Class Strength

  • public class Strength
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Strength

        public Strength()
        This constructor is discouraged from use as it does not ensure all fields are initialized properly. Instead, use the Strength(CharSequence, double, List, long) constructor to provide all necessary data.
        Default constructor.
      • Strength

        public Strength​(java.lang.CharSequence password,
                        double guesses,
                        java.util.List<Match> sequence,
                        long calcTime)
        Constructs a Strength object with the given parameters.
        password - The password for which strength is calculated.
        guesses - Estimated number of guesses needed to crack the password.
        sequence - A list of matching patterns found in the password.
        calcTime - Time taken to calculate the password's strength.
    • Method Detail

      • getPassword

        public java.lang.CharSequence getPassword()
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(java.lang.CharSequence password)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the password.
      • getGuesses

        public double getGuesses()
      • setGuesses

        public void setGuesses​(double guesses)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the estimated number of guesses.
      • getGuessesLog10

        public double getGuessesLog10()
      • setGuessesLog10

        public void setGuessesLog10​(double guessesLog10)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the logarithm (base 10) of the estimated number of guesses.
      • setCrackTimeSeconds

        public void setCrackTimeSeconds​(AttackTimes.CrackTimeSeconds crackTimeSeconds)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the crack time in seconds.
      • setCrackTimesDisplay

        public void setCrackTimesDisplay​(AttackTimes.CrackTimesDisplay crackTimesDisplay)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the display times for crack attempts.
      • getScore

        public int getScore()
      • setScore

        public void setScore​(int score)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the score.
      • getFeedback

        public Feedback getFeedback()
      • setFeedback

        public void setFeedback​(Feedback feedback)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the feedback.
      • getSequence

        public java.util.List<Match> getSequence()
      • setSequence

        public void setSequence​(java.util.List<Match> sequence)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the sequence of matches.
      • getCalcTime

        public long getCalcTime()
      • setCalcTime

        public void setCalcTime​(long calcTime)
        Use constructor for initialization. Modifying after instantiation is not recommended.
        Sets the calculation time.
      • wipe

        public void wipe()
        Attempts to wipe any sensitive content from the object.