

package repl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BinnedData extends AnyRef

    User: austin Date: 1/29/15

    User: austin Date: 1/29/15

    Uses the magnet pattern to bin data, in preparation for building a histogram

  2. trait BinnedDataLowerPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef

  3. class CoupledTripletBinned[A, B, C] extends BinnedData

  4. class FunctionIterable[A, B] extends IterablePair[(B) ⇒ A, Iterable[B], A, B]

  5. trait HighchartsStyles extends Hold[Highchart] with Labels[Highchart] with WebPlotHighcharts

    Defines auxiliary tools available to plots, such as adding a Title

  6. trait Hold[T] extends PlotLike[T]

  7. class IterableBinned[A] extends BinnedData

  8. class IterableFunction[A, B] extends IterablePair[Iterable[A], (A) ⇒ B, A, B]

  9. class IterableIterable[A, B] extends IterablePair[Iterable[A], Iterable[B], A, B]

  10. trait IterablePair[A, B, C, D] extends AnyRef

    User: austin Date: 12/2/14

    User: austin Date: 12/2/14

    Uses the magnet pattern to resolve that Iterable with PartialFunction should be treated like Iterable instead of PartialFunction, since I want a method with the same name + type signature to work on both Iterable and Functions

  11. trait IterablePairLowerPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef

  12. trait Labels[T] extends PlotLike[T]

  13. class PairBinned[A, B] extends BinnedData

  14. trait PlotLike[T] extends AnyRef

    User: austin Date: 11/14/14

    User: austin Date: 11/14/14

    Defines a plotting api for interoperability with PlotServer. Stores the plots in a stack

  15. class PlotServer extends UnfilteredWebApp[Arguments]

    User: austin Date: 12/1/14

    User: austin Date: 12/1/14

    An unfiltered web-app for displaying graphs

  16. trait Plottable[T] extends PlotLike[T]

  17. class TrueTripletBinned[A, B, C] extends BinnedData

  18. trait UnfilteredWebApp[T <: Arguments] extends ArgMain[T]

    build up a little web app that serves static files from the resource directory and other stuff from the provided plan User: pierre Date: 10/3/13

  19. trait WebPlot[T] extends Plottable[T]

    Maintains the server statex

    Maintains the server statex


    : a Plotting type : Highchart or Vega

  20. trait WebPlotHighcharts extends WebPlot[Highchart]

    User: austin Date: 12/3/14
