

package dom

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Applicable[+ChildType, +ThisAttType, AppliedType[_ <: ElementType, _ <: ElementType, _ <: AttributeType]] extends AnyRef

  2. case class AppliedElement[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType](tagName: String, attributes: Map[AttributeKey[String, AttributeType], Any] = ..., children: List[DomNode[_ <: ElementType, ChildType, _ <: AttributeType]] = immutable.this.Nil, forceClosingTag: Boolean, block: Boolean) extends Element[ChildType, ThisType, AttType] with Product with Serializable

  3. class Attribute[Elem <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType, Value] extends Applicable[Elem, AttType, EmptyElement]

  4. abstract class AttributeKey[+Name <: String, AttType <: AttributeType] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  5. trait AttributeType extends AnyRef

  6. case class Comment(comment: String) extends DomNode[Nothing, Nothing, Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  7. trait DomFormatter[Output] extends AnyRef

  8. sealed abstract class DomNode[+ChildType <: ElementType, +ThisType <: ElementType, ThisAttType <: AttributeType] extends Applicable[ThisType, Nothing, AppliedElement]

  9. final case class DomNodes[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType](elements: Vector[Element[ChildType, ThisType, AttType]]) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

  10. trait DomNodes#apply extends MethodConstraint

  11. sealed abstract class Element[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType] extends ElementLike[ChildType, ThisType, AttType]

  12. trait Element#selectDynamic extends MethodConstraint

  13. sealed abstract class ElementLike[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType] extends DomNode[ChildType, ThisType, AttType] with Applicable[ThisType, Nothing, AppliedElement] with Dynamic with Product with Serializable

  14. case class ElementSeq[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType](elems: Iterable[Element[ChildType, ThisType, AttType]]) extends ElementLike[ChildType, ThisType, AttType] with Product with Serializable

  15. trait ElementType extends AnyRef

  16. case class EmptyElement[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType](tagName: String, attributes: Map[AttributeKey[String, AttributeType], Any], forceClosingTag: Boolean = false, block: Boolean = true) extends Element[ChildType, ThisType, AttType] with Product with Serializable

  17. case class MissingAttributeException(name: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  18. case class Tag[ChildType <: ElementType, ThisType <: ElementType, AttType <: AttributeType](forceClosingTag: Boolean = false, block: Boolean = true)(implicit assigned: AssignedName) extends Element[ChildType, ThisType, AttType] with Product with Serializable

  19. case class TextNode[ThisType <: ElementType, ThisAttType <: AttributeType, Position <: ElementType](text: String) extends DomNode[Position, ThisType, ThisAttType] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Applicable

  2. object Attribute

  3. object DomFormatter

  4. object DomMacros

  5. object Element extends Serializable

  6. package domFormatters
