

package fetch

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. fetch
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait ByteRange extends AnyRef

  2. case class Conneg[T](value: T, q: Float = 1) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an acceptable value for content negotiation headers (Accept*).

  3. trait ConnegFormat[T] extends HttpGrammar with ValueFormat[Seq[Conneg[T]]]

    Used to parse / serialize content negotiation header values.

  4. sealed trait ETag extends AnyRef

    Represents HTTP entity tags.

  5. trait Encoding extends AnyRef

    Handles HTTP content encoding.

  6. final case class FullRange(from: Int, to: Int) extends ByteRange with Product with Serializable

  7. class Headers extends Parameters[Headers]

  8. trait HttpGrammar extends RegexParsers

  9. sealed trait Language extends AnyRef

    Represents an entity's language.

  10. sealed trait MediaType extends AnyRef

  11. class MediaTypeParameters extends Parameters[MediaTypeParameters]

  12. sealed trait Method extends AnyRef

  13. trait Parameters[Self <: Parameters[Self]] extends AnyRef

    Stores a list of name / value pairs.

  14. final case class PrefixRange(from: Int) extends ByteRange with Product with Serializable

  15. sealed trait Protocol extends AnyRef

    Represents a valid URL protocol.

  16. class QueryString extends AnyRef

    Represents an Url's query string.

  17. trait Request[A] extends AnyRef

    Represents an HTTP request.

  18. trait RequestEntity extends RequestEntityLike[RequestEntity]

  19. trait RequestEntityLike[+Self <: RequestEntityLike[Self]] extends AnyRef

  20. case class Response[A](status: Status, headers: Headers, body: A) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an HTTP response.

  21. class ResponseEntity extends AnyRef

    Represents a raw response entity.

  22. case class Status(code: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an HTTP status code, as defined in RFC 2616.

  23. final case class SuffixRange(to: Int) extends ByteRange with Product with Serializable

  24. trait TextRequestEntity extends RequestEntity with RequestEntityLike[TextRequestEntity]

  25. case class Url(protocol: Protocol, host: String, port: Int, path: List[String] = immutable.this.Nil, query: QueryString = ..., fragment: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  26. class UrlEncoder extends AnyRef

  27. trait ValueFormat[T] extends ValueReader[T] with ValueWriter[T]

    Compounds a ValueReader and ValueWriter.

  28. trait ValueReader[T] extends AnyRef

    Used to read parameter values from an instance of Parameters.

  29. trait ValueWriter[T] extends AnyRef

    Used to write parameter values to an instance of Parameters.

Value Members

  1. object ByteRange

  2. object Conneg extends Serializable

    Collection of implicit header formats for known content negotiation headers.

  3. val DefaultCharset: Charset

    Charset used for request or response entities when none is specified.

  4. object ETag

  5. object Encoding

  6. object Headers

  7. object HttpGrammar

  8. implicit val IntEntityParser: (ResponseEntity) ⇒ Int

  9. object Language

    Tools for creating instances of Language.

  10. object MediaType

    Defines MediaType implementations as well as known types.

  11. object MediaTypeParameters

  12. object Method

  13. object Protocol

    Declares known protocols and provides convenience methods.

  14. object QueryString

  15. object Request

  16. object RequestEntity

  17. object Response extends Serializable

  18. object ResponseEntity

  19. object Status extends Serializable

    Defines known HTTP status codes, as well as pattern match helpers.

  20. implicit val TextEntityParser: (ResponseEntity) ⇒ String

  21. object Url extends Serializable

  22. object ValueFormat

  23. object ValueReader

  24. object ValueWriter

  25. implicit def charsetToConneg(charset: Charset): Conneg[Charset]

  26. implicit def encodingToConneg(encoding: Encoding): Conneg[Encoding]

  27. implicit def fileToEntity(file: File): RequestEntity

  28. implicit def localeToConneg(locale: Locale): Conneg[Locale]

  29. implicit def mediaTypeToConneg(mediaType: MediaType): Conneg[MediaType]

  30. package net

  31. implicit def readerToEntity(reader: Reader): RequestEntity

  32. implicit def streamToEntity(in: InputStream): RequestEntity

  33. implicit def stringToEntity(str: String): RequestEntity

  34. implicit def urlToRequest(url: Url)(implicit engine: (Url, Method, Option[RequestEntity], Headers) ⇒ Response[ResponseEntity]): Request[Response[ResponseEntity]]

  35. def writeBytes(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream): Unit

    Writes the content of the specified input stream to the specified output stream.

    Writes the content of the specified input stream to the specified output stream. Note that this method does not wrap its arguments in buffered streams, nor will it close either stream.

  36. def writeChars(in: Reader, out: Writer): Unit

    Writes the content of the specified reader to the specified writer.

    Writes the content of the specified reader to the specified writer. Note that this method does not wrap its arguments in buffered implementations, nor will it close either stream.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
