Interface OptimizationPerimeter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractOptimizationPerimeter, AutoOptimizationPerimeter, CurativeOptimizationPerimeter, GlobalOptimizationPerimeter, PreventiveOptimizationPerimeter

public interface OptimizationPerimeter
Data structure to store the information needed to run a search tree on a perimeter.
Baptiste Seguinot <baptiste.seguinot at>
  • Method Details

    • getMainOptimizationState

      State getMainOptimizationState()
      The main optimization state is: - the state on which the network actions are optimized - the first state (chronologically speaking) on which range actions are optimized
    • getRangeActionOptimizationStates

      Set<State> getRangeActionOptimizationStates()
      Returns the set of states on which range actions are optimized. In most cases, getRangeActionOptimizationStates() will only contain getMainOptimizationState() Though, if RangeActions are optimized in preventive and in curative (for instance, in the 2nd prev optimization), getRangeActionOptimizationStates() will gather all the states on which at least one RangeAction can be optimized.
    • getMonitoredStates

      Set<State> getMonitoredStates()
      Returns the set of states which are monitored by the perimeter A 'monitored state' is a state which contains at least one FlowCnec: - which is optimized, or - which is monitored, or - which has loop-flows which are monitored A 'monitored state' does not necessarily have RemedialActions
    • getFlowCnecs

      Set<FlowCnec> getFlowCnecs()
      Returns the set of FlowCnec which are either optimized or monitored by the perimeter
    • getOptimizedFlowCnecs

      Set<FlowCnec> getOptimizedFlowCnecs()
      Returns the set of FlowCnec which are optimized by the perimeter
    • getMonitoredFlowCnecs

      Set<FlowCnec> getMonitoredFlowCnecs()
      Returns the set of FlowCnec which are monitored by the perimeter
    • getLoopFlowCnecs

      Set<FlowCnec> getLoopFlowCnecs()
      Returns the set of FlowCnec whose loop-flows are monitored
    • getNetworkActions

      Set<NetworkAction> getNetworkActions()
      Returns the set of network actions which will be optimized on the main optimization state
    • getRangeActionsPerState

      Map<State,Set<RangeAction<?>>> getRangeActionsPerState()
      For each state of getRangeActionOptimizationStates(), returns the set of range actions which will be optimized on this state
    • getRangeActions

      Set<RangeAction<?>> getRangeActions()
      Returns a set of all the RangeActions that will be optimized on any state