

package either

Convenience methods and implicits for working with scala.util.Either.

When working with Either, our convention is to right-bias correct values. That is, when working with an Either, prefer to use Either[Failure, Success] as the pattern.

Additionally, strongly prefer to use scala.util.Try over Either whenever a failure case is to be a Throwable. In general practice, this should encompass the vast majority of cases.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. either
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. implicit class AnyEitherToTry[E, A] extends AnyRef

    Implicit wrapper to convert arbitrary Either objects to scala.util.Try, right-biasing

    Implicit wrapper to convert arbitrary Either objects to scala.util.Try, right-biasing


    the Left type of the wrapped object


    the Right type of the wrapped object

  2. implicit class EitherOps[A] extends AnyRef

    Implicit wrapper to convert regular objects to scala.util.Either

    Implicit wrapper to convert regular objects to scala.util.Either

    import com.paypal.cascade.common.either._
    "hello".toRight[Throwable]               // Either[Throwable, String]
    "hello".toLeft[Int]                      // Either[String, Int]
    (new Throwable("error")).toLeft[String]  // Either[Throwable, String]

    the type of the wrapped object

  3. implicit class ThrowableEitherToTry[A] extends AnyRef

    Implicit wrapper to convert Either[Throwable, A] objects to scala.util.Try, right-biasing

    Implicit wrapper to convert Either[Throwable, A] objects to scala.util.Try, right-biasing


    the Right type of the wrapped object

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
