
trait MouseEventProps[EP[_ <: DomEvent], DomEvent, DomMouseEvent <: DomEvent, DomElementMouseEvent <: DomMouseEvent, DomDragEvent <: DomMouseEvent]()

Mouse Events: triggered by a mouse, or similar user actions.

Mouse Events: triggered by a mouse, or similar user actions.

Type Params

A DomMouseEvent that has an Element as target. This event type has no corresponding type in JS DOM. See our own TypedTargetEvent trait.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete fields

lazy val onClick: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The click event is raised when the user clicks on an element. The click event will occur after the mousedown and mouseup events.

The click event is raised when the user clicks on an element. The click event will occur after the mousedown and mouseup events.


lazy val onContextMenu: EP[DomMouseEvent]

Script to be run when a context menu is triggered

Script to be run when a context menu is triggered

lazy val onDblClick: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The dblclick event is fired when a pointing device button (usually a mouse button) is clicked twice on a single element.

The dblclick event is fired when a pointing device button (usually a mouse button) is clicked twice on a single element.


lazy val onDrag: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run when an element is dragged

Script to be run when an element is dragged

lazy val onDragEnd: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run at the end of a drag operation

Script to be run at the end of a drag operation

lazy val onDragEnter: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target

Script to be run when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target

lazy val onDragLeave: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run when an element leaves a valid drop target

Script to be run when an element leaves a valid drop target

lazy val onDragOver: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target

Script to be run when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target

lazy val onDragStart: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run at the start of a drag operation

Script to be run at the start of a drag operation

lazy val onDrop: EP[DomDragEvent]

Script to be run when dragged element is being dropped

Script to be run when dragged element is being dropped

lazy val onMouseDown: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mousedown event is raised when the user presses the mouse button.

The mousedown event is raised when the user presses the mouse button.


lazy val onMouseEnter: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mouseenter event is fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved over the element that has the listener attached.

The mouseenter event is fired when a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved over the element that has the listener attached.

Similar to mouseover, it differs in that it doesn't bubble and that it isn't sent when the pointer is moved from one of its descendants' physical space to its own physical space.

With deep hierarchies, the amount of mouseenter events sent can be quite huge and cause significant performance problems. In such cases, it is better to listen for mouseover events.


lazy val onMouseLeave: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mouseleave event is fired when the pointer of a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved out of an element.

The mouseleave event is fired when the pointer of a pointing device (usually a mouse) is moved out of an element.

mouseleave and mouseout are similar but differ in that mouseleave does not bubble and mouseout does.

This means that mouseleave is fired when the pointer has exited the element and all of its descendants, whereas mouseout is fired when the pointer leaves the element or leaves one of the element's descendants (even if the pointer is still within the element).


lazy val onMouseMove: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mousemove event is raised when the user moves the mouse.

The mousemove event is raised when the user moves the mouse.


lazy val onMouseOut: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mouseout event is raised when the mouse leaves an element (e.g, when the mouse moves off of an image in the web page, the mouseout event is raised for that image element).

The mouseout event is raised when the mouse leaves an element (e.g, when the mouse moves off of an image in the web page, the mouseout event is raised for that image element).


lazy val onMouseOver: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mouseover event is raised when the user moves the mouse over a particular element.

The mouseover event is raised when the user moves the mouse over a particular element.


lazy val onMouseUp: EP[DomElementMouseEvent]

The mouseup event is raised when the user releases the mouse button.

The mouseup event is raised when the user releases the mouse button.


lazy val onWheel: EP[DomMouseEvent]

Fires when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element

Fires when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element