Class RaoResultWithAngleMonitoring

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RaoResultWithAngleMonitoring extends RaoResultClone
class that enhances rao result with angle monitoring results
Mohamed Ben Rejeb <mohamed.ben-rejeb at>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getComputationStatus

      public ComputationStatus getComputationStatus()
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      Get the overall sensitivity computation status of the RAO
      Specified by:
      getComputationStatus in interface RaoResult
      getComputationStatus in class RaoResultClone
    • getAngle

      public double getAngle(Instant optimizationInstant, AngleCnec angleCnec, Unit unit)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      It gives the angle on an AngleCnec at a given Instant and in a given Unit.
      optimizationInstant - : The optimized instant to be studied (set to null to access initial results)
      angleCnec - : The angle cnec to be studied.
      unit - : The unit in which the flow is queried. Only accepted value for now is DEGREE.
      The angle on the cnec at the optimization state in the given unit.
    • getMargin

      public double getMargin(Instant optimizationInstant, AngleCnec angleCnec, Unit unit)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      It gives the margin on an AngleCnec at a given Instant and in a given Unit. It is basically the difference between the angle and the most constraining threshold in the angle direction of the given branch. If it is negative the cnec is under constraint.
      optimizationInstant - : The optimized instant to be studied (set to null to access initial results)
      angleCnec - : The angle cnec to be studied.
      unit - : The unit in which the margin is queried. Only accepted for now is DEGREE.
      The margin on the angle cnec at the optimization state in the given unit.
    • getActivatedNetworkActionsDuringState

      public Set<NetworkAction> getActivatedNetworkActionsDuringState(State state)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      It gathers the NetworkAction that are activated during the specified State.
      Specified by:
      getActivatedNetworkActionsDuringState in interface RaoResult
      getActivatedNetworkActionsDuringState in class RaoResultClone
      state - : The state of the state tree to be studied.
      The set of activated network action during the specified state.
    • isActivatedDuringState

      public boolean isActivatedDuringState(State state, RemedialAction<?> remedialAction)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      It states if the RemedialAction is activated on a specific State.
      Specified by:
      isActivatedDuringState in interface RaoResult
      isActivatedDuringState in class RaoResultClone
      state - : The state of the state tree to be studied.
      remedialAction - : The remedial action to be studied.
      True if the remedial action is chosen by the optimizer during the specified state.
    • isActivatedDuringState

      public boolean isActivatedDuringState(State state, NetworkAction networkAction)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      It states if the NetworkAction is activated on a specific State.
      Specified by:
      isActivatedDuringState in interface RaoResult
      isActivatedDuringState in class RaoResultClone
      state - : The state of the state tree to be studied.
      networkAction - : The network action to be studied.
      True if the network action is chosen by the optimizer during the specified state.
    • isSecure

      public boolean isSecure(Instant instant, PhysicalParameter... u)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      Indicates whether the all the CNECs of a given type at a given instant are secure.
      Specified by:
      isSecure in interface RaoResult
      isSecure in class RaoResultClone
      instant - : The instant to assess
      u - : The types of CNECs to check (FLOW -> FlowCNECs, ANGLE -> AngleCNECs, VOLTAGE -> VoltageCNECs). 1 to 3 arguments can be provided.
      whether all the CNECs of the given type(s) are secure at the optimized instant.
    • isSecure

      public boolean isSecure(PhysicalParameter... u)
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      Indicates whether all the CNECs of a given type are secure at last instant (i.e. after RAO)..
      Specified by:
      isSecure in interface RaoResult
      isSecure in class RaoResultClone
      u - : The types of CNECs to check (FLOW -> FlowCNECs, ANGLE -> AngleCNECs, VOLTAGE -> VoltageCNECs). 1 to 3 arguments can be provided.
      whether all the CNECs of the given type(s) are secure at last instant (i.e. after RAO)..
    • isSecure

      public boolean isSecure()
      Description copied from interface: RaoResult
      Indicates whether all the CNECs are secure at last instant (i.e. after RAO)..
      Specified by:
      isSecure in interface RaoResult
      isSecure in class RaoResultClone
      whether all the CNECs are secure at last instant (i.e. after RAO)..