

package crypto

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Aes extends CipherType

  2. abstract class AesEncryption extends AnyRef

    Provides a simple interface for AES encryption with SHA-256 digest verification.

  3. trait AesEncryption#decrypt extends MethodConstraint

  4. trait Blowfish extends CipherType

  5. trait CipherType extends AnyRef

  6. trait Decryption[C <: CipherType] extends AnyRef

  7. case class DecryptionException() extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  8. trait Des extends CipherType

  9. class Digest[T <: DigestType] extends Bytes

  10. trait DigestType extends AnyRef

  11. abstract class Digester[D <: DigestType] extends AnyRef

  12. class EncryptedData[C <: CipherType] extends Bytes

  13. trait Encryption[-C <: CipherType, Msg] extends AnyRef

  14. class HashedPassword extends Password

  15. case class HmacSigner(key: Bytes) extends Product with Serializable

  16. class JavaxCryptoImplementations[Codec <: CipherType] extends AnyRef

  17. class Key[C <: CipherType] extends Bytes

  18. trait Key#decrypt extends MethodConstraint

  19. trait KeyGenerator[K <: CipherType] extends AnyRef

  20. trait Md2 extends DigestType

  21. trait Md5 extends DigestType

  22. class Password extends AnyRef

  23. case class Salt(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  24. trait Sha1 extends DigestType

  25. trait Sha256 extends DigestType

  26. trait Sha384 extends DigestType

  27. trait Sha512 extends DigestType

  28. trait TripleDes extends CipherType

Value Members

  1. object Aes extends JavaxCryptoImplementations[Aes]

  2. object Blowfish extends JavaxCryptoImplementations[Blowfish]

  3. object Des extends JavaxCryptoImplementations[Des]

  4. object Digester

  5. object Hash

  6. object Key extends Serializable

  7. object Password

  8. package ciphers

  9. object digests
