Interface CriticalHeaderParamsAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
AESDecrypter, DirectDecrypter, ECDH1PUDecrypter, ECDH1PUX25519Decrypter, ECDHDecrypter, ECDSAVerifier, Ed25519Verifier, MACVerifier, MultiDecrypter, PasswordBasedDecrypter, RSADecrypter, RSASSAVerifier, X25519Decrypter

public interface CriticalHeaderParamsAware
JSON Web Signature (JWS) verifier or JSON Web Encryption (JWE) decrypter that supports processing and / or deferral of critical (crit) header parameters.

JWS verification / JWE decryption will fail with a JOSEException if a critical header is encountered that is neither processed by the verifier / decrypter nor deferred to the application.

Vladimir Dzhuvinov
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the names of the critical (crit) header parameters that are deferred to the application for processing and will be ignored by the JWS verifier / JWE decrypter.
    Returns the names of the critical (crit) header parameters that are understood and processed by the JWS verifier / JWE decrypter.
  • Method Details

    • getProcessedCriticalHeaderParams

      Returns the names of the critical (crit) header parameters that are understood and processed by the JWS verifier / JWE decrypter.
      The names of the critical header parameters that are understood and processed, empty set if none.
    • getDeferredCriticalHeaderParams

      Returns the names of the critical (crit) header parameters that are deferred to the application for processing and will be ignored by the JWS verifier / JWE decrypter.
      The names of the critical header parameters that are deferred to the application for processing, empty set if none.