Class AckMessageComparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AckMessageComparator
    extends SwiftMessageComparator
    A SwiftMessageComparator tailored for typical ACK matching using the full original message copy.

    Compares all values from block 1 2 3 and 4, ignoring session and sequence number in block1. The trailer block 5 if present in any of the messages is also ignored. Regarding multiline fields the EOL must be an exact match (meaning CRLF is not the same as just LF). And for block 2 Input, the optional fields for the Delivery Monitoring and Obsolescence Period are ignored during comparison.

    For ACK matching based on the MUR, see MurMessageComparator

    • Constructor Detail

      • AckMessageComparator

        public AckMessageComparator()