Package com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk
Classes for representing, serialising and parsing OAuth 2.0 client requests
and authorisation server responses.
Authorisation endpoint messages:
The client requests the end-user's authorisation to access a protected resource.AuthorizationResponse
The server grants the authorisation or returns an error:AuthorizationSuccessResponse
The server responds with an authorisation grant.AuthorizationErrorResponse
The server responds with an authorisation error.
Token endpoint messages:
The client requests an access token and optional refresh token using a previously issued authorisation code or other valid grant.TokenResponse
The server responds with an access token or returns an error:AccessTokenResponse
The server responds with an access token and optional refresh token.TokenErrorResponse
The server responds with a token error.
Token introspection endpoint messages:
The resource server requests an access token to be introspected.TokenIntrospectionResponse
The server responds with a token metadata or returns an error:TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse
The server responds with the token metadata.TokenIntrospectionErrorResponse
The server responds with an error.
Token revocation endpoint messages:
The client request revocation of a previously issued access or refresh token.
Protected resource messages:
The client makes a request to a protected resource using an OAuth 2.0 access token.
Interface Summary Interface Description ErrorResponse Response message indicating an error.Message Marker interface for OAuth 2.0 authorisation framework messages.Request Request message, serialises to an HTTP request.Response Response message, serialises to an HTTP response.SuccessResponse Response message indicating success. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractOptionallyAuthenticatedRequest Abstract request with optional client authentication.AbstractOptionallyIdentifiedRequest Abstract request with optional client authentication or client identification.AbstractRequest The base abstract class for requests.AccessTokenResponse Access token response from the Token endpoint.AssertionGrant Assertion grant.AuthorizationCode Authorisation code.AuthorizationCodeGrant Authorisation code grant.AuthorizationErrorResponse Authorisation error response.AuthorizationGrant Authorisation grant.AuthorizationRequest Authorisation request.AuthorizationRequest.Builder Builder for constructing authorisation requests.AuthorizationResponse The base abstract class for authorisation success and error responses.AuthorizationSuccessResponse Authorisation success response.ClientCredentialsGrant Client credentials grant.ErrorObject Error object, used to encapsulate OAuth 2.0 and other errors.GrantType Authorisation grant type.JWTBearerGrant JWT bearer grant.OAuth2Error Standard OAuth 2.0 authorisation and token endpoint errors.ProtectedResourceRequest Base abstract class for protected resource requests using an OAuth 2.0 access token.PushedAuthorizationErrorResponse Pushed authorisation error response.PushedAuthorizationRequest Pushed authorisation request.PushedAuthorizationResponse Pushed authorisation response.PushedAuthorizationSuccessResponse Pushed authorisation success response.RefreshTokenGrant Refresh token grant.RequestObjectPOSTErrorResponse Deprecated. RequestObjectPOSTRequest Deprecated. RequestObjectPOSTResponse Deprecated. RequestObjectPOSTSuccessResponse Deprecated. ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant Resource owner password credentials grant.ResponseMode Authorisation response mode.ResponseType Authorisation response type.ResponseType.Value Authorisation response type value.SAML2BearerGrant SAML 2.0 bearer grant.Scope Authorisation scope.Scope.Value Authorisation scope value.TokenErrorResponse OAuth 2.0 Token error response.TokenIntrospectionErrorResponse Token introspection error response.TokenIntrospectionRequest Token introspection request.TokenIntrospectionResponse Token introspection response.TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse Token introspection success response.TokenIntrospectionSuccessResponse.Builder Builder for constructing token introspection success responses.TokenRequest Token request.TokenResponse Token endpoint response.TokenRevocationRequest Token revocation request. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Role Enumeration of the OAuth 2.0 roles.Scope.Value.Requirement Enumeration of the scope value requirements for application-specific authorisation requests. -
Exception Summary Exception Description GeneralException The base class for checked exceptions defined in this SDK.ParseException Parse exception.SerializeException Serialization exception (unchecked).