Class URIUtils

    • Method Detail

      • getBaseURI

        public static URI getBaseURI​(URI uri)
        Gets the base part (schema, host, port and path) of the specified URI.
        uri - The URI. May be null.
        The base part of the URI, null if the original URI is null or doesn't specify a protocol.
      • prependPath

        public static URI prependPath​(URI uri,
                                      String pathComponent)
        Prepends the specified path component to a URI. The prepended and any existing path component are always joined with a single slash ('/') between them
        uri - The URI, null if not specified.
        pathComponent - The path component to prepend, null if not specified.
        The URI with prepended path component, null if the original URI wasn't specified.
      • prependLeadingSlashIfMissing

        public static String prependLeadingSlashIfMissing​(String s)
        Prepends a leading slash `/` if missing to the specified string.
        s - The string, null if not specified.
        The string with leading slash, null if not originally specified.
      • stripLeadingSlashIfPresent

        public static String stripLeadingSlashIfPresent​(String s)
        Strips any leading slashes '/' if present from the specified string.
        s - The string, null if not specified.
        The string with no leading slash, null if not originally specified.
      • joinPathComponents

        public static String joinPathComponents​(String c1,
                                                String c2)
        Joins two path components. If the two path components are not null or empty they are joined so that there is only a single slash ('/') between them.
        c1 - The first path component, null if not specified.
        c2 - The second path component, null if not specified.
        The joined path components, null if both are not specified, or if one is null the other unmodified.
      • stripQueryString

        public static URI stripQueryString​(URI uri)
        Strips the query string from the specified URI.
        uri - The URI. May be null.'
        The URI with stripped query string, null if the original URI is null or doesn't specify a protocol.
      • removeTrailingSlash

        public static URI removeTrailingSlash​(URI uri)
        Removes the trailing slash ("/") from the specified URI, if present.
        uri - The URI. May be null.
        The URI with no trailing slash, null if the original URI is null.
      • ensureSchemeIsHTTPS

        public static void ensureSchemeIsHTTPS​(URI uri)
        Ensures the scheme of the specified URI is https.
        uri - The URI to check, null if not specified.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the URI is specified and the scheme is not https.
      • ensureSchemeIsHTTPSorHTTP

        public static void ensureSchemeIsHTTPSorHTTP​(URI uri)
        Ensures the scheme of the specified URI is https or http.
        uri - The URI to check, null if not specified.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the URI is specified and the scheme is not https or http.
      • ensureSchemeIsNotProhibited

        public static void ensureSchemeIsNotProhibited​(URI uri,
                                                       Set<String> prohibitedURISchemes)
        Ensures the scheme of the specified URI is not prohibited.
        uri - The URI to check, null if not specified.
        prohibitedURISchemes - The prohibited URI schemes (should be in lower case), empty or null if not specified.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the URI is specified and its scheme is prohibited.
      • ensureQueryIsNotProhibited

        public static void ensureQueryIsNotProhibited​(URI uri,
                                                      Set<String> prohibitedQueryParamNames)
        Ensures the query of the specified URI is not prohibited.
        uri - The URI to check, null if not specified.
        prohibitedQueryParamNames - The prohibited query parameter names, empty or null if not specified.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the URI is specified and includes prohibited query parameter names.
      • toStringList

        public static List<StringtoStringList​(Collection<URI> uriList)
        Returns a string list representation of the specified URI collection. Collection items that are null are not returned.
        uriList - The URI collection, null if not specified.
        The string list, null if not specified.
      • toStringList

        public static List<StringtoStringList​(Collection<URI> uriList,
                                                boolean ignoreNulls)
        Returns a string list representation of the specified URI collection.
        uriList - The URI collection, null if not specified.
        ignoreNulls - true to not include null values.
        The string list, null if not specified.