191                if (qi == null) {
1192                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first CRT coefficient must not be null");
1193                }
1194        }
1197        /**
1198         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the 
1199         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by both its
1200         * first and second representations (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
1201         *
1202         * <p>A valid first private RSA key representation must specify the
1203         * {@code d} parameter.
1204         *
1205         * <p>A valid second private RSA key representation must specify all 
1206         * required Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) parameters - {@code p},
1207         * {@code q}, {@code dp}, {@code dq} and {@code qi}, else an
1208         * {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
1209         * 
1210         * @param n      The the modulus value for the public RSA key. It is
1211         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1212         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1213         * @param e      The exponent value for the public RSA key. It is
1214         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1215         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1216         * @param d      The private exponent. It is represented as the Base64URL
1217         *               encoding of the value's big endian representation. May
1218         *               be {@code null}.
1219         * @param p      The first prime factor. It is represented as the
1220         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1221         *               representation. May be {@code null}.
1222         * @param q      The second prime factor. It is represented as the
1223         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1224         *               representation. May be {@code null}.
1225         * @param dp     The first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent. It
1226         *               is represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's
1227         *               big endian representation. May be {@code null}.
1228         * @param dq     The second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent. It
1229         *               is represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's
1230         *               big endian representation. May be {@code null}.
1231         * @param qi     The first Chinese Remainder Theorem coefficient. It is
1232         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's big
1233         *               endian representation. May be {@code null}.
1234         * @param oth    The other primes information, should they exist,
1235         *               {@code null} or an empty list if not specified.
1236         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the key
1237         *               is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1238         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1239         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null} if
1240         *               not specified.
1241         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1242         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not specified.
1243         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1244         *               if not specified.
1245         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1246         *               if not specified.
1247         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1248         *               specified.
1249         */
1250        @Deprecated
1251        public RSAKey(final Base64URL n, final Base64URL e,
1252                      final Base64URL d, 
1253                      final Base64URL p, final Base64URL q, 
1254                      final Base64URL dp, final Base64URL dq, final Base64URL qi, 
1255                      final List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth,
1256                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1257                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c) {
1259                this(n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, qi, oth, null, use, ops, alg, kid, x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c, null);
1260        }
1263        /**
1264         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the
1265         * specified parameters. The private RSA key can be specified by its
1266         * first representation, its second representation (see RFC 3447,
1267         * section 3.2), or by a PKCS#11 handle as {@link PrivateKey}.
1268         *
1269         * <p>A valid first private RSA key representation must specify the
1270         * {@code d} parameter.
1271         *
1272         * <p>A valid second private RSA key representation must specify all
1273         * required Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) parameters - {@code p},
1274         * {@code q}, {@code dp}, {@code dq} and {@code qi}, else an
1275         * {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
1276         *
1277         * @param n      The the modulus value for the public RSA key. It is
1278         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1279         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1280         * @param e      The exponent value for the public RSA key. It is
1281         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of value's big
1282         *               endian representation. Must not be {@code null}.
1283         * @param d      The private exponent. It is represented as the Base64URL
1284         *               encoding of the value's big endian representation. May
1285         *               be {@code null}.
1286         * @param p      The first prime factor. It is represented as the
1287         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1288         *               representation. May be {@code null}.
1289         * @param q      The second prime factor. It is represented as the
1290         *               Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian
1291         *               representation. May be {@code null}.
1292         * @param dp     The first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent. It
1293         *               is represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's
1294         *               big endian representation. May be {@code null}.
1295         * @param dq     The second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem exponent. It
1296         *               is represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's
1297         *               big endian representation. May be {@code null}.
1298         * @param qi     The first Chinese Remainder Theorem coefficient. It is
1299         *               represented as the Base64URL encoding of the value's big
1300         *               endian representation. May be {@code null}.
1301         * @param oth    The other primes information, should they exist,
1302         *               {@code null} or an empty list if not specified.
1303         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the key
1304         *               is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1305         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1306         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null} if
1307         *               not specified.
1308         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1309         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not specified.
1310         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1311         *               if not specified.
1312         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1313         *               if not specified.
1314         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1315         *               specified.
1316         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1317         *               not specified.
1318         */
1319        public RSAKey(final Base64URL n, final Base64URL e,
1320                      final Base64URL d,
1321                      final Base64URL p, final Base64URL q,
1322                      final Base64URL dp, final Base64URL dq, final Base64URL qi,
1323                      final List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth,
1324                      final PrivateKey prv,
1325                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1326                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1327                      final KeyStore ks) {
1329                super(KeyType.RSA, use, ops, alg, kid, x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c, ks);
1332                // Ensure the public params are defined
1334                if (n == null) {
1335                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The modulus value must not be null");
1336                }
1337                this.n = n;
1340                if (e == null) {
1341                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The public exponent value must not be null");
1342                }
1343                this.e = e;
1345                if (getParsedX509CertChain() != null) {
1346                        if (! matches(getParsedX509CertChain().get(0)))
1347                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The public subject key info of the first X.509 certificate in the chain must match the JWK type and public parameters");
1348                }
1350                // Private params, 1st representation
1352                this.d = d;
1355                // Private params, 2nd representation, check for consistency
1357                if (p != null && q != null && dp != null && dq != null && qi != null) {
1359                        // CRT params fully specified
1360                        this.p = p;
1361                        this.q = q;
1362                        this.dp = dp;
1363                        this.dq = dq;
1364                        this.qi = qi;
1366                        // Other RSA primes info optional, default to empty list
1367                        if (oth != null) {
1368                                this.oth = Collections.unmodifiableList(oth);
1369                        } else {
1370                                this.oth = Collections.emptyList();
1371                        }
1373                } else if (p == null && q == null && dp == null && dq == null && qi == null && oth == null) {
1375                        // No CRT params
1376                        this.p = null;
1377                        this.q = null;
1378                        this.dp = null;
1379                        this.dq = null;
1380                        this.qi = null;
1382                        this.oth = Collections.emptyList();
1384                } else if (p != null || q != null || dp != null || dq != null || qi != null) {
1386                        if (p == null) {
1387                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomplete second private (CRT) representation: The first prime factor must not be null");
1388                        } else if (q == null) {
1389                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomplete second private (CRT) representation: The second prime factor must not be null");
1390                        } else if (dp == null) {
1391                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomplete second private (CRT) representation: The first factor CRT exponent must not be null");
1392                        } else if (dq == null) {
1393                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomplete second private (CRT) representation: The second factor CRT exponent must not be null");
1394                        } else {
1395                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomplete second private (CRT) representation: The first CRT coefficient must not be null");
1396                        }
1397                } else {
1398                        // No CRT params
1399                        this.p = null;
1400                        this.q = null;
1401                        this.dp = null;
1402                        this.dq = null;
1403                        this.qi = null;
1404                        this.oth = Collections.emptyList();
1405                }
1407                this.privateKey = prv; // PKCS#11 handle
1408        }
1411        /**
1412         * Creates a new public RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the specified
1413         * parameters.
1414         * 
1415         * @param pub    The public RSA key to represent. Must not be
1416         *               {@code null}.
1417         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1418         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1419         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1420         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1421         *               if not specified.
1422         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1423         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1424         *               specified.
1425         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1426         *               if not specified.
1427         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1428         *               if not specified.
1429         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1430         *               specified.
1431         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1432         *               not specified.
1433         */
1434        public RSAKey(final RSAPublicKey pub,
1435                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1436                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1437                      final KeyStore ks) {
1439                this(Base64URL.encode(pub.getModulus()),
1440                        Base64URL.encode(pub.getPublicExponent()),
1441                        use, ops, alg, kid,
1442                        x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1443                        ks);
1444        }
1447        /**
1448         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the 
1449         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by its first
1450         * representation (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
1451         * 
1452         * @param pub    The public RSA key to represent. Must not be
1453         *               {@code null}.
1454         * @param priv   The private RSA key to represent. Must not be
1455         *               {@code null}.
1456         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1457         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1458         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1459         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1460         *               if not specified.
1461         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1462         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1463         *               specified.
1464         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1465         *               if not specified.
1466         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1467         *               if not specified.
1468         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1469         *               specified.
1470         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1471         *               not specified.
1472         */
1473        public RSAKey(final RSAPublicKey pub, final RSAPrivateKey priv,
1474                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1475                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1476                      final KeyStore ks) {
1478                this(Base64URL.encode(pub.getModulus()), 
1479                     Base64URL.encode(pub.getPublicExponent()), 
1480                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrivateExponent()),
1481                     use, ops, alg, kid,
1482                     x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1483                     ks);
1484        }
1487        /**
1488         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the 
1489         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by its second
1490         * representation (see RFC 3447, section 3.2).
1491         * 
1492         * @param pub    The public RSA key to represent. Must not be
1493         *               {@code null}.
1494         * @param priv   The private RSA key to represent. Must not be
1495         *               {@code null}.
1496         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1497         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1498         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1499         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1500         *               if not specified.
1501         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1502         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1503         *               specified.
1504         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1505         *               if not specified.
1506         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1507         *               if not specified.
1508         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1509         *               specified.
1510         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1511         *               not specified.
1512         */
1513        public RSAKey(final RSAPublicKey pub, final RSAPrivateCrtKey priv,
1514                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1515                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1516                      final KeyStore ks) {
1518                this(Base64URL.encode(pub.getModulus()), 
1519                     Base64URL.encode(pub.getPublicExponent()), 
1520                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrivateExponent()),
1521                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeP()),
1522                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeQ()),
1523                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentP()),
1524                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentQ()),
1525                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getCrtCoefficient()),
1526                     null,
1527                     null,
1528                     use, ops, alg, kid,
1529                     x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1530                     ks);
1531        }
1534        /**
1535         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the 
1536         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by its second
1537         * representation, with optional other primes info (see RFC 3447, 
1538         * section 3.2).
1539         * 
1540         * @param pub    The public RSA key to represent. Must not be
1541         *               {@code null}.
1542         * @param priv   The private RSA key to represent. Must not be
1543         *               {@code null}.
1544         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1545         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1546         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1547         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1548         *               if not specified.
1549         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1550         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1551         *               specified.
1552         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1553         *               if not specified.
1554         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1555         *               if not specified.
1556         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1557         *               specified.
1558         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1559         *               not specified.
1560         */
1561        public RSAKey(final RSAPublicKey pub, final RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey priv,
1562                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1563                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1564                      final KeyStore ks) {
1566                this(Base64URL.encode(pub.getModulus()), 
1567                     Base64URL.encode(pub.getPublicExponent()), 
1568                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrivateExponent()),
1569                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeP()),
1570                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeQ()),
1571                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentP()),
1572                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getPrimeExponentQ()),
1573                     Base64URL.encode(priv.getCrtCoefficient()),
1574                     OtherPrimesInfo.toList(priv.getOtherPrimeInfo()),
1575                     null,
1576                     use, ops, alg, kid,
1577                     x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1578                     ks);
1579        }
1582        /**
1583         * Creates a new public / private RSA JSON Web Key (JWK) with the
1584         * specified parameters. The private RSA key is specified by a PKCS#11
1585         * handle.
1586         *
1587         * @param pub    The public RSA key to represent. Must not be
1588         *               {@code null}.
1589         * @param priv   The private RSA key as PKCS#11 handle, {@code null} if
1590         *               not specified.
1591         * @param use    The key use, {@code null} if not specified or if the
1592         *               key is intended for signing as well as encryption.
1593         * @param ops    The key operations, {@code null} if not specified.
1594         * @param alg    The intended JOSE algorithm for the key, {@code null}
1595         *               if not specified.
1596         * @param kid    The key ID. {@code null} if not specified.
1597         * @param x5u    The X.509 certificate URL, {@code null} if not
1598         *               specified.
1599         * @param x5t    The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint, {@code null}
1600         *               if not specified.
1601         * @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint, {@code null}
1602         *               if not specified.
1603         * @param x5c    The X.509 certificate chain, {@code null} if not
1604         *               specified.
1605         * @param ks     Reference to the underlying key store, {@code null} if
1606         *               not specified.
1607         */
1608        public RSAKey(final RSAPublicKey pub, final PrivateKey priv,
1609                      final KeyUse use, final Set<KeyOperation> ops, final Algorithm alg, final String kid,
1610                      final URI x5u, final Base64URL x5t, final Base64URL x5t256, final List<Base64> x5c,
1611                      final KeyStore ks) {
1613                this(Base64URL.encode(pub.getModulus()),
1614                        Base64URL.encode(pub.getPublicExponent()),
1615                        null,
1616                        null,
1617                        null,
1618                        null,
1619                        null,
1620                        null,
1621                        null,
1622                        priv,
1623                        use, ops, alg, kid,
1624                        x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c,
1625                        ks);
1626        }
1629        /**
1630         * Gets the modulus value ({@code n}) of the RSA key.
1631         *
1632         * @return The RSA key modulus. It is represented as the Base64URL 
1633         *         encoding of the value's big endian representation.
1634         */
1635        public Base64URL getModulus() {
1637                return n;
1638        }
1641        /**
1642         * Gets the public exponent ({@code e}) of the RSA key.
1643         *
1644         * @return The public RSA key exponent. It is represented as the 
1645         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation.
1646         */
1647        public Base64URL getPublicExponent() {
1649                return e;
1650        }
1653        /**
1654         * Gets the private exponent ({@code d}) of the RSA key.
1655         *
1656         * @return The private RSA key exponent. It is represented as the 
1657         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation. 
1658         *         {@code null} if not specified (for a public key or a private
1659         *         key using the second representation only).
1660         */
1661        public Base64URL getPrivateExponent() {
1663                return d;
1664        }
1667        /**
1668         * Gets the first prime factor ({@code p}) of the private RSA key. 
1669         *
1670         * @return The RSA first prime factor. It is represented as the 
1671         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation. 
1672         *         {@code null} if not specified (for a public key or a private
1673         *         key using the first representation only).
1674         */
1675        public Base64URL getFirstPrimeFactor() {
1677                return p;
1678        }
1681        /**
1682         * Gets the second prime factor ({@code q}) of the private RSA key.
1683         *
1684         * @return The RSA second prime factor. It is represented as the 
1685         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation. 
1686         *         {@code null} if not specified (for a public key or a private
1687         *         key using the first representation only).
1688         */
1689        public Base64URL getSecondPrimeFactor() {
1691                return q;
1692        }
1695        /**
1696         * Gets the first factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) exponent
1697         * ({@code dp}) of the private RSA key.
1698         *
1699         * @return The RSA first factor CRT exponent. It is represented as the 
1700         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation. 
1701         *         {@code null} if not specified (for a public key or a private
1702         *         key using the first representation only).
1703         */
1704        public Base64URL getFirstFactorCRTExponent() {
1706                return dp;
1707        }
1710        /**
1711         * Gets the second factor Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) exponent 
1712         * ({@code dq}) of the private RSA key.
1713         *
1714         * @return The RSA second factor CRT exponent. It is represented as the 
1715         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation. 
1716         *         {@code null} if not specified (for a public key or a private
1717         *         key using the first representation only).
1718         */
1719        public Base64URL getSecondFactorCRTExponent() {
1721                return dq;
1722        }
1725        /**
1726         * Gets the first Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) coefficient
1727         * ({@code qi})} of the private RSA key.
1728         *
1729         * @return The RSA first CRT coefficient. It is represented as the 
1730         *         Base64URL encoding of the value's big endian representation. 
1731         *         {@code null} if not specified (for a public key or a private
1732         *         key using the first representation only).
1733         */
1734        public Base64URL getFirstCRTCoefficient() {
1736                return qi;
1737        }
1740        /**
1741         * Gets the other primes information ({@code oth}) for the private RSA
1742         * key, should they exist.
1743         *
1744         * @return The RSA other primes information, {@code null} or empty list
1745         *         if not specified.
1746         */
1747        public List<OtherPrimesInfo> getOtherPrimes() {
1749                return oth;
1750        }
1753        /**
1754         * Returns a standard {@code java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey} 
1755         * representation of this RSA JWK.
1756         * 
1757         * @return The public RSA key.
1758         * 
1759         * @throws JOSEException If RSA is not supported by the underlying Java
1760         *                       Cryptography (JCA) provider or if the JWK
1761         *                       parameters are invalid for a public RSA key.
1762         */
1763        public RSAPublicKey toRSAPublicKey() 
1764                throws JOSEException {
1766                BigInteger modulus = n.decodeToBigInteger();
1767                BigInteger exponent = e.decodeToBigInteger();
1769                RSAPublicKeySpec spec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, exponent);
1771                try {
1772                        KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
1774                        return (RSAPublicKey) factory.generatePublic(spec);
1776                } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
1778                        throw new JOSEException(e.getMessage(), e);
1779                }
1780        }
1783        /**
1784         * Returns a standard {@code java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey} 
1785         * representation of this RSA JWK.
1786         * 
1787         * @return The private RSA key, {@code null} if not specified by this
1788         *         JWK.
1789         * 
1790         * @throws JOSEException If RSA is not supported by the underlying Java
1791         *                       Cryptography (JCA) provider or if the JWK
1792         *                       parameters are invalid for a private RSA key.
1793         */
1794        public RSAPrivateKey toRSAPrivateKey() 
1795                throws JOSEException {
1797                if (d == null) {
1798                        // no private key
1799                        return null;
1800                }
1802                BigInteger modulus = n.decodeToBigInteger();
1803                BigInteger privateExponent = d.decodeToBigInteger();
1805                RSAPrivateKeySpec spec;
1807                if (p == null) {
1808                        // Use 1st representation
1809                        spec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(modulus, privateExponent);
1811                } else {
1812                        // Use 2nd (CRT) representation
1813                        BigInteger publicExponent = e.decodeToBigInteger();
1814                        BigInteger primeP = p.decodeToBigInteger();
1815                        BigInteger primeQ = q.decodeToBigInteger();
1816                        BigInteger primeExponentP = dp.decodeToBigInteger();
1817                        BigInteger primeExponentQ = dq.decodeToBigInteger();
1818                        BigInteger crtCoefficient = qi.decodeToBigInteger();
1820                        if (oth != null && ! oth.isEmpty()) {
1821                                // Construct other info spec
1822                                RSAOtherPrimeInfo[] otherInfo = new RSAOtherPrimeInfo[oth.size()];
1824                                for (int i=0; i < oth.size(); i++) {
1826                                        OtherPrimesInfo opi = oth.get(i);
1828                                        BigInteger otherPrime = opi.getPrimeFactor().decodeToBigInteger();
1829                                        BigInteger otherPrimeExponent = opi.getFactorCRTExponent().decodeToBigInteger();
1830                                        BigInteger otherCrtCoefficient = opi.getFactorCRTCoefficient().decodeToBigInteger();
1832                                        otherInfo[i] = new RSAOtherPrimeInfo(otherPrime,
1833                                                                             otherPrimeExponent,
1834                                                                             otherCrtCoefficient);
1835                                }
1837                                spec = new RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKeySpec(modulus,
1838                                                                          publicExponent,
1839                                                                          privateExponent,
1840                                                                          primeP,
1841                                                                          primeQ,
1842                                                                          primeExponentP,
1843                                                                          primeExponentQ,
1844                                                                          crtCoefficient,
1845                                                                          otherInfo);
1846                        } else {
1847                                // Construct spec with no other info
1848                                spec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(modulus,
1849                                                                publicExponent,
1850                                                                privateExponent,
1851                                                                primeP,
1852                                                                primeQ,
1853                                                                primeExponentP,
1854                                                                primeExponentQ,
1855                                                                crtCoefficient);        
1856                        } 
1857                }
1859                try {
1860                        KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
1862                        return (RSAPrivateKey) factory.generatePrivate(spec);
1864                } catch (InvalidKeySpecException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
1866                        throw new JOSEException(e.getMessage(), e);
1867                }
1868        }
1871        @Override
1872        public PublicKey toPublicKey()
1873                throws JOSEException {
1875                return toRSAPublicKey();
1876        }
1879        @Override
1880        public PrivateKey toPrivateKey()
1881                throws JOSEException {
1883                PrivateKey prv = toRSAPrivateKey();
1885                if (prv != null) {
1886                        // Return private RSA key with key material
1887                        return prv;
1888                }
1890                // Return private RSA key as PKCS#11 handle, or null
1891                return privateKey;
1892        }
1895        /**
1896         * Returns a standard {@code java.security.KeyPair} representation of 
1897         * this RSA JWK.
1898         * 
1899         * @return The RSA key pair. The private RSA key will be {@code null} 
1900         *         if not specified.
1901         * 
1902         * @throws JOSEException If RSA is not supported by the underlying Java
1903         *                       Cryptography (JCA) provider or if the JWK
1904         *                       parameters are invalid for a public and / or
1905         *                       private RSA key.
1906         */
1907        @Override
1908        public KeyPair toKeyPair() 
1909                throws JOSEException {
1911                return new KeyPair(toRSAPublicKey(), toPrivateKey());
1912        }
1915        @Override
1916        public boolean matches(final X509Certificate cert) {
1918                RSAPublicKey certRSAKey;
1919                try {
1920                        certRSAKey = (RSAPublicKey) getParsedX509CertChain().get(0).getPublicKey();
1921                } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
1922                        return false;
1923                }
1924                if (! e.decodeToBigInteger().equals(certRSAKey.getPublicExponent())) {
1925                        return false;
1926                }
1927                return n.decodeToBigInteger().equals(certRSAKey.getModulus());
1928        }
1931        @Override
1932        public LinkedHashMap<String,?> getRequiredParams() {
1934                // Put mandatory params in sorted order
1935                LinkedHashMap<String,String> requiredParams = new LinkedHashMap<>();
1936                requiredParams.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_EXPONENT, e.toString());
1937                requiredParams.put(JWKParameterNames.KEY_TYPE, getKeyType().getValue());
1938                requiredParams.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_MODULUS, n.toString());
1939                return requiredParams;
1940        }
1943        @Override
1944        public boolean isPrivate() {
1946                // Check if 1st or 2nd form params are specified, or PKCS#11 handle
1947                return d != null || p != null || privateKey != null;
1948        }
1951        @Override
1952        public int size() {
1954                try {
1955                        return ByteUtils.safeBitLength(n.decode());
1956                } catch (IntegerOverflowException e) {
1957                        throw new ArithmeticException(e.getMessage());
1958                }
1959        }
1962        /**
1963         * Returns a copy of this RSA JWK with any private values removed.
1964         *
1965         * @return The copied public RSA JWK.
1966         */
1967        @Override
1968        public RSAKey toPublicJWK() {
1970                return new RSAKey(
1971                        getModulus(), getPublicExponent(),
1972                        getKeyUse(), getKeyOperations(), getAlgorithm(), getKeyID(),
1973                        getX509CertURL(), getX509CertThumbprint(), getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint(), getX509CertChain(),
1974                        getKeyStore());
1975        }
1978        @Override
1979        public  Map<String, Object> toJSONObject() {
1981                Map<String, Object> o = super.toJSONObject();
1983                // Append public RSA key specific attributes
1984                o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_MODULUS, n.toString());
1985                o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_EXPONENT, e.toString());
1986                if (d != null) {
1987                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, d.toString());
1988                }
1989                if (p != null) {
1990                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_FIRST_PRIME_FACTOR, p.toString());
1991                }
1992                if (q != null) {
1993                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_SECOND_PRIME_FACTOR, q.toString());
1994                }
1995                if (dp != null) {
1996                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_FIRST_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT, dp.toString());
1997                }
1998                if (dq != null) {
1999                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_SECOND_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT, dq.toString());
2000                }
2001                if (qi != null) {
2002                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_FIRST_CRT_COEFFICIENT, qi.toString());
2003                }
2004                if (oth != null && !oth.isEmpty()) {
2006                        List<Object> a = JSONArrayUtils.newJSONArray();
2008                        for (OtherPrimesInfo other : oth) {
2010                                 Map<String, Object> oo = JSONObjectUtils.newJSONObject();
2011                                oo.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES__PRIME_FACTOR, other.r.toString());
2012                                oo.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES__FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT, other.d.toString());
2013                                oo.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES__FACTOR_CRT_COEFFICIENT, other.t.toString());
2015                                a.add(oo);
2016                        }
2018                        o.put(JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES, a);
2019                }
2021                return o;
2022        }
2025        /**
2026         * Parses a public / private RSA JWK from the specified JSON object
2027         * string representation.
2028         *
2029         * @param s The JSON object string to parse. Must not be {@code null}.
2030         *
2031         * @return The public / private RSA JWK.
2032         *
2033         * @throws ParseException If the string couldn't be parsed to an RSA
2034         *                        JWK.
2035         */
2036        public static RSAKey parse(final String s)
2037                throws ParseException {
2039                return parse(JSONObjectUtils.parse(s));
2040        }
2043        /**
2044         * Parses a public / private RSA JWK from the specified JSON object 
2045         * representation.
2046         *
2047         * @param jsonObject The JSON object to parse. Must not be 
2048         *                   {@code null}.
2049         *
2050         * @return The public / private RSA Key.
2051         *
2052         * @throws ParseException If the JSON object couldn't be parsed to an
2053         *                        RSA JWK.
2054         */
2055        public static RSAKey parse(final Map<String, Object> jsonObject)
2056                throws ParseException {
2058                // Check key type
2059                if (! KeyType.RSA.equals(JWKMetadata.parseKeyType(jsonObject))) {
2060                        throw new ParseException("The key type \"kty\" must be RSA", 0);
2061                }
2063                // Parse the mandatory public key parameters
2064                Base64URL n = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_MODULUS);
2065                Base64URL e = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_EXPONENT);
2067                // Parse the optional private key parameters
2069                // 1st private representation
2070                Base64URL d = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT);
2072                // 2nd private (CRT) representation
2073                Base64URL p = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_FIRST_PRIME_FACTOR);
2074                Base64URL q = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_SECOND_PRIME_FACTOR);
2075                Base64URL dp = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_FIRST_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT);
2076                Base64URL dq = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_SECOND_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT);
2077                Base64URL qi = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_FIRST_CRT_COEFFICIENT);
2079                List<OtherPrimesInfo> oth = null;
2080                if (jsonObject.containsKey(JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES)) {
2082                        List<Object> arr = JSONObjectUtils.getJSONArray(jsonObject, JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES);
2083                        if(arr != null) {
2084                                oth = new ArrayList<>(arr.size());
2086                                for (Object o : arr) {
2088                                        if (o instanceof Map) {
2089                                                 Map<String, Object> otherJson = ( Map<String, Object>)o;
2091                                                Base64URL r = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(otherJson, JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES__PRIME_FACTOR);
2092                                                Base64URL odq = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(otherJson, JWKParameterNames.RSA_SECOND_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT);
2093                                                Base64URL t = JSONObjectUtils.getBase64URL(otherJson, JWKParameterNames.RSA_OTHER_PRIMES__FACTOR_CRT_COEFFICIENT);
2094                                                try {
2095                                                        oth.add(new OtherPrimesInfo(r, odq, t));
2096                                                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
2097                                                        throw new ParseException(iae.getMessage(), 0);
2098                                                }
2099                                        }
2100                                }
2101                        }
2102                }
2104                try {
2105                        return new RSAKey(n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, qi, oth, null,
2106                                JWKMetadata.parseKeyUse(jsonObject),
2107                                JWKMetadata.parseKeyOperations(jsonObject),
2108                                JWKMetadata.parseAlgorithm(jsonObject),
2109                                JWKMetadata.parseKeyID(jsonObject),
2110                                JWKMetadata.parseX509CertURL(jsonObject),
2111                                JWKMetadata.parseX509CertThumbprint(jsonObject),
2112                                JWKMetadata.parseX509CertSHA256Thumbprint(jsonObject),
2113                                JWKMetadata.parseX509CertChain(jsonObject),
2114                                null);
2116                } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
2117                        // Missing mandatory n or e, inconsistent 2nd spec,
2118                        // conflicting 'use' and 'key_ops', etc.
2119                        throw new ParseException(ex.getMessage(), 0);
2120                }
2121        }
2124        /**
2125         * Parses a public RSA JWK from the specified X.509 certificate.
2126         *
2127         * <p><strong>Important:</strong> The X.509 certificate is not
2128         * validated!
2129         *
2130         * <p>Sets the following JWK parameters:
2131         *
2132         * <ul>
2133         *     <li>The JWK use inferred by {@link KeyUse#from}.
2134         *     <li>The JWK ID from the X.509 serial number (in base 10).
2135         *     <li>The JWK X.509 certificate chain (this certificate only).
2136         *     <li>The JWK X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint.
2137         * </ul>
2138         *
2139         * @param cert The X.509 certificate. Must not be {@code null}.
2140         *
2141         * @return The public RSA key.
2142         *
2143         * @throws JOSEException If parsing failed.
2144         */
2145        public static RSAKey parse(final X509Certificate cert)
2146                throws JOSEException {
2148                if (! (cert.getPublicKey() instanceof RSAPublicKey)) {
2149                        throw new JOSEException("The public key of the X.509 certificate is not RSA");
2150                }
2152                RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey)cert.getPublicKey();
2154                try {
2155                        MessageDigest sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
2157                        return new RSAKey.Builder(publicKey)
2158                                .keyUse(KeyUse.from(cert))
2159                                .keyID(cert.getSerialNumber().toString(10))
2160                                .x509CertChain(Collections.singletonList(Base64.encode(cert.getEncoded())))
2161                                .x509CertSHA256Thumbprint(Base64URL.encode(sha256.digest(cert.getEncoded())))
2162                                .build();
2163                } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
2164                        throw new JOSEException("Couldn't encode x5t parameter: " + e.getMessage(), e);
2165                } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
2166                        throw new JOSEException("Couldn't encode x5c parameter: " + e.getMessage(), e);
2167                }
2168        }
2171        /**
2172         * Loads a public / private RSA JWK from the specified JCA key store.
2173         *
2174         * <p><strong>Important:</strong> The X.509 certificate is not
2175         * validated!
2176         *
2177         * @param keyStore The key store. Must not be {@code null}.
2178         * @param alias    The alias. Must not be {@code null}.
2179         * @param pin      The pin to unlock the private key if any, empty or
2180         *                 {@code null} if not required.
2181         *
2182         * @return The public / private RSA key, {@code null} if no key with
2183         *         the specified alias was found.
2184         *
2185         * @throws KeyStoreException On a key store exception.
2186         * @throws JOSEException     If RSA key loading failed.
2187         */
2188        public static RSAKey load(final KeyStore keyStore,
2189                                  final String alias,
2190                                  final char[] pin)
2191                throws KeyStoreException, JOSEException {
2193                java.security.cert.Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
2195                if (!(cert instanceof X509Certificate)) {
2196                        return null;
2197                }
2199                X509Certificate x509Cert = (X509Certificate)cert;
2201                if (! (x509Cert.getPublicKey() instanceof RSAPublicKey)) {
2202                        throw new JOSEException("Couldn't load RSA JWK: The key algorithm is not RSA");
2203                }
2205                RSAKey rsaJWK = RSAKey.parse(x509Cert);
2207                // Let kid=alias
2208                rsaJWK = new RSAKey.Builder(rsaJWK).keyID(alias).keyStore(keyStore).build();
2210                // Check for private counterpart
2211                Key key;
2212                try {
2213                        key = keyStore.getKey(alias, pin);
2214                } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
2215                        throw new JOSEException("Couldn't retrieve private RSA key (bad pin?): " + e.getMessage(), e);
2216                }
2218                if (key instanceof RSAPrivateKey) {
2219                        // Simple file based key store
2220                        return new RSAKey.Builder(rsaJWK)
2221                                .privateKey((RSAPrivateKey)key)
2222                                .build();
2223                } else if (key instanceof PrivateKey && "RSA".equalsIgnoreCase(key.getAlgorithm())) {
2224                        // PKCS#11 store
2225                        return new RSAKey.Builder(rsaJWK)
2226                                .privateKey((PrivateKey)key)
2227                                .build();
2228                } else {
2229                        return rsaJWK;
2230                }
2231        }
2234        @Override
2235        public boolean equals(Object o) {
2236                if (this == o) return true;
2237                if (!(o instanceof RSAKey)) return false;
2238                if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
2239                RSAKey rsaKey = (RSAKey) o;
2240                return Objects.equals(n, rsaKey.n) &&
2241                                Objects.equals(e, rsaKey.e) &&
2242                                Objects.equals(d, rsaKey.d) &&
2243                                Objects.equals(p, rsaKey.p) &&
2244                                Objects.equals(q, rsaKey.q) &&
2245                                Objects.equals(dp, rsaKey.dp) &&
2246                                Objects.equals(dq, rsaKey.dq) &&
2247                                Objects.equals(qi, rsaKey.qi) &&
2248                                Objects.equals(oth, rsaKey.oth) &&
2249                                Objects.equals(privateKey, rsaKey.privateKey);
2250        }
2253        @Override
2254        public int hashCode() {
2255                return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, qi, oth, privateKey);
2256        }