Class ResolveException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResolveException

        public ResolveException​(ErrorObject error,
                                AuthenticationRequest authRequest)
        Creates a new resolve exception.
        error - The associated OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 error. Must not be null.
        authRequest - The associated OpenID Connect authentication request. Must not be null.
      • ResolveException

        public ResolveException​(String exMessage,
                                String clientMessage,
                                AuthenticationRequest authRequest,
                                Throwable cause)
        Creates a new resolve exception. The error code is set to OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST_URI or OAuth2Error.INVALID_REQUEST_OBJECT depending on the request type.
        exMessage - The original exception message (to be logged). May be null.
        clientMessage - The message to pass back to the client in the error_description of the error code, null to use the default one.
        authRequest - The associated OpenID Connect authentication request, used to determine the error object. Must not be null.
        cause - The exception cause, null if not specified.