Class SectorID

    • Constructor Detail

      • SectorID

        public SectorID​(String host)
        Creates a new sector identifier for the specified host.
        host - The host. Must not be empty or null.
      • SectorID

        public SectorID​(URI sectorURI)
        Creates a new sector identifier for the specified URI.
        sectorURI - The sector URI. Must contain a host component and must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • ensureHTTPScheme

        public static void ensureHTTPScheme​(URI sectorURI)
        Ensures the specified URI has a https scheme.
        sectorURI - The URI. Must have a https scheme and not be null.
      • ensureHostComponent

        public static String ensureHostComponent​(URI sectorURI)
        Ensures the specified URI contains a host component.
        sectorURI - The URI. Must contain a host component and not be null.
        The host component.