

package codecs

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Codec[E, D, F, T] extends Decoder[E, D, F, T] with Encoder[E, D, T]

    Combines a Decoder and an Encoder.

  2. trait CodecCompanion[E, F, T] extends AnyRef

  3. trait Decoder[E, D, F, T] extends Serializable

    Type class for types that can be decoded from other types.

  4. trait DecoderCompanion[E, F, T] extends Serializable

    Provides methods commonly declared by companion objects for specialised decoder types.

  5. trait Encoder[E, D, T] extends Serializable

    Type class for types that can be encoded into others.

  6. trait EncoderCompanion[E, T] extends AnyRef

  7. trait Optional[A] extends Serializable

    Type class that represents data types that have an "empty" value.

  8. sealed abstract class Result[+F, +S] extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the result of a decode operation

Value Members

  1. object Codec extends Serializable

    Provides instance creation methods for Codec.

  2. object Decoder extends Serializable

  3. object Encoder extends Serializable

  4. object Optional extends Serializable

  5. object Result extends Serializable

  6. object ResultCompanion

    Provides trait that result companion object can extend.

  7. package collection

  8. package error

  9. package export

    Provides a simple mechanism to insert derived type class instances in the implicit resolution mechanism.

  10. package resource

  11. package strings

    Defines codecs for encoding to and decoding from strings.
