Interface CurrencyContainer

    • Method Detail

      • currencyStrings

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> currencyStrings()
        Get a list of strings of currencies present in this field
        found currency codes or empty list
      • currencyString

        java.lang.String currencyString()
        Get the single currency contained in this field.
        null if no currency is contained - which should never happen, or throws an exception if more than one currency is present in this field.
      • currencies

        java.util.List<java.util.Currency> currencies()
        Utility method that creates a Currency for every string returned by currencyStrings()
        found currencies or empty list
      • initializeCurrencies

        void initializeCurrencies​(java.lang.String cur)
        Set the currency of this field. If this field contains more than one currency then all currency components will be set. Individual setComponentNN should be used to set only one component of the field.