
Type members


trait ClipboardEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent, DomClipboardEvent <: DomEvent]

Clipboard Events

Clipboard Events

For type param docs see EventPropBuilder

trait DocumentOnlyEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent]

Document Events

Document Events

For type param docs see EventPropBuilder

trait ErrorEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent, DomErrorEvent <: DomEvent]

For type param docs see EventPropBuilder

For type param docs see EventPropBuilder

trait FormEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent, DomElementFocusEvent <: DomElementTargetEvent, DomInputEvent <: DomEvent, DomElementTargetEvent <: DomEvent, DomHtmlElementTargetEvent <: DomEvent, DomFormElementTargetEvent <: DomEvent, DomInputElementTargetEvent <: DomEvent]()
Type Params

An event that has an Element as target. This event type has no corresponding type in JS DOM. See our own TypedTargetEvent trait.


An event that has an HTMLFormElement as target. This event type has no corresponding type in JS DOM. See our own TypedTargetEvent trait.


An event that has an HTMLElement as target. This event type has no corresponding type in JS DOM. See our own TypedTargetEvent trait.


An event that has an HTMLInputElement as target. This event type has no corresponding type in JS DOM. See our own TypedTargetEvent trait. - Strictly speaking, this type is not applicable to onInput because the latter can be fired on any HTMLElement that has contentEditable mode enabled. - Similarly for onChange and onSelect – these could also fire on an HTMLTextAreaElement.


DOM InputEvent Note: This type is not implemented in scala-js-dom

trait KeyboardEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent, DomKeyboardEvent <: DomEvent]

Keyboard Events - triggered by user actions on the keyboard

Keyboard Events - triggered by user actions on the keyboard

For type param docs see EventPropBuilder

trait MediaEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent]

Media Events - triggered by media like videos, images and audio. These apply to all HTML elements, but they are most common in media elements, like