
trait ReflectedHtmlAttrBuilder[RA[_, _]]

This trait builds objects representing reflected attributes which are typically on the left hand side of the reflectedAttr := value syntax.

This trait builds objects representing reflected attributes which are typically on the left hand side of the reflectedAttr := value syntax.

Reflected attributes are explained in the README file.

Also see com.raquo.domtypes.generic.defs.reflectedAttrs.ReflectedHtmlAttrs for a summary of reflected attributes. Basically it's a subset of HTML attributes that are fully mirrored as DOM properties, so typically you don't want to load both an attribute and a property of the same name.

Type Params

Reflected Attribute, canonically either com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.HtmlAttr or com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.Prop depending on whether you want to build properties or attributes

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def reflectedAttr[V, DomPropV](attrKey: String, propKey: String, attrCodec: Codec[V, String], propCodec: Codec[V, DomPropV]): RA[V, DomPropV]

Create a reflected attribute

Create a reflected attribute

Concrete methods

protected def booleanReflectedAttr(attrKey: String, propKey: String, attrCodec: Codec[Boolean, String]): RA[Boolean, Boolean]
protected def booleanReflectedAttr(key: String, attrCodec: Codec[Boolean, String]): RA[Boolean, Boolean]
protected def doubleReflectedAttr(key: String): RA[Double, Double]
protected def intReflectedAttr(attrKey: String, propKey: String): RA[Int, Int]
protected def intReflectedAttr(key: String): RA[Int, Int]
protected def stringReflectedAttr(attrKey: String, propKey: String): RA[String, String]
protected def stringReflectedAttr(key: String): RA[String, String]